Installing HTML Mail Plugin
1) Start with untaring the file into the plugins directory.
Here is a example for the 1.0 version of the html_mail plugin.
$ cd plugins
$ tar -zxvf html_mail-1.0-1.4.tar.gz
2) If you do not need to change the default plugin settings,
skip to the next step. Otherwise, change into the html_mail
directory, copy config.php.sample to config.php and edit
config.php, making adjustments as you deem necessary.
$ cd html_mail
$ cp config.php.sample config.php
$ vi config.php
3) If you have SquirrelMail version 1.4.2 or higher, skip to
step 4. Otherwise, you need to patch the SquirrelMail
source code. Do so from the html_mail directory:
$ patch -p0 < patches/squirrelmail-1.4-html_mail.diff
Make sure that you use the patch file that matches your
SquirrelMail version.
Note for Windows users: you can get native patch functionality
by installing this very useful package:
4) If will be using the FCKeditor engine, or you do not wish to
provide emoticon functionality, skip to step 5. Otherwise,
you need to patch the SquirrelMail source code. Do so from
the html_mail directory:
$ patch -p0 < patches/squirrelmail-1.4.2-emoticons.diff
Make sure that you use the patch file that matches your
SquirrelMail version.
Note for Windows users: you can get native patch functionality
by installing this very useful package:
5) Then go to your config directory and run Choose
option 8 and move the plugin from the "Available Plugins"
category to the "Installed Plugins" category. Save and exit.
$ cd ../../config/
$ ./
6) If you plan to use the HTMLArea engine with its integrated
spell checking mechanism, configure your server to allow
CGI execution in the spell checker directory and make sure
your Perl installation has the correct modules. See the
README file for more information.
Upgrading HTML Mail Plugin
1) Start with untaring the file into the plugins directory.
Here is a example for the 1.0 version of the html_mail plugin.
$ cd plugins
$ tar -zxvf html_mail-1.0-1.4.tar.gz
2) Change into the html_mail directory, check your config.php
file against the new version, to see if there are any new
settings that you must add to your config.php file.
$ diff -Nau config.php config.php.sample
Or simply replace your config.php file with the provided sample
and reconfigure the plugin from scratch (see step 2 under the
installation procedure above).