'localhost', 'real.imap.host2' => 'localhost' ); /** * The default Attributes' values. * * These are used if the LDAP value is null. The format is simply: * 'squirrelmail_variable_name' => 'Default value'. Consider this as our * version of data/default_pref, for the file preferences backend equivalent. * * @var array */ global $prefs_default; $prefs_default = array ( 'trash_folder' => 'INBOX.Trash', 'sent_folder' => 'INBOX.Sent' , 'draft_folder' => 'INBOX.Drafts' , 'show_html_default' => 0, 'chosen_theme' => '../themes/plain_blue_theme.php', 'custom_css' => 'sans-10.css', 'javascript_setting' => 2, 'use_javascript_addr_book' => 1, 'show_num' => 20, 'alt_index_colors' => 0, 'page_selector' => 1, 'page_selector_max' => 10, 'wrap_at' => 86, 'editor_size' => 76, 'include_self_reply_all' => 0, 'show_xmailer_default' => 1, 'attachment_common_show_images' => 0, 'pf_subtle_link' => 1, 'pf_cleandisplay' => 0, 'mdn_user_support' => 1, 'compose_new_win' => 1, 'compose_width' => 620, 'compose_height' => 480, 'sig_first' => 0, 'internal_date_sort' => 0, 'sort_by_ref' => 1, /* NEW */ 'language' => 'en_US', 'location_of_buttons' => 'between', 'use_signature' => 0, 'prefix_sig' => 1, 'order1' => 1, 'order2' => 2, 'order3' => 3, 'order4' => 5, 'order5' => 4, 'order6' => 6, //'left_size' => 150, 'left_size' => 200, 'unseen_notify' => 3, /* 2 */ 'unseen_type' => 2, /* 1 */ 'collapse_folders' => 1, /* 0 */ 'date_format' => 6, 'hour_format' => 1, 'search_memory' => 0, 'mailbox_select_style' => 0, /* These are for enabling the special status of INBOX.Trash,Sent,Draft folders */ 'move_to_trash' => 1, 'move_to_sent' => 1, 'save_as_draft' => 1, /* Server-side sorting breaks if we do not provide a default */ 'sort' => 0, /* Mailfetch cypher always on */ 'mailfetch_cypher' => 'on', /* Some more defaults for translate plugin */ 'translate_server' => 'otenet', 'translate_location' => 'center', 'translate_show_read' => 1, 'translate_show_send' => 0, 'translate_same_window' => 0, /* variable_sent_folder */ 'variable_sent_folder_on' => 3, 'variable_sent_folder_default' => 1, /* Avelsizes */ 'folder_sizes_subtotals' => 0, 'folder_sizes_left_link' => 1, 'folder_sizes_on_folder_page' => 1, /* jsclock */ 'jsclock_face_name' => "japanese", 'jsclock_position' => "above", 'jsclock_hours' => 24, 'jsclock_seconds' => 1, 'jsclock_border' => 0, 'jsclock_bgcolor' => "", 'jsclock_padding' => 1, /* Directory Services plugin */ 'directory_output_type' => 'onetable', 'directory_showattr_cn' => 1, 'directory_showattr_department' => 0, 'directory_showattr_edupersonorgunitdn' => 1, 'directory_showattr_description' => 0, 'directory_showattr_title' => 0, 'directory_showattr_telephonenumber' => 1, 'directory_showattr_facsimiletelephonenumber' => 1, 'directory_showattr_mail' => 1, 'directory_showattr_edupersonaffiliation' => 1 ); /** * Description of the schema - available LDAP attributes. * * Attributes are described in this array as: 'LDAP attribute names' => * 'Squirrelmail variable names' * @var array */ global $ldap_attributes; $ldap_attributes = array ( /* The first three are not actually Squirrelmail-specific attributes. */ 'cn' => 'full_name', 'mail' => 'email_address', 'mailhost' => 'imapServerAddress', /* Some other stuff, more advanced... */ /* 'mailalternateaddress' => 'mailalternateaddress', */ /* On to the squirrelmail specific values which will actually be changed and * written back to LDAP. */ /* display -> General */ 'chosentheme' => 'chosen_theme', 'customcss' => 'custom_css', 'language' => 'language', 'javascriptsetting' => 'javascript_setting', 'saveoptionjavascriptautodetect' => 'save_option_javascript_autodetect', /* display -> Mailbox display */ 'shownum' => 'show_num', /* display -> message Display & composition */ 'usejavascriptaddrbook' => 'use_javascript_addr_book', 'includeselfreplyall' => 'include_self_reply_all', 'mdnusersupport' => 'mdn_user_support', 'composenewwin' => 'compose_new_win', /* Folder -> special folders */ 'trashfolder' => 'trash_folder', 'sentfolder' => 'sent_folder', 'draftfolder' => 'draft_folder', /* Folder -> folderlist */ 'leftsize' => 'left_size', 'locationofbar' => 'location_of_bar', 'leftrefresh' => 'left_refresh', 'unseennotify' => 'unseen_notify', 'unseentype' => 'unseen_type', /* Order */ 'order1' => 'order1', 'order2' => 'order2', 'order3' => 'order3', 'order4' => 'order4', 'order5' => 'order5', 'order6' => 'order6', /* Highlight settings*/ 'hililist' => 'hililist', /* Personal */ 'replyto' => 'reply_to', 'signature' => 'signature', 'timezone' => 'timezone', 'replycitationstyle' => 'reply_citation_style', 'replycitationstart' => 'reply_citation_start', 'replycitationend' => 'reply_citation_end', 'usesignature' => 'use_signature', /* This one is for mailAlternateAddress */ 'mailpreferred' => 'mailpreferred', 'cnpreferred' => 'namepreferred', /* Plugin attrs */ /* Plugin attributes: */ /* html_mail */ 'composewindowtype' => 'compose_window_type' ); /** * Boolean attributes schema. * The attributes that have boolean values need special treatment due to LDAP * design. Repeat them here. * @var array */ global $boolean_attrs; $boolean_attrs = array( 'includeselfreplyall' => 'include_self_reply_all', 'mdnusersupport' => 'mdn_user_support', 'composenewwin' => 'compose_new_win', 'usesignature' => 'use_signature' ); /** * Multivalue attributes schema. * * These are special cases for multivalue attributes. Again ldapattr => * squirrelmailattr. * @var array */ global $multivalue_attrs; $multivalue_attrs = array( /* Mailfetch settings */ 'mailfetch' => 'mailfetch', /* Newmail plugin settings */ 'newmail' => 'newmail' ); /** * Attributes that define allowed mail addresses. * * These are all multivalue attributes. Again ldapattr => squirrelmailattr * @var array */ global $alternatemail_attrs; $alternatemail_attrs = array( 'mailalternateaddress' => 'alternateemails', 'mailauthorizedaddress' => 'mailauthorizedaddresses', 'mailauthorizedreplyto' => 'mailauthorizedreplyto' ); ?>