* * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team * and Alexandros Vellis * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING that came * with the Squirrelmail distribution. * * Also view plugins/README.plugins for more information. * * $Id: functions.php,v 1.18 2007/06/14 12:04:56 avel Exp $ * * @package plugins * @subpackage ldapuserdata */ /** * This file contains the main plugin functions that connect to, read from and * write to LDAP. */ require (SM_PATH . "plugins/ldapuserdata/config.php"); /** * Convenience function for connecting to LDAP. * * This is my convenience function for connecting to the LDAP database. * * @param str $bind Who to connect as to LDAP. One of squirrel, or manager, or * anonymous, or uid to search for. Note: 'user' is currently broken. * @param bool $master If I need to connect to Master LDAP database for writes. * @return object LDAP handle. * @todo Fix 'bind as user'; An ldap search on the user DN must first be done. */ function ldapuserdata_ldap_connect ($bind = 'squirrel', $master = false) { global $ldap_host, $ldap_master_host, $username, $ldap_base_dn, $ldap_network_timeout, $domain; if($master) { $ldap_host = $ldap_master_host; } $ldap_error = 0; if (!($ldap = ldap_connect($ldap_host))) { $errormsg = "Could not connect to LDAP!"; exit; } if (!ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) { $errormsg = "Failed to set protocol version to 3"; exit; } /* if (!$master) { if (!ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, $ldap_network_timeout)) { $errormsg = "Failed to set network timeout.\n"; } }*/ switch ($bind) { /* Broken - TODO. This will be the 'default' in the future. */ case 'user': global $login_password; /* FIXME, what's the name again? */ if (!($search_result = ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_base_dn, 'UID='. ldapspecialchars($uid), array('uid')))) { $errormsg = 'Could not do anonymous search in LDAP Directory.
'. 'So, binding as user cannot be done here.
'. 'Please contact your administrator.'; } $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search_result); if (!is_array($entries[0])) { $errormsg = "Error while searching for $uid:
" . "The username and/or password you have provided is incorrect."; session_destroy(); exit; } $binddn = $entries[0]['dn']; $bind_result = ldap_bind( $ldap, $binddn, $login_password); break; case 'manager': global $ldap_manager_dn, $ldap_manager_pw; $bind_result = ldap_bind( $ldap, $ldap_manager_dn, $ldap_manager_pw); break; case 'squirrel': default: global $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw; $bind_result = ldap_bind( $ldap, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw); break; } if (!$bind_result) { $errormsg = "Error while binding to LDAP server as $bind.
" . "Please contact your administrator.
". "If you are the administrator, please check the " . "credentials provided in the ldapuserdata plugin configuration."; exit; } return $ldap; } /** * Read user data from LDAP database. * * Data will be written to the session, in $_SESSION['ldap_prefs_cache'], * together with some additional data (such as $_SESSION['prefs_before'] for * doing compares when writing back, $_SESSION['dn'] for the user's * distinguished name etc. * * @return void */ function ldapuserdata_read_do() { global $login_username, $imapServerAddress, $full_name, $email_address, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_host, $authz, $domain; /* --- fill $ldap_prefs_cache with data from LDAP. --- */ $ret = ldapuserdata_retrieve_data($login_username, $ldap_prefs_cache, $extra_data); /* $prefs_before will remain, for checking if there are any changes to * write in the end. */ $prefs_before = $ldap_prefs_cache; /* Save sensitive information to session variables outside ldap prefs * cache, so that they cannot be tampered by the user. These are * located in $extra_data array. */ $full_name = $ldap_prefs_cache['full_name']; $email_address = $ldap_prefs_cache['email_address']; $imapServerAddress = $ldap_prefs_cache['imapServerAddress']; $vars = array('dn', 'ldapidentities', 'identities_map', 'alternatenames', 'alternateemails', 'authorizedreplyto', 'ludObjectClasses', 'ludDisabledServices', 'ldapuserinfo'); foreach($vars as $var) { if(isset($extra_data[$var])) { $$var = $extra_data[$var]; sqsession_register($$var, $var); } } $prefs_are_cached = true; sqsession_register($prefs_are_cached, 'prefs_are_cached'); sqsession_register($ldap_prefs_cache, 'ldap_prefs_cache'); sqsession_register($prefs_before, 'prefs_before'); sqsession_register($imapServerAddress, 'imapServerAddress'); sqsession_register($full_name, 'full_name'); sqsession_register($email_address, 'email_address'); } /** * Retrieve user data from an LDAP database. * * This function logs on to the LDAP server, returns the user preferences of * the specified user and logs out. * * @param string $uid UserID of the authorized user for whom to get preferences * @param array &$user_prefs Reference to the array where preferences will be stored. * @param array &$extra_info Reference to the array where extra data will be stored. * @return boolean */ function ldapuserdata_retrieve_data ($uid, &$user_prefs, &$extra_info) { global $ldap_host, $ldap_base_dn, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw, $ldap_manager_dn, $ldap_manager_pw, $required_objectclass, $ldap_objectclass, $prefs_default, $ldap_attributes, $boolean_attrs, $multivalue_attrs, $alternatemail_attrs, $ldap_user_search_filter, $languages, $default_charset, $sm_uoa_disabled_services_vars, $limit_languages, $plugins, $squirrelmail_default_language, $sm_options_to_save; $ldap = ldapuserdata_ldap_connect('squirrel', false); if (!($search_result = ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_base_dn, sprintf($ldap_user_search_filter, ldapspecialchars($uid)), array_merge( array_keys($ldap_attributes), array_keys($multivalue_attrs), array_keys($alternatemail_attrs), array('displayname', 'objectclass','smoptions'), array('edupersonprimaryaffiliation', 'edupersonprimaryorgunitdn'), ( !empty($sm_uoa_disabled_services_vars) ? $sm_uoa_disabled_services_vars : array() ) ) ))) { print "Error while searching for $uid."; exit; } $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search_result); ldap_close($ldap); if (!isset($info[0])) { logout_error( _("Unknown user or password incorrect.") ); session_destroy(); exit; } if(isset($required_objectclass)) { if(!in_array($required_objectclass, $info[0]['objectclass'])) { logout_error( _("User $uid does not have access to the mail service.")); session_destroy(); exit; } } /* Check if we have objectClass $ldap_objectclass (default: SquirrelMailUser) */ if (in_array($ldap_objectclass, $info[0]['objectclass'])) { $already_member = true; } else { $already_member = false; } if(!empty($info[0]['language'][0])) { $language = $info[0]['language'][0]; if($language == 'en_GR') { // MIGRATE - UOA $language = 'en_US'; } if(in_array('limit_languages', $plugins)) { include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/limit_languages/config.php'); if($language == null || !isset($language, $limit_languages)) { $language = $squirrelmail_default_language; } } } else { $language = $squirrelmail_default_language; } if(isset($languages[$language])) { $mycharset = $languages[$language]['CHARSET']; } else { $mycharset = $default_charset; } /* Read in LDAP Preferences */ if ($info["count"] == 1) { reset($ldap_attributes); while(list($ldapattr, $squirrelattr) = each($ldap_attributes)) { if (isset($info[0][$ldapattr][0])) { $prefs[$squirrelattr] = mb_convert_encoding( $info[0][$ldapattr][0], $mycharset, "UTF-8"); //print "DBG: $ldapattr aka $squirrelattr " .$info[0][$ldapattr][0] ."
