* Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id: showeduorginfo.php,v 2004/01/02 16:00:18 avel Exp $ * * @package plugins * @subpackage directory */ /** * Show information about a specific eduOrg Organizational Unit. To be called * by main directory service. */ /** * Includes. */ define('DIRECTORY_DEBUG', 0); define('SM_PATH', "../../"); include_once (SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); include_once (SM_PATH . 'include/load_prefs.php'); include_once (SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/config.php"); $prev = bindtextdomain ('directory', SM_PATH . 'plugins/directory/locale'); textdomain ('directory'); include_once (SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/html.php"); include_once (SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/functions.php"); include_once (SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/constants.php"); if(isset($_GET['dn'])) { $ldq_dn = urldecode($_GET['dn']); } else { if(DIRECTORY_DEBUG == 1) { /* Insert here your dn's for testing purposes. */ $ldq_dn[] = 'ou=NetOpeCen,ou=Admin,dc=edu-net,dc=gr'; $ldq_dn[] = 'ou=Phy,ou=Sci,ou=Schools,dc=edu-net,dc=gr'; $ldq_dn[] = 'ou=SolStaPhy,ou=Phy,ou=Sci,ou=Schools,dc=edu-net,dc=gr'; } else { print "No Organizational Unit Specified."; exit; } } $ldq_lds = 0; if(isset($_GET['lds'])) { /* TODO: Verify that we are allowed to ask this LDAP server... */ if(is_numeric($_GET['lds'])) { $ldq_lds = $_GET[$ldq_lds]; } } $ldq_Server = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['host']; $ldq_Port = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['port']; $ldq_base = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['base']; $ldq_maxrows = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['maxrows']; $ldq_timeout = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['timeout']; if (!($ldq_ldap=ldap_connect($ldq_Server,$ldq_Port))) { print ("Could not connect to LDAP server " . $ldq_Server); exit; } if (!ldap_bind($ldq_ldap, $ldq_bind_dn, $ldq_pass)) { print ("Unable to bind to LDAP server
\n"); exit; } $ldq_tattr = $ldq_enable_ou_attrs; foreach ($ldq_tattr as $attr) { /* Additional attributes */ if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['additional_attrs'])) { foreach($ldq_attributes[$attr]['additional_attrs'] as $additional) { $ldq_tattr[] = $additional; } } } /* Perform search for relevant dn */ $old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_WARNING | E_NOTICE )); $ldq_base = $ldap_base_dn; $ldq_filter = directory_build_filter_from_dn($ldq_dn); if (!($ldq_result = ldap_search($ldq_ldap, $ldq_base, $ldq_filter, $ldq_tattr, 0, $ldq_maxrows, $ldq_timeout))) { print '

' . _("No entries found.") . '

'; } error_reporting($old_error_reporting); $ldq_errno = ldap_errno($ldq_ldap); if($ldq_errno == 4) { $toomanyfound = true; print '

'. _("Warning: Too many results were found, a partial list follows."). '
'. _("You may redefine your search to get more specific results.") . '

'; } $ldq_entry = ldap_get_entries($ldq_ldap, $ldq_result); /** * Perform second-level search if there are followme attributes (for the * SUPERIOR org unit, i.e) */ $followme_attrs = array(); foreach($ldq_tattr as $attr) { if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['followme'])) { $followme_attrs[] = $attr; } } if(!empty($followme_attrs)) { $followme_search = array(); foreach($followme_attrs as $followattr) { for($i=0; $i<$ldq_entry['count']; $i++) { if(isset($ldq_entry[$i][$followattr])) { $followme_search[] = $ldq_entry[$i][$followattr][0]; } } } } $ldq_dn2 = array(); if(!empty($followme_search)) { foreach($followme_search as $followattr) { $url = parse_url($followattr); $ldq_dn2[] = str_replace('/', '', $url['path']); } if(!empty($ldq_dn2)) { $ldq_filter = directory_build_filter_from_dn($ldq_dn2); if (!($ldq_result2 = ldap_search($ldq_ldap, $ldq_base, $ldq_filter, $ldq_tattr, 0, $ldq_maxrows, $ldq_timeout))) { print "Could not follow you."; } $ldq_entry2 = ldap_get_entries ($ldq_ldap, $ldq_result2); } } ldap_close($ldq_ldap); /* print "
print "
"; */ /** * ------ Print results (presentation logic) ------ */ if ($compose_new_win == '1') { /* I am a popup window */ displayHtmlHeader(_("Organizational Unit Information"), '', false); } else { $prev = bindtextdomain ('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('squirrelmail'); displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); $prev = bindtextdomain ('directory', SM_PATH . 'plugins/directory/locale'); textdomain ('directory'); } directory_LoadPrefs(); $lang_iso = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'language'); $ldq_lang = substr($lang_iso, 0, 2); $charset = $languages[$lang_iso]['CHARSET']; directory_print_all_sections_start(); directory_print_section_start( _("Organizational Unit Information") ); print ''; foreach($ldq_tattr as $attr) { /* Don't display hidden fields */ if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['hide'])) { continue; } $attr_lang = $attr.';lang-'.$ldq_lang; /* 'header' column */ echo ''; /* value columns */ for($i = 0; $i<$ldq_entry['count']; $i++) { if(array_key_exists($attr_lang, $ldq_entry[$i]) && !is_null($ldq_entry[$i][$attr_lang][0]) && ($ldq_entry[$i][$attr_lang][0] != " ") ) { $val = directory_string_convert($ldq_entry[$i][$attr_lang][0], "UTF-8", $charset); } elseif(array_key_exists($attr, $ldq_entry[$i])) { $val = $ldq_entry[$i][$attr][0]; } else { $val = ''; } echo ''; } print ''; } print "
' . $ldq_attributes[$attr]['text'] . ''; if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['important'])) { print ''; } if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['followme']) && isset($ldq_entry[$i][$attr])) { for($j=0; $j<$ldq_entry2['count']; $j++) { $url = parse_url($ldq_entry[$i][$attr][0]); $askdn = str_replace('/', '', $url['path']); if($ldq_entry2[$j]['dn'] == $askdn) { /* Print Link for superior */ $attr2 = 'cn'; $attr2_lang = $attr2.';lang-'.$ldq_lang; if(!is_null($ldq_entry2[$j][$attr2_lang][0]) && ($ldq_entry2[$j][$attr2_lang][0] != " ") ) { $val = $ldq_entry2[$j][$attr2_lang][0]; } else { $val = $ldq_entry2[$j][$attr2][0]; } $val = directory_string_convert($ldq_entry2[$j][$attr2_lang][0], "UTF-8", $charset); print ''; print $val; print ''; break; } } } else { print directory_href($attr, $val); } if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['important'])) { print ''; } print '
\n"; directory_print_section_end(); directory_print_all_sections_end(); if ($compose_new_win == '1' && isset($_GET['addacl'])) { print '
\n"; } ?>