*/ /** * Display a user's information, or send that information as a VCard to the * user. */ /** * Define's and include's */ include_once ('config.php'); define('DEBUG_MODE', 0); if($ldq_standalone) { include_once ('standalone/standalone.php'); } else { $public_mode = false; if (file_exists('../../include/init.php')) { include_once('../../include/init.php'); define('DIR_PATH', SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/"); } else if (file_exists('../../include/validate.php')) { define('SM_PATH', "../../"); define('DIR_PATH', SM_PATH . "plugins/directory/"); include_once (SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); include_once (SM_PATH . 'include/load_prefs.php'); } $language = $lang_iso = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'language'); } $prev = bindtextdomain ('directory', DIR_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('directory'); if(isset($_GET['vcard'])) { $vcard = true; } else { $vcard = false; } include_once (DIR_PATH . "html.php"); include_once (DIR_PATH . "javascript.php"); include_once (DIR_PATH . "functions.php"); include_once (DIR_PATH . 'mailto.php'); include_once (DIR_PATH . "constants.php"); if($vcard) { include_once (DIR_PATH . 'vcard.lib.php'); include_once (DIR_PATH . 'vcard_functions.php'); } else { include_once (DIR_PATH . 'display.php'); } if(isset($ldq_custom) && !(empty($ldq_custom)) && file_exists(DIR_PATH . "custom/$ldq_custom.php")) { include_once (DIR_PATH . "custom/$ldq_custom.php"); } /** ---------- Cache OrgUnitDNs ---------- */ if(isset($_GET['language'])) { $lang_iso = $_GET['language']; } $ldq_lang = substr($lang_iso, 0, 2); $charset = $languages[$lang_iso]['CHARSET']; if($ldq_support_eduperson) { if(isset($_SESSION['orgs'])) { $orgs = $_SESSION['orgs']; // $orgs2 = $_SESSION['orgs2']; $orgs3 = $_SESSION['orgs3']; } else { /* Orgs Not cached into session. */ global $orgs, $orgs3; cache_orgunitdns(); } } /** * Variable import */ if(isset($_GET['uid'])) { $uid = $_GET['uid']; } else { exit; } $compose_new_win = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'compose_new_win'); /** * Build search filter */ $ldq_finalfilter = 'uid='.$uid; $ldq_filter = "(&"; $ldq_searchfor = 'person'; if(isset($ldq_searchobjs[$ldq_searchfor]['filter'])) { $ldq_filter .= '(' . $ldq_searchobjs[$ldq_searchfor]['filter'] . ')'; } $ldq_filter .= '(' . $ldq_finalfilter . '))'; /** * Search LDAP for $uid */ for ($ldq_lds=0 ; $ldq_lds < count($ldap_server) ; $ldq_lds++) { if(isset($ldq_bind_dn)) { unset($ldq_bind_dn); } if(isset($ldq_pass)) { unset($ldq_pass); } $ldq_Server = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['host']; if(!empty($ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['port'])) { $ldq_Port = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['port']; } else { $ldq_Port = 389; } $ldq_base = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['base']; $ldq_maxres = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['maxrows']; if(isset($ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['timeout'])) { $ldq_timeout = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['timeout']; } else { $ldq_timeout = 60; } if(isset($ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['binddn'])) { $ldq_bind_dn = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['binddn']; } if(isset($ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['bindpw'])) { $ldq_pass = $ldap_server[$ldq_lds]['bindpw']; } if (!