* Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * @package useracl */ /** * Main routine - Business and Presentation Logic (GUI) are in here */ /* Path for SquirrelMail required files. */ define('SM_PATH','../../'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/config.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/imap_acl.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/functions.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/html.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/mailnotify.php'); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); if(isset($_POST['mbox'])) { $mbox = urldecode($_POST['mbox']); } if (isset($_GET['addacl'])) { $addacl = 1; } if(isset($_POST['perm_prev'])) { $perm_prev = $_POST['perm_prev']; } if(isset($_POST['mailbox'])) { $selected_mbox = urldecode($_POST['mailbox']); } elseif(isset($_GET['mailbox'])) { $selected_mbox = urldecode($_GET['mailbox']); } if(isset($_POST['notify'])) { $notify = true; } else { $notify = false; } if (isset($_POST['adduser'])) { $adduser = $_POST['adduser']; } if(isset($mbox) && isset($addacl)) { $selected_mbox = $mbox; } /* Useful For mail notifications */ $identity = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'identities'); if (isset($identity) && $identity != 'default') { $email_address = getPref($data_dir, $username,'email_address' . $identity); $full_name = getPref($data_dir, $username,'full_name' . $identity); // $reply_to = getPref($data_dir, $username,'reply_to' . $identity); } else { $from_mail = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); $full_name = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name'); $reply_to = getPref($data_dir, $username,'reply_to'); } /* i18n setup */ $lang_iso = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'language'); $lang = substr($lang_iso, 0, 2); $charset = $languages[$lang_iso]['CHARSET']; $location = get_location(); $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); if(sqimap_capability($imapConnection, 'ACL') == false ) { global $squirrelmail_language, $color; set_up_language($squirrelmail_language); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php'); $string = "\n" . 'IMAP server does not support the ACL capability, sorry.'; "\n"; error_box($string,$color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); exit; } $prev = bindtextdomain ('useracl', SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/locale'); textdomain ('useracl'); /* ----- Handle POST Actions ----- */ if( isset($_POST['update_all']) || isset($_POST['update']) || isset($adduser) || $show_ldap_cn == true) { if($check_user_method == 'ldap') { /* Initialize ldap handle */ if(!($ldap=ldap_connect($ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['host'], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['port']))) { print "Could not connect to LDAP server."; } if (isset($ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['binddn'])) { if (!ldap_bind($ldap, $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['binddn'], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['bindpw'])) { print "Could not bind to LDAP server."; } } } } if(isset($_POST['update_all'])) { /* Update All */ $all_users = $_POST['all_users']; for($i=0;$i $user, 'permission' => $permission, 'mailbox' => $mbox, 'type' => 'change'); } } } if(isset($re)) { if($re) { $successmsg[] = sprintf( _("Successfully changed permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } else { $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to change permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } } elseif(!isset($_POST['newuser'])) { $errormsg[] = sprintf (_("No changes in permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } } elseif(isset($_POST['update'])) { /* Update Single */ $user_sent = array_keys($_POST['update']); $user = $user_sent[0]; $permission = $_POST['perm_radio'][$user]; if($perm_prev[$user] != $permission) { $re = set_permission($imapConnection, $mbox, $user, $permission); if($notify) { $notify_users[] = array('user' => $user, 'permission' => $permission, 'mailbox' => $mbox, 'type'=>'change'); } } if(isset($re)) { if($re) { $successmsg[] = sprintf( _("Successfully changed permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } else { $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to change permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } } else { $errormsg[] = sprintf (_("No changes in permissions for folder %s"), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } } elseif(isset($_POST['delete_checked'])) { /* Delete Checked Permissions */ /* FIXME */ $delete_checked = $_POST['delete_checked']; for($i=0;$i $user, 'permission' => $permission, 'mailbox' => $mbox, 'type'=>'change'); } else { $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to give user %s %s permission for folder %s."), $user, _(ucfirst($permission)), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); } } elseif($ret = set_permission($imapConnection, $mbox, $user, $permission)) { /* Successfully added acl for user */ $successmsg[] = sprintf( _("User %s has been given %s permisssion for folder %s."), $user, _(ucfirst($permission)), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); $notify_users[] = array('user' => $user, 'permission' => $permission, 'mailbox' => $mbox, 'type'=>'new'); } else { /* User does not exist */ $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to give user %s %s permission for folder %s."), $user, _(ucfirst($permission)), imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox)); $errormsg[] = _("Specified user does not exist."); } } } /* --- Main --- */ /* ------------- Business Logic --------- */ $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection); for ($boxnum = 0; $boxnum < count($boxes); $boxnum++) { $mbox = $boxes[$boxnum]['unformatted']; if(!strstr($mbox, 'INBOX') || $mbox == 'INBOX' || in_array('noselect', $boxes[$boxnum]['flags'])) { unset($boxes[$boxnum]); } } // print_r($boxes); $boxes = array_values($boxes); //print "reorderred"; //print_r($boxes); $usernames = array(); /* Array to gather all usernames together */ foreach($boxes as $no=>$box) { $mbox = $box['unformatted']; /* Get ACLs only for subfolders of INBOX */ /* FIXME: Alternate namespace */ if(strstr($mbox, 'INBOX') && $mbox != 'INBOX' ) { sqimap_getacl($imapConnection, $mbox, $out); if(array_key_exists($username, $out)) { unset($out[$username]); } $perm[$mbox] = $out; } } $perm_array = create_human_readable_permarray($perm); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); if(isset($ldap)) { /* We require directory plugin */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/directory/functions.php'); /* Ask user full names so as to display nicely */ foreach($perm as $mbox=>$pe) { $usernames = array_merge($usernames, array_keys($pe)); } $usernames=array_unique($usernames); $usernames=array_values($usernames); if (!isset($ldap)) { if(!($ldap=ldap_connect($ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['host'], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['port']))) { print "Could not connect to LDAP server."; } if (isset($ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['binddn'])) { if (!ldap_bind($ldap, $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['binddn'], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['bindpw'])) { print "Could not bind to LDAP server."; } } } $filter = '(|(uid='; $filter .= implode(')(uid=', $usernames); $filter .= '))'; if($show_ldap_cn == true) { $attributes = array('cn', 'uid', 'mail'); } else { $attributes = array('uid', 'mail'); } if (!($sr = ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['base'], $filter, $attributes))) { print "Could not search for usernames."; } $entries = ldap_get_entries ($ldap, $sr); $names = array(); $mails = array(); for($i=0; $i<$entries['count']; $i++) { if($show_ldap_cn == true) { if(isset($entries[$i]['cn;lang-'.$lang][0])) { $names[$entries[$i]['uid'][0]] = directory_string_convert($entries[$i]['cn;lang-'.$lang][0], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['charset'], $charset); } elseif(isset($entries[$i]['cn'][0])) { $names[$entries[$i]['uid'][0]] = $entries[$i]['cn'][0]; } } if(isset($entries[$i]['mail'][0])) { $mails[$entries[$i]['uid'][0]] = $entries[$i]['mail'][0]; } } ldap_close($ldap); } /* --- Mail Notification --- */ /** * If there is mail notification to send, display the reminder/notice. */ if(isset($notify_users) && $notify) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver.class.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/mime.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/identity.php'); /* print "
	// $idents = get_identities();
	// print_r($idents);
	// if(sizeof($idents) == 1 ) {
	// 	print "one identity";
	// }
	print "
"; */ foreach($notify_users as $n=>$info) { // print "
Notify ". $no['user'].", ".$no['permission'].", ".$no['mailbox']."
