* * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * @package directory * @subpackage main * @version $Id: config_sample.php,v 1.15 2006/08/01 08:56:50 avel Exp $ * @copyright (c) 2004-2006 Alexandros Vellis */ /** * ---------- Settings for Standalone Environment ---------- */ /** * @var boolean Set to true if this is an installation in standalone mode, or * false if it is as a Squirrelmail Plugin. */ $ldq_standalone = false; if($ldq_standalone == true) { /* Define LDAP server(s) just like in Squirrelmail. */ $ldap_server[0] = array( 'host' => 'ldap.example.org', 'base' => 'dc=example,dc=org', 'name' => 'Directory Name', // 'name;lang-??' => 'Directory Name in different Language', 'port' => 389, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'maxrows' => 200, 'timeout' => 20, 'binddn' => 'cn=foo,dc=example,dc=org', 'bindpw' => 'secret' 'writedn' => 'cn=bar,dc=example,dc=org', 'writepw' => 'secret' ); /** * @var array Default Preferences. Valid only for standalone mode. */ $directory_prefs_default = array( 'directory_output_type' => 'onetable', 'directory_showattr_cn' => 1, 'directory_showattr_department' => 0, 'directory_showattr_edupersonorgunitdn' => 1, 'directory_showattr_description' => 0, 'directory_showattr_title' => 1, 'directory_showattr_telephonenumber' => 1, 'directory_showattr_facsimiletelephonenumber' => 1, 'directory_showattr_mail' => 1, 'directory_showattr_edupersonaffiliation' => 1, 'language' => 'en_US' ); } /** * @var array Attributes available to the user interface, when public (not * authenticated). * @todo Not yet implemented */ /* $ldq_enable_attrs_public = array( 'cn', 'edupersonorgunitdn', 'description', 'title', 'mail', 'edupersonaffiliation' ); */ /** * @var string Introduction page for lower frame. %s will be replaced by the * language string (e.g. 'en') */ $ldq_intro_page = 'frames/intro_uoa.%s.html'; /** * ---------- Edit Profile Page Setup ------------- */ /** * @var array Attributes that are allowed to be edited freely in the Edit * Profile Page in Squirrelmail. */ $ldq_editable_attrs = array('l', 'postaladdress', 'postalcode', 'postofficebox', 'physicaldeliveryofficename', 'preferreddeliverymethod', 'description', 'edupersonnickname'); /** * @var string If you have an online form with an application that allows a * user to edit more important attributes, you can insert the URL here. * Otherwise leave empty. */ $editprofile_url = ''; /** * @var array Languages that are to be enabled while editing these attributes. */ $editprofile_langs = array('en', 'el'); /** * ---------- Attributes and LDAP Filters Setup ------------- */ /** * @var array What attributes should be available to the user interface. User * can choose to display all these at maximum. */ $ldq_enable_attrs = array( 'cn', 'edupersonorgunitdn', 'edupersonaffiliation', 'title', 'mail', 'telephonenumber', 'facsimiletelephonenumber', 'description', 'l', 'postaladdress', 'postalcode', 'postofficebox', 'physicaldeliveryofficename', 'preferreddeliverymethod', 'edupersonnickname' ); /** * @var boolean Enable Preferences Page in Squirrelmail? */ $ldq_allow_prefs_page = true; /** * @var boolean Special Support for eduPerson and eduOrg schemas? */ $ldq_support_eduperson = true; /** * @var array Which organizational unit Attributes to show in org. unit page? * Must be one of the attributes defined already in the schema. (See * constants.php and eduorg.php). */ $ldq_enable_ou_attrs = array( 'cn', 'telephonenumber', 'facsimiletelephonenumber', 'postaladdress', 'l', 'postalcode', 'description', 'eduorghomepageuri', 'eduorgwhitepagesuri', 'eduorglegalname', 'eduorgsuperioruri' ); /** * @var boolean Enable restrict to certain ou's option? EduPerson / EduOrg * support must be enabled for this option to work. */ $ldq_restrict_ou = true; /** * @var string Filter which will be ANDed when searching for OUs. */ $ldq_ou_filter = '(objectclass=organizationalunit)'; /** * @var boolean Show Alternate mail addresses for attribute 'mail'? * These addresses will be grabbed from the LDAP attribute * 'mailAlternateAddress' */ $ldq_enablemailalternate = true; /** * @var array What attributes do to permit searching for/by. Must be a subset of * $ldq_enable_attrs. */ $ldq_searchattrs = array ('cn', 'sn', 'mail'); /** * @var array What objects to permit searching for? */ $ldq_enable_searchfor = array('person'); /** * @var array What attributes to permit sorting by? * @todo Not yet implemented */ $ldq_sortby_attrs = array( 'cn', 'edupersonorgunitdn', 'mail', 'edupersonaffiliation' ); /** * ---------- Edit EduOrg Attributes Setup ---------- * These affect how the editing of eduorg (organizational unit object) * attributes are done, and by whom they are allowed to be edited. */ /** * @var array The LDAP Attributes that are editable. */ $ldq_eduorg_editable_attrs = $ldq_enable_ou_attrs; /** * @var array For a new eduOrgUnit, specify which objectclasses it should use. */ $ldq_eduorg_new_objectclass = array('organizationalUnit', 'eduOrg', 'UoAStructuralUnit'); /** * @var array This will allow you to restrict editing to only a couple of IP * addresses, used by administrators. The IP addresses or networks listed here * will have access to the pages: editeduorginfo.php and policy.php. */ $ldq_trusted_networks = array( array('network' => '', 'mask' => '') ); /** * ---------- Titles and eduPersonAffiliation Setup ---------- */ /** * @var array This array can contain pointers to different Personal Titles per * affiliation. (Note, affiliation is defined per eduPersonAffiliation and * eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation LDAP Attributes) */ $affiliate_titles=array( 'staff' => array('445','446','447'), 'faculty'=>array('448','449','450','451','452'), 'student'=>array('453','454'), 'employee'=>array('445','455','456'), 'affiliate'=>array('457','458','459','460') ); /** * @var array Personal titles descriptions in various languages. You are * expected to fill this in as you see fit. */ $titles['445']=array( 'en' => 'Teaching Assistant', 'el' => 'Ειδικό Διδακτικό Προσωπικό' ); $titles['446']=array( 'en' => 'Administrative Staff', 'el' => 'Διοικητικό Προσωπικό' ); $titles['447']=array( 'en' => 'Technical Staff', 'el' => 'Τεχνικό Προσωπικό' ); $titles['448']=array( 'en' => 'Professor', 'el' => 'Καθηγητής' ); $titles['449']=array( 'en' => 'Associate Professor', 'el' => 'Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής' ); $titles['450']=array( 'en' => 'Assistant Professor', 'el' => 'Επίκουρος Καθηγητής' ); $titles['451']=array( 'en' => 'Professor Emeritus', 'el' => 'Ομότιμος Καθηγητής' ); $titles['452']=array( 'en' => 'Lecturer', 'el' => 'Λέκτορας' ); $titles['453']=array( 'en' => 'Postgraduate Student', 'el' => 'Μεταπτυχιακός Φοιτητής' ); $titles['454']=array( 'en' => 'PhD Candidate', 'el' => 'Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ' ); $titles['455']=array( 'en' => 'Research Associate', 'el' => 'Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης' ); $titles['456']=array( 'en' => 'Associate', 'el' => 'Συνεργάτης' ); $titles['457']=array( 'en' => 'Honorary Doctorate', 'el' => 'Επίτιμος Διδάκτωρ' ); $titles['458']=array( 'en' => 'Affiliate', 'el' => 'Μέλος' ); $titles['459']=array( 'en' => 'Visitor', 'el' => 'Επισκέπτης' ); $titles['460']=array( 'en' => 'Visiting Professor', 'el' => 'Επισκέπτης Καθηγητής' ); $titles['461']=array( 'en' => 'Undergraduate Student', 'el' => 'Προπτυχιακός Φοιτητής' ); /** * @var string Privacy attribute for public users */ $ldq_privacy_attribute = ''; /** * @var string Privacy attribute for internal users. This can be a multivalue * LDAP attribute, that describes which attributes are to remain private to a * user. */ $ldq_privacy_attribute_internal = ''; /** * @var string Optional URL to a Privacy Help / Policy web page */ $ldq_privacy_url = ''; /** * ---------- User Default Preferences / Interface ------------- */ /** * @var boolean Enable "browse" features */ $directory_enable_browse = false; /** * @var string Default output style. (One of 'onetable' or 'multitable') */ $directory_default_output_type = 'onetable'; /** * @var array Default attributes to show, if user has not set the preferences. * Must be a subset of $ldq_enable_attrs */ $ldq_default_attrs = array( 'cn', 'department', 'edupersonaffiliation', 'telephonenumber', 'facsimiletelephonenumber', 'mail' ); /** * @var integer Trim strings at this length */ $trim_at = 65; /** * @var int Default Operational mode. Eiter 1 (simple) or 2 (advanced). */ $ldq_default_mode = 1; /** * @var boolean Skip attributes with empty values? If false, will just print an * empty row, that will remind the user / administrator that this can be filled * in. */ $ldq_skip_empty_attributes = false; /** @var array Where to have links to directory services. An array that can * contain any or all of these values: * - 'top' -> for squirrelmail's top navigation bar * - 'options' -> an entry in Options screen * - 'tools' -> an entry in Tools screen */ $directory_link_setup = array('options'); /** * ----------------- Misc. Configuration ----------------- */ /** * @var string Load in custom LDAP code from file * "include/custom/$ldq_custom.php". This will be loaded in every script * intialization, after all other includes. */ $ldq_custom = '';