"; } elseif($ldapattr == 'cn') { /* Special hack, for when only one or more of cn;lang-?? * exists, but not cn itself. */ foreach($languages as $lang => $attrs) { if (isset($info[0]['cn;lang-'.$lang]['count'])) { $prefs[$squirrelattr] = mb_convert_encoding( $info[0]['cn;lang-'.$lang][0], $mycharset, "UTF-8"); } } } } } else { print "Error, more than one $uid found."; exit; } // Overwrite $language in case it was changed. $prefs['language'] = $language; /* Special handling of some multivalue attributes: */ /* All options under smoptions multivalue attribute */ if(isset($info[0]['smoptions'])) { for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['smoptions']['count']; $i++) { $tmp = unserialize($info[0]['smoptions'][$i]); // now we''ll have something like array('javascript_autocomplete_options' => 2); $tmpkeys = array_keys($tmp); $mykey = $tmpkeys[0]; if(in_array($mykey, $sm_options_to_save)) { $prefs[$mykey] = $tmp[$mykey]; } } } /* Special treatment for POP mail-fetch. */ if (isset($info[0]['mailfetch']['count'])) { $prefs['mailfetch'] = $info[0]['mailfetch']; } if(isset($info[0]['mailfetch']['count']) && $info[0]['mailfetch']['count'] > 0) { $prefs['mailfetch_server_number'] = $info[0]['mailfetch']['count']; for ($i=0; $i < $info[0]['mailfetch']['count']; $i++) { $fetcharray = unserialize ($prefs['mailfetch'][$i]); $prefs['mailfetch_server_'.$i] = $fetcharray[0]; $prefs['mailfetch_alias_'.$i] = $fetcharray[1]; $prefs['mailfetch_user_'.$i] = $fetcharray[2]; $prefs['mailfetch_pass_'.$i] = $fetcharray[3]; $prefs['mailfetch_cypher_'.$i] = $fetcharray[4]; $prefs['mailfetch_lmos_'.$i] = $fetcharray[5]; $prefs['mailfetch_login_'.$i] = $fetcharray[6]; $prefs['mailfetch_fref_'.$i] = $fetcharray[7]; $prefs['mailfetch_subfolder_'.$i] = $fetcharray[8]; $prefs['mailfetch_uidl_'.$i] = $fetcharray[9]; } } /* Special treatment for newmail plugin. */ if(isset($info[0]['newmail'][0])) { $prefs['newmail'] = $info[0]['newmail'][0]; $newarray = unserialize($prefs['newmail']); $prefs['newmail_enable'] = $newarray[0]; $prefs['newmail_popup'] = $newarray[1]; $prefs['newmail_allbox'] = $newarray[2]; $prefs['newmail_recent'] = $newarray[3]; $prefs['newmail_changetitle'] = $newarray[4]; $prefs['newmail_media'] = $newarray[5]; } /* Some additional thingies for the options: move_to_trash, * move_to_sent, save_as_draft, which are NOT included in the ldap * schema. */ if( (isset($prefs['trash_folder']) && $prefs['trash_folder'] != 'none') || !isset($prefs['trash_folder']) ) { $prefs['move_to_trash'] = 1; } else { $prefs['move_to_trash'] = 0; } if( (isset($prefs['sent_folder']) && $prefs['sent_folder'] != 'none') || !isset($prefs['sent_folder']) ) { $prefs['move_to_sent'] = 1; } else { $prefs['move_to_sent'] = 0; } if( (isset($prefs['draft_folder']) && $prefs['draft_folder'] != 'none') || !isset($prefs['draft_folder']) ) { $prefs['save_as_draft'] = 1; } else { $prefs['save_as_draft'] = 0; } /* Handle boolean attributes. Must change the upper case string TRUE | * FALSE to 1 or 0 so that Squirrelmail can handle it sanely. */ while(list($ldapattr, $squirrelattr) = each($boolean_attrs)) { if( array_key_exists($squirrelattr, $prefs) ) { if($prefs[$squirrelattr] == "TRUE") { $prefs[$squirrelattr] = 1; } elseif ($prefs[$squirrelattr] == "FALSE") { $prefs[$squirrelattr] = 0; } } } /* ------------- End of preferences ($prefs) ----------------- */ /* ------------- user information stuff ($_SESSION['ldapuserinfo']) ----------------- */ if(isset($info[0]['edupersonprimaryaffiliation'])) { $extra['ldapuserinfo'] = array( 'edupersonprimaryaffiliation' => $info[0]['edupersonprimaryaffiliation'][0], 'edupersonprimaryorgunitdn' => strtolower($info[0]['edupersonprimaryorgunitdn'][0]), ); } /* ------------- ldapIdentities Stuff ----------------- */ $ldapidentities = array(); $ldapidentities['main'] = array(); $identities_map = array(); /* mail - default identity */ $ldapidentities['main']['email_address'][] = $info[0]['mail'][0]; // $identities_map[1] = $info[0]['mail'][0]; /* mail alternate address - identities */ if (isset($info[0]['mailalternateaddress']['count'])) { for($i = 0; $i < $info[0]['mailalternateaddress']['count']; $i++) { $extra['alternateemails'][$i] = $info[0]['mailalternateaddress'][$i]; $ldapidentities['main']['email_address'][] = $info[0]['mailalternateaddress'][$i]; $identities_map[$i+1] = $info[0]['mailalternateaddress'][$i]; $m = $i+2; } } /* Gather together alternate names for 'main' identity */ $tmp = array(); /* 'displayName' (single-value). Should be the first one in the array, * i.e. the default. */ if(isset($info[0]['displayname'][0])) { $tmp[] = $info[0]['displayname'][0]; foreach($languages as $lang => $attrs) { if (isset($info[0]['displayname;lang-'.