"; $notifyMessage = new Message(); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $notifyMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $notifyMessage->reply_rfc822_header = ''; $body = useracl_prepare_notify_message($info); if(isset($mails)) { /* uids=>mails, taken from LDAP */ $send_to = $mails[$info['user']]; } else { $send_to = $info['user']. "@noc.edunet.gr"; } /* Debug: */ $send_to_cc = "avel@noc.edunet.gr"; /* if($check_user_method == 'ldap') { if (!isset($ldap)) { if(!($ldap=ldap_connect($ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['host'], $ldap_server[$ldap_server_no]['port']))) { print "Could not connect to LDAP server."; } ldap_search */ if($info['type'] == 'change' && $info['permission'] == 'none') { /* 'remove' */ $subject = sprintf("Notification for removal of access to shared folder, by user: %s, Folder: %s", $username, imap_utf7_decode_local($info['mailbox'])); } elseif($info['type'] == 'change') { /* 'change' */ $subject = sprintf("Notification for changes in access to shared folder, by user: %s, Folder: %s", $username, imap_utf7_decode_local($info['mailbox'])); } else { /* 'new' */ $subject = sprintf("Notification for new shared folder by user: %s, folder: %s", $username, imap_utf7_decode_local($info['mailbox'])); } $Result = deliverMessage($notifyMessage); if (! $Result) { $failnotify[] = $info; } else { $successnotify[] = $info; } unset($notifyMessage); } if(isset($failnotify)) { foreach($failnotify as $n=>$info) { if(isset($names[$info['user']])) { $info['printname'] = $info['user'] . ' ('.$names[$info['user']].')'; } else { $info['printname'] = $info['user']; } } if(sizeof($failnotify) == 1) { $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to send notification message to user %s"), $info['printname']); } elseif(sizeof($failnotify) > 1) { foreach($failnotify as $n=>$info) { $printnames[] = $info['printname']; } $errormsg[] = sprintf( _("Failed to send notification message to users: %s"), implode(', ',$printnames)); } } if(isset($successnotify)) { foreach($successnotify as $n=>$info) { if(isset($names[$info['user']])) { $info['printname'] = $info['user'] . ' ('.$names[$info['user']].')'; $successprint[] = $info['user'] . ' ('.$names[$info['user']].')'; } else { $info['printname'] = $info['user']; $successprint[] = $info['user']; } } if(sizeof($successprint) == 1) { $successmsg[] = sprintf( _("Successfully sent notification message to user %s"), $successprint[0]); } elseif(sizeof($successprint) > 1) { $successmsg[] = sprintf( _("Successfully sent notification message to users: %s"), implode(', ',$successprint)); } } /* echo '
'; echo '
' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '

' . '
' . '

'; */ } /* ------------- Presentation Logic --------- */ $js = << function SetChecked(val) { dml=document.usersList; len = dml.elements.length; var i=0; for( i=0 ; i ECHO; // print "
"; print_r($_POST); print "
"; if ($compose_new_win == '1' && isset($_GET['addacl'])) { displayHtmlHeader(_("Add New User Permission"), '', false); } else { $prev = bindtextdomain ('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('squirrelmail'); displayPageHeader($color, ''); $prev = bindtextdomain ('useracl', SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/locale'); textdomain ('useracl'); } // echo $js; /* print '
print '
'; */ $prev = bindtextdomain ('useracl', SM_PATH . 'plugins/useracl/locale'); textdomain ('useracl'); if(isset($successmsg)) { print '
'; foreach($successmsg as $msg) { print $msg . '
'; } print '
'; } if(isset($neutralmsg)) { print '
'; foreach($neutralmsg as $msg) { print $msg . '
'; } print '
'; } if(isset($errormsg)) { print '
'; foreach($errormsg as $msg) { print $msg . '
'; } print '
'; } useracl_html_printheader( _("User Permissions") ); useracl_html_print_all_sections_start(); foreach($boxes as $no=>$box) { $mbox = $box['unformatted']; if (isset($_GET['addacl'])) { if($mbox != $selected_mbox) { continue; } } if(strstr($mbox, 'INBOX') && $mbox != 'INBOX' && (isset($perm_array[$mbox]) || isset($addacl))) { $formname = "form_".str_replace(array('.','%', '-') , array('_','_','_'), rawurlencode($mbox)); useracl_html_print_section_start( sprintf( _("Current Permissions for Folder: %s") , ''.imap_utf7_decode_local($mbox).'')); print '
'; print ''; print ''; useracl_print_table_header(); if(isset($perm_array[$mbox])) useracl_print_array($perm_array[$mbox], $mbox); else useracl_print_array(array(), $mbox); useracl_print_addnew($formname); useracl_print_table_footer(); print '
'; print '
'; useracl_html_print_section_end(); unset($formname); } } if( ( isset($_GET['addacl']) && !isset($selected_mbox) ) || ( !isset($_GET['addacl']) ) ){ useracl_html_print_section_start( _("Add New User Permission") ); print '
'; print ''; useracl_print_table_header(); useracl_print_addnew_separate(); print '
'; print '
'; useracl_html_print_section_end(); } useracl_html_print_all_sections_end(); $prev = bindtextdomain ('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('squirrelmail'); if ($compose_new_win == '1' && isset($_GET['addacl'])) { print ''."\n"; } useracl_html_printfooter(); ?>