($ldq_ldap=ldap_connect($ldq_Server,$ldq_Port))) { exit; } if(isset($ldq_bind_dn)) { if (!ldap_bind($ldq_ldap, $ldq_bind_dn, $ldq_pass)) { exit; } } /** --- Gather attributes to ask LDAP --- */ if($public_mode == true && isset($ldq_enable_attrs_public) ) { $ldq_enable_attrs = $ldq_enable_attrs_public; } foreach($ldq_enable_attrs as $attr) { $attributes[] = $attr; } foreach ($attributes as $attr) { if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['disabled']) && $ldq_attributes[$attr]['disabled'] == true) { continue; } $ldq_tattr[] = $attr; /** Additional attributes */ if (isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['additional_attrs']) && is_array($ldq_attributes[$attr]['additional_attrs']) ) { foreach($ldq_attributes[$attr]['additional_attrs'] as $additional) { $ldq_tattr[] = $additional; } } /** For these we need to ask for more information with a new * LDAP search... */ if(isset($ldq_attributes[$attr]['followme'])) { $extra_referrer_attributes[] = $attr; $extra_search_attributes[] = $ldq_attributes[$attr]['followme_show']; } } if(!empty($extra_referrer_attributes)) { $extra_referrer_attributes = array_unique($extra_referrer_attributes); } if(!empty($extra_search_attributes)) { $extra_search_attributes = array_unique($extra_search_attributes); } $ldq_tattr[] = 'uid'; if(!empty($ldq_privacy_attribute)) { $ldq_tattr[] = $ldq_privacy_attribute; } if(isset($ldq_searchobjs[$ldq_searchfor]['rdn'])) { $ldq_base = $ldq_searchobjs[$ldq_searchfor]['rdn'] . ',' . $ldq_base; } if (!($ldq_result = ldap_search($ldq_ldap, $ldq_base, $ldq_filter, $ldq_tattr, 0, $ldq_maxres, $ldq_timeout))) { print '

' . _("No entries found.") . '

'; } $entry = ldap_get_entries ($ldq_ldap, $ldq_result); sanitize_entry_array($entry); $me = $entry[0]; if(isset($me[$ldq_privacy_attribute]) && $me[$ldq_privacy_attribute]['count'] > 0) { $privateattrs = $me[$ldq_privacy_attribute]; } } if($vcard) { /** * Build vCard & Send it away */ vcget($me, 'telephonenumber'); vcget($me, 'mail'); vcget($me, 'homephone'); vcget($me, 'description'); vcget($me, 'facsimiletelephonenumber'); vcget($me, 'sn'); vcget($me, 'cn'); vcget($me, 'title'); vcget($me, 'postofficebox'); vcget($me, 'postaladdress'); vcget($me, 'postalcode'); vcget($me, 'l'); vcget($me, 'mobile'); vcget($me, 'labeleduri'); $v = new vCard(); if(!empty($telephonenumber)) { $v->setPhoneNumber($telephonenumber, "PREF;WORK;VOICE"); } if(!empty($facsimiletelephonenumber)) { $v->setPhoneNumber($facsimiletelephonenumber, "PREF;WORK;FAX"); } if(!empty($homephone)) { $v->setPhoneNumber($homephone, "HOME;VOICE"); } if(!empty($cn)) { $v->setName($sn, $cn, "", $title); } if(!empty($postaladdress)) { $v->setAddress($postofficebox, "", $postaladdress, $l, "", "", "", 'WORK'); } if(!empty($homepostaladdress)) { $v->setAddress("", "", $homepostaladdress, "", "", "", "", 'HOME'); } if(!empty($mail)) { $v->setEmail($mail); } if(!empty($description)) { $v->setNote($description); } // "You can take some notes here.\r\nMultiple lines are supported via \\r\\n."); // $v->setURL(, "WORK"); $output = $v->getVCard(); $filename = $v->getFileName(); if(DEBUG_MODE == 1) { Header("Content-Type: text/html; name=$filename; charset=UTF-8"); print '
		echo $output;
		print '
'; } else { Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); Header("Content-Length: ".strlen($output)); Header("Connection: close"); Header("Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name=$filename; charset=UTF-8"); echo $output; } } else { /** * Show User Profile, in HTML. */ if ($compose_new_win == '1') { /* I am a popup window */ $popup = 1; $wintitle = _("Personal Information"); $js = ''; /* Note: Remove type="" if it does bad... */ $js = '"; $prev = bindtextdomain ('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('squirrelmail'); displayHtmlHeader($wintitle, $js); } else { $prev = bindtextdomain ('squirrelmail', SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('squirrelmail'); if($ldq_standalone) { displayPageHeader($color, _("Personal Information"), 'no'); } else { displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); } $prev = bindtextdomain ('directory', DIR_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain ('directory'); } directory_print_all_sections_start(); directory_print_section_start( _("Personal Information") ); directory_dispresultsMulti($attributes, $entry, 'cn'); directory_print_section_end(); directory_print_all_sections_end(); if($ldq_standalone || !$compose_new_win) { print '
'. _("Back to Search Results") .'
'; } elseif ($compose_new_win == '1') { print '
\n"; } } ?>