$lang]['count'])) { $tmp[] = mb_convert_encoding($info[0]['displayname;lang-'.$lang][0], $mycharset, "UTF-8"); } } } /* 'cn' */ for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['cn']['count']; $i++) { if(!in_array($info[0]['cn'][$i], $tmp)){ $tmp[] = $info[0]['cn'][$i]; } } foreach($languages as $lang => $attrs) { if (isset($info[0]['cn;lang-'.$lang]['count'])) { for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['cn;lang-'.$lang]['count']; $i++) { $lala = mb_convert_encoding($info[0]['cn;lang-'.$lang][$i], $mycharset, "UTF-8"); if(!in_array($lala, $tmp)){ $tmp[] = $lala; } } } } /* $tmp = array_unique($tmp); $tmp = array_values($tmp); */ $ldapidentities['main']['allowed_names'] = $tmp; /* Done with -main- identity. Move on to mailauthorizedaddress * identities. */ if (isset($info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress']['count'])) { for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress']['count'] ; $i++) { $info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress'][$i] = mb_convert_encoding($info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress'][$i], $mycharset, "UTF-8"); $ident = array(); /* Fill $ldapidentities array with data from mailauthorized * address */ /* My mailAuthorized address always has a special format: * Comment */ if(strstr($info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress'][$i], "<")) { $rx = "/<.+>/sU"; $parts = explode("<", $info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress'][$i], 2); if( ($r = preg_match($rx, $info[0]['mailauthorizedaddress'][$i], $results)) == 1) { $tmp1 = str_replace('<', '', $results[0]); $ml = str_replace('>', '', $tmp1); if(!isset($m)) { $m = 1; } if(!in_array($ml, $identities_map)) { $identities_map[$m] = $ml; $m++; } $ldapidentities[$ml]['allowed_names'][] = trim($parts[0]); } else { logout_error("Malformed mailAuthorized Address on the LDAP server."); session_destroy(); exit; } } } } /* Special feature for 'identity' */ if (isset($info[0]['mailpreferred'][0])) { if(array_key_exists($info[0]['mailpreferred'][0], $ldapidentities) && isset($identities_map) ) { foreach($identities_map as $no => $ma) { if($ma == $info[0]['mailpreferred'][0]) { $prefs['identity'] = $no; break; } } } } /* Save current selection of alternatenames to session.! */ if(isset($ldapidentities['main']['allowed_names'])){ /* No identity selected or main identity selected */ $extra['alternatenames'] = $ldapidentities['main']['allowed_names']; } if(isset($prefs['mailpreferred'])) { if(isset($ldapidentities[$prefs['mailpreferred']]['allowed_names'])){ $extra['alternatenames'] = $ldapidentities[$prefs['mailpreferred']]['allowed_names']; } } if (isset($ldapidentities)) { $extra['ldapidentities'] = $ldapidentities; } if (isset($identities_map)) { $extra['identities_map'] = $identities_map; } if (isset($info[0]['mailauthorizedreplyto']['count'])) { for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['mailauthorizedreplyto']['count'] ; $i++) { $extra['authorizedreplyto'][] = $info[0]['mailauthorizedreplyto'][$i]; } } /* Add Objectclasses to make them available to anyone who possibly * wants them for some reason. */ if(isset($info[0]['objectclass'])) { for($i=0; $i<$info[0]['objectclass']['count'] ; $i++) { $extra['ludObjectClasses'][] = strtolower($info[0]['objectclass'][$i]); } } /* UoA-specific, *disabled services schema */ if(!empty($sm_uoa_disabled_services_vars)) { $extra['ludDisabledServices'] = array(); foreach($sm_uoa_disabled_services_vars as $dvar) { if(isset($info[0][strtolower($dvar)])) { $extra['ludDisabledServices'][strtolower($dvar)] = $info[0][strtolower($dvar)][0]; } } } /* Use the dn that was returned from previous search */ if(isset($info[0]['dn'])) { $user_dn = $info[0]['dn']; $extra['dn'] = $info[0]['dn']; } else { /* This should not be reached at any time... */ print "Warning: Could not get dn for user $uid"; } /* If first time logged in, add me to the SquirrelMailUser objectclass. * */ if(!