HTML Mail plugin for SquirrelMail ================================= Ver 2.3, 2005/10/15 Original Author: Paul Lesneiwski Description =========== This plugin allows users with IE 5.5 and Mozilla 1.4 and above to compose and send their email in HTML format. Integrated items include spell checking, emoticons, and advanced style and formatting controls. Currently, two engines are included with this plugin: FCKeditor HTMLArea (Soon changing to Xinha Configuration and behavior depends on which of those engines you choose to use, however, if you are using this plugin with any version of SquirrelMail prior to version 1.4.2, you will need to patch the SquirrelMail source code no matter which engine you choose. FCKeditor ========= Generally the best choice, this engine is less quirky and is much easier to configure. For example, it does not require any Perl configuration for its spell checker, no patching for emoticons functionality, etc. You can customize the look and feel of the editor to suit your needs by further editing the configuration file found at plugins/html_mail/fckeditor/fckconfig.js HTMLArea ======== To use emoticons with HTMLArea, you must make an additional patch to the SquirrelMail source. See the INSTALL file for details. A selection of emoticons then becomes available on the compose screen (if the user turns them on in their Display Preferences). Note that these emoticon images will be served from your web server when message recipients read their mail. Also note that when adding emoticons, the user should be sure to click in the textarea for correct focus. To use the spall checker with HTMLArea, you must turn it on in the configuration file, and make sure that your server is ready to support this functionality (see below). HTMLArea Spell Check Configuration ================================== You must have a Perl interpreter available with these modules installed: - CGI - Encode - HTML::Parser - HTML::Entities - Text::Aspell If you aren't sure if you have these modules, try the following commands. If any of them produce errors, you'll need to install that module. perl -MCGI -e 1 perl -MEncode -e 1 perl -MHTML::Parser -e 1 perl -MHTML::Entities -e 1 perl -MText::Aspell -e 1 If you have a recent version of Perl (such as 5.8), Text::Aspell might be the only one of these you don't already have. Of course, is helpful in obtaining and installing Perl modules. An example of how to get Text::Aspell is as such: perl -MCPAN -e'CPAN::Shell->install("Text::Aspell")' You must also make sure your web server is configured to allow the execution of CGI scripts at least in the spell checker directory. For apache, an appropriate directive might look like: Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script cgi Note that if you symlink multiple virtual domains to one SquirrelMail installation, you may need to repeat this directive for each domain, or alternatively, you can place these directives in a .htaccess file in the spell checker directory (given in the above example). If you choose the latter, note that your AllowOverride directive would need to include the Options directive type. And, of course, you have to turn on the spell checker in the html_mail configuration file! Anecdotes ========= One person on the plugins mailing list (running Apache 2.0.48, mod_perl-1.99_11, Perl 5.8.2, PHP-4.3.4, SquirrelMail 1.4.2) found that this worked for them: SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry PerlOptions +ParseHeaders Options +ExecCGI Someone else writes: "In addition to the above, I found HTML Mail and the Spell Checker work much more reliably if the CGI script that invokes the spell checker lives in a separate directory from the other files as Apache tries to execute those and fails. At least it did on my box. So, I created a "cgi" directory in the "htmlarea/plugins/SpellChecker" directory, moved the spell-check-logic.cgi script there, and changed my "Directory" directive to use this new directory and all seems to be well with my use of HTML_Mail w/ spell checking." Help Requests ============= Help requests are welcome at my personal email address, but I request that you first post to the SquirrelMail Plugins mailing list, where you'll get faster help from more people and other people with the same problem will be able to see how your issue was resolved. If you don't get good answers that way, you may try emailing me directly. Info about the SquirrelMail Plugins mailing list can be found on the SquirrelMail web site. It is currently located at: Future Work =========== * updates to renderers as they become available (HTMLArea -> Xinha) * try other renderer(s) * Fix: add sig or attachment, etc. and extra blank lines added between each line (which seems related to linefeeds being wrapped in

tag sets... I'll let the editor makers deal with this) * It might be nice to include images that come with an HTML mail and are sent along in a reply (links that include src/download.php.... but that's a pretty big hassle. currently we just remove those tags * Might want to use these in the default FCKeditor config: New configuration options are available to hide tabs from the Image Dialog and Link Dialog windows: LinkDlgHideTarget, LinkDlgHideAdvanced, ImageDlgHideLink and ImageDlgHideAdvanced. Change Log ========== 2.3 - 2005/10/15 - Paul Lesneiwski * Added default editor_height for older SquirrelMail versions without that setting in the user preferences. * Fixed additional newlines being added to message body when signature added, attachment added, etc. * PHP 5 fix (Thanks to Tomas) * Updated FCKeditor editor to version 2.1 * Default to sample config file if not otherwise configured 2.2 - 2005/05/12 - Paul Lesneiwski * Configuration file has changed again, please take note! * Turn off all functionality if JavaScript is not available * User can now change to HTML format reply directly from compose screen even when Display Preference composition type is set to Plain Text * Fixed FCKeditor height and width to obey SquirrelMail editor settings * Moved prefs item into the compose preferences page in SM 1.5.1+ * Implemented reconstruction of HTML of the original mail when replying * Emoticons and other links are now sent out in emails with absolute (not relative) URIs * User may now choose editor type (if admin allows) * Fixed problems on some systems where editor wasn't showing up * Replaced *nix/Windows configuration item with ASpell path configuration instead * FCKeditor is version 2.0FC * HTMLArea is cvs from 2005/03/15 (still 3.0beta) * Compatibility plugin no longer required 2.1 - 2005/03/16 - Paul Lesneiwski * Configuration file has changed, please take note! * Added FCKeditor as a (better) alternative to HTMLArea * Fixed help URL * On-the-fly email format conversion is available via radio buttons on the compose page (when the default type is HTML as specified in the Display Preferences). * Messages are now sent as correctly formatted multipart mime (text/html) * Fix: when replying/forwarding, original messages with special characters were getting interpreted incorrectly. * Fix: poor performance (including lockups) when replying or forwarding messages due to slow JavaScript * Works with newest release (v1.1) of Templates plugin * Check that this plugin comes after other plugins that change message content such as email_footer and taglines * Internationalization fixes * Added emoticons patches for SM 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 * Synched with HTMLArea CVS repository 2005/03/15 2.0 - Paul Lesneiwski * Newer Gecko browsers (e.g., Mozilla 1.4) now supported (htmlArea v3.0 beta) * When replying, adding signatures, etc., lines don't get concatenated all into one * Added emoticons functionality (optional) added (credit to Pablo Macouzet Jr. for writing the original Emoticons plugin) * Disable SquirrelSpell plugin when user is composing emails in HTML format, since the two plugins are not compatible * Integrated spell checking mechanism is now available * Custom style configuration is available (you can turn down the initial font size, etc) * Updated for compatibility with email_footer plugin * Updated for compatibility with quicksave plugin (quirky) * When sending attachments, HTML format is retained * Updated HTML renderer * Added configuration file 1.0 - Paul Lesneiwski * Improvements over "Enhanced Text Area Plugin": - updated text area renderer - fixed all those darn bugs - as of SM 1.4.2, no source patch is required - sends HTML email in correct format - no longer clashes with File Manager plugin