Features and Services

Some of the most important features that Cyrusmaster delivers are briefly listed below.

Users and user mailboxes administration

Shared folders and Bulletin Boards

Folder permissions and posting control

Delegated administration

Cyrusmaster introduces the following administrative attributes

Note 1 : The above administrative attributes represent the resources which can be allocated to a folder.

Maximum Quota Storage quota that can be assigned to each administration layer
Maximum Depth The maximum depth of the folder structure tree that the administrator is allowed to build in each administration layer
Maximum Children The maximum number of immediate subfolders that each folder may have.
Allowed Mail Domains The allowed mail domains which can be used to form the mail addresses of the folders.
User Pool An administrator might give permission on the folder to anyone. This way we face the problem of group spamming. User pool is a filter that restricts the users to whom permission on the folder can be assigned.

Note 2 : Currently cyrusmaster implements a concept of administration assignment as described above only for the root folders in the folder structure, due to the complexity that this concept implies and the lack of such features in the Cyrus server infrastructure.