$already_member) { $newinfo = array(); $newinfo['objectclass'] = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $info[0]['objectclass']['count']; $i++) { $newinfo['objectclass'][$i] = $info[0]['objectclass'][$i]; } $newinfo['objectclass'][$i] = $ldap_objectclass; $ldap2 = ldapuserdata_ldap_connect('manager', true); if(!ldap_modify($ldap2, $user_dn , $newinfo)) { $errormsg = "Error while updating your objectclass! Could not modify LDAP data."; ldap_close($ldap2); exit; } ldap_close($ldap2); /* Plugins or other scripts, e.g. an enhanced motd plugin, can * use the first_time_user variable; this way they know that * this is the first time this user has logged on to the * webmail service. */ $first_time_user = true; sqsession_register($first_time_user, 'first_time_user'); } /* Store $prefs to $user_prefs */ $user_prefs = $prefs; /* Store rest of info to $extra_info */ $extra_info = $extra; return true; } /** * Write user data to LDAP Directory. * * @return void */ function ldapuserdata_write_do() { global $ldap_host, $ldap_objectclass, $prefs_default, $ldap_attributes, $sm_options_to_save, $boolean_attrs, $languages, $default_charset, $logoutmsg; if(isset($_SESSION['authz']) ) { $authz = $_SESSION['authz']; } if(isset($_SESSION['ldap_prefs_cache'])) { $ldap_prefs_cache = $_SESSION['ldap_prefs_cache']; } if(isset($_SESSION['prefs_before'])) { $prefs_before = $_SESSION['prefs_before']; } /* prepare data */ $attr_to_write = array(); $attr_to_del = array(); /* Know which charset we convert from, to UTF-8 */ if(isset($prefs['language'])) { $mycharset = $languages[$prefs['language']]['CHARSET']; } else { $mycharset = $default_charset; } while(list($ldapattr, $squirrelattr) = each($ldap_attributes)) { if( !( ($ldapattr == "cn") || ($ldapattr == "mail") || ($ldapattr == "mailhost")) ) { if(( isset($ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr]) && isset($prefs_before[$squirrelattr]) && $ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr] != $prefs_before[$squirrelattr] )|| ( isset($ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr]) && !isset($prefs_before[$squirrelattr]) && $ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr] != "" ) || ( isset($ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr]) && isset($boolean_attrs[$ldapattr]) ) ) { if ($ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr] != "") { $attr_to_write[$ldapattr] = mb_convert_encoding($ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr], "UTF-8", $mycharset); } elseif(!isset($boolean_attrs[$ldapattr])) { $attr_to_del[$ldapattr] = array(); } elseif(isset($boolean_attrs[$ldapattr])) { // This makes sure that we always write boolean attributes. // For very-slightly-better performance there should be a check against default values. // But even then it might not work 100% of the time. $attr_to_write[$ldapattr] = $ldap_prefs_cache[$squirrelattr]; } } } } /* Handle boolean attributes */ while(list($ldapattr, $squirrelattr) = each($boolean_attrs)) { if( array_key_exists($ldapattr, $attr_to_write) ) { if($attr_to_write[$ldapattr]) { $attr_to_write[$ldapattr] = 'TRUE'; } else { $attr_to_write[$ldapattr] = 'FALSE'; } } } /* Handle multivalue attributes */ /* All options under smoptions multivalue attribute */ $prefs2 = array(); $countChanged = 0; foreach($sm_options_to_save as $mykey) { if (isset($ldap_prefs_cache[$mykey]) && (!isset($prefs_before[$mykey]) || serialize($ldap_prefs_cache[$mykey]) != serialize($prefs_before[$mykey])) ) { // will write $mykey $tmp = array($mykey => $ldap_prefs_cache[$mykey]); $prefs2[] = serialize($tmp); $countChanged++; } else { // $mykey hasn't changed. we won't bother writing smOptions attribute, // unless there was a change in the previous block $tmp = array($mykey => (!empty($ldap_prefs_cache[$mykey]) ? $ldap_prefs_cache[$mykey] : $prefs_default[$mykey])); $prefs2[] = serialize($tmp); } } if($countChanged) { $attr_to_write = array('smOptions' => $prefs2); } /* Mailfetch */ if(isset($ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_number'])) { if($ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_number'] == 0) { if($prefs_before['mailfetch_server_number'] > 0) { $attr_to_del['mailfetch'] = array(); } } elseif($ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_number'] > 0) { $delmode = false; $different = false; if($prefs_before['mailfetch_server_number'] != $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_number'] && $prefs_before['mailfetch_server_number'] != 0 ) { $attr_to_del['mailfetch'] = $prefs_before['mailfetch']; unset($attr_to_del['mailfetch']['count']); $delmode = true; } for ($i=0; $i < $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_number']; $i++) { $newarray[0] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_server_'.$i]; $newarray[1] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_alias_'.$i]; $newarray[2] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_user_'.$i]; $newarray[3] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_pass_'.$i]; $newarray[4] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_cypher_'.$i]; $newarray[5] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_lmos_'.$i]; $newarray[6] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_login_'.$i]; $newarray[7] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_fref_'.$i]; $newarray[8] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_subfolder_'.$i]; $newarray[9] = $ldap_prefs_cache['mailfetch_uidl_'.$i]; $mailfetchpref[$i] = serialize ($newarray); } for($i=0; $iERROR: While clearing your preferences, an error had occured on the LDAP server.
LDAP Replied:
Please contact your administrator."; print_r($attr_to_del); } if(sizeof($attr_to_del) == 0) { ldap_close($ldap); } } if(!(sizeof($attr_to_write) == 0)) { if(sizeof($attr_to_del) == 0) { $ldap = ldapuserdata_ldap_connect('manager', true); } //print "DEBUG: I will now execute ldap_modify (ldap, $user_dn, attr_to_write)"; if(!ldap_modify($ldap, $user_dn, $attr_to_write)) { print "ERROR: While writing your preferences, an error had occured on the LDAP server.
LDAP Replied:
Please contact your administrator."; print_r($attr_to_del); } ldap_close($ldap); } $_SESSION['prefs_before'] = $ldap_prefs_cache; } /** * Display which preferences are to be saved to LDAP. * * @return string Message with the changed preference items, to be displayed * * @todo Does not work yet; fix it; and use logout facility of Squirrel */ function ldapuserdata_displaychangedprefs() { global $color, $logoutmsg; $out = html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'th', _("Sign Out"), 'center' ) , '', $color[0], 'width="100%"' ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', $logoutmsg , 'center' ) , '', $color[4], 'width="100%"' ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
', 'center' ) , '', $color[0], 'width="100%"' ) , 'center', $color[4], 'width="50%" cols="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"' ); return $logoutmsg; } /** * Things to do before sending out an email. * * Tasks that are performed: * 1) Add a Sender: Header that reflects the data of the first identity * ($identities[0]). * 2) Check if sendmailDisabled attribute exists. If it exists, it will not * allow someone to send mail. The format currently is: DATE@@TIME##EXCUSE * * Note: for (1) functionality class/deliver/Deliver.class.php needs to be patched: * ( Line 468 should become * if (count($rfc822_header->from) > 1 || count($rfc822_header->sender)) * ) * * @return void */ function ldapuserdata_compose_check_do(&$argv) { global $ldap_host, $ldap_base_dn, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw, $ldap_manager_dn, $ldap_manager_pw, $required_objectclass, $ldap_objectclass, $ldap_user_search_filter, $languages, $default_charset, $username, $authz; $message = &$argv[1]; $header = &$message->rfc822_header; $header->sender[0] = new AddressStructure(); $identities = get_identities(); $header->sender[0]->personal = $identities[0]['full_name']; $sender_address_array = explode('@', $identities[0]['email_address']); $header->sender[0]->mailbox = $sender_address_array[0]; $header->sender[0]->host = $sender_address_array[1]; $uid = $username; $ldap = ldapuserdata_ldap_connect('squirrel', false); if (!($search_result = ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_base_dn, sprintf($ldap_user_search_filter, ldapspecialchars($uid)), array('sendmaildisabled') ))) { print "Error while searching for $uid."; exit; } $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search_result); ldap_close($ldap); if(!isset($info[0]['sendmaildisabled'])) { return; } else { print '

'; if(!empty($authz)) { $excuseparts = explode('##', $info[0]['sendmaildisabled'][0]); $excuseparts2 = explode('@@', $excuseparts[0]); $date = $excuseparts2[0]; $time = $excuseparts2[1]; $reason = $excuseparts[1]; printf(_("Sending mail from this account was disabled on %s, at %s.
The reason was: %s.
Please contact the helpdesk to resolve this issue."), $date, $time, $reason); } else { print _("Sending mail from this account has been forbidden.
Please contact the helpdesk to resolve this issue."); } print '

'; exit; } return $message; } /** * Remove Preferences that are not to be displayed. * @return void */ function ldapuserdata_display_options_do() { global $ldap_attributes, $ldapuserdata_remove_options_that_are_not_saved, $optpage_data, $sm_settings_do_not_remove; if($ldapuserdata_remove_options_that_are_not_saved) { $disable_options = array( /* Display */ 'alt_index_colors', 'page_selector', 'page_selector_max', 'show_full_date', 'wrap_at', 'location_of_buttons', 'show_html_default', 'enable_forward_as_attachment', 'forward_cc', 'show_xmailer_default', 'attachment_common_show_images', 'pf_cleandisplay', 'compose_width', 'compose_height', 'sig_first', 'body_quote', 'reply_focus', 'internal_date_sort', 'sort_by_ref', /* Folder */ 'collapse_folders', 'unseen_cum', 'date_format', 'hour_format', 'search_memory', 'mailbox_select_style', /* Personal */ 'prefix_sig' ); $squirrelnames = array_values($ldap_attributes); foreach ($optpage_data['vals'] as $groupNumber => $optionGroup) { foreach ($optionGroup as $optionNumber => $optionItem) { if (isset($optionItem['name']) && isset($optionItem['caption']) && (!in_array($optionItem['name'],$squirrelnames) && !in_array($optionItem['name'], $sm_settings_do_not_remove)) ) { unset($optpage_data['vals'][$groupNumber][$optionNumber]); } } } } } /** * Return the allowed Reply-To: Email addresses, in a format suitable for * Squirrelmail Options Page. * * @return array */ function ldapuserdata_identities_allowed_replyto() { global $email_address; sqgetGlobalVar('alternateemails', $alternateemails, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('authorizedemails', $authorizedemails, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('authorizedreplyto', $authorizedreplyto, SQ_SESSION); $email_address = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); $replytomails = array(); /* Default mail address */ $replytomails[''] = _("None"); $replytomails[$email_address] = $email_address; /* Alternate mail addresses */ if(isset($alternateemails)) { for($i=0; $i< sizeof($alternateemails); $i++) { $replytomails[$alternateemails[$i]] = $alternateemails[$i]; } } /* Authorized mail addresses */ if(isset($authorizedemails)) { for($i=0; $i< sizeof($authorizedemails); $i++) { $replytomails[$authorizedemails[$i]] = $authorizedemails[$i]; } } /* Specific mail addresses allowed for reply-to: */ if(isset($authorizedreplyto)) { for($i=0; $i< sizeof($authorizedreplyto); $i++) { $replytomails[$authorizedreplyto[$i]] = $authorizedreplyto[$i]; } } return $replytomails; } /** * Sanitizes ldap search strings. * See rfc2254 * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2254.html * @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.5 * @param string $string * @return string sanitized string * @author Squirrelmail Team */ function ldapspecialchars($string) { $sanitized=array('\\' => '\5c', '*' => '\2a', '(' => '\28', ')' => '\29', "\x00" => '\00'); return str_replace(array_keys($sanitized),array_values($sanitized),$string); }