$info) {
$ind = ' ';
$indent = '';
if($level > 0 ) {
for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) {
$indent .= $ind;
if(isset($info['text'])) {
echo '\n";
if(isset($info['sub'])) {
directory_print_orgs2($info['sub'], $level+1);
* Print "select" options for Restrict to Organizational Units feature.
* This algorithm needs a properly formatted "$orgs3" array.
* @param array $orgs3
* @param int $level
* @global array $restrict
* @global int $trim_at
* @return void
function directory_print_orgs3($orgs3, $level) {
global $restrict, $trim_at;
foreach($orgs3 as $dn=>$info) {
print $dn;
$ind = ' ';
$indent = '';
if($level > 0 ) {
for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) {
$indent .= $ind;
if(isset($info['text'])) {
if(isset($trim_at) && strlen($info['text']) > $trim_at && $dn != '*') {
$text = substr($info['text'], 0, $trim_at);
$text .= '...';
} else {
$text = $info['text'];
echo '\n";
if(isset($info['sub'])) {
directory_print_orgs3($info['sub'], $level+1);
function directory_print_browse_tree($orgs3, $level, $stop_at = 1, $current = '', $expand = array()) {
global $restrict, $trim_at, $ldq_standalone;
if($stop_at == 0) {
if($ldq_standalone) {
$target_browse = 'dirbrowse';
$target_results = 'dirresults';
} else {
$target_browse = '_self';
$target_results = '_self';
foreach($orgs3 as $dn=>$info) {
if(isset($niaou)) unset($niaou);
if(isset($gab)) unset($gab);
$ind = ' ';
$indent = '';
if($level > 0 ) {
for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) {
$indent .= $ind;
if(isset($info['text'])) {
if(isset($trim_at) && strlen($info['text']) > $trim_at && $dn != '*') {
$text = substr($info['text'], 0, $trim_at);
$text .= '...';
} else {
$text = $info['text'];
echo $indent;
/* Set up "Rest of URL", for all links below! */
$restofurl = '';
if(isset($level)) {
$restofurl .= '&level='.$level;
if(isset($expand)) {
foreach($expand as $exp) {
$restofurl .= '&expand[]='.urlencode($exp);
global $formname, $inputname, $popup;
if(!empty($formname)) {
$restofurl .= '&formname='.urlencode($formname);
if(!empty($inputname)) {
$restofurl .= '&inputname='.urlencode($inputname);
if(isset($popup) && $popup == 1) {
$restofurl .= '&popup=1';
/* Plus/Minus gif, expand/collapse functionality */
if(array_key_exists('sub', $info)) {
if(in_array($dn, $expand) ) {
echo ''.
} else {
echo ''.
} else {
echo '
/* Text & Link Print */
if($dn == $current) {
echo '';
$niaou = true;
} elseif($dn == '*') {
echo '';
$gab = true;
} else {
// echo '';
$selfuri = 'browse.php?dn='.urlencode($dn).$restofurl.
$selftarget = urlencode($dn);
echo '';
echo $info['struct']. ' ' .$text;
if(isset($niaou)) {
echo ' '.
' '.
} elseif(isset($gab)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
echo '';
echo "
if(isset($info['sub']) && in_array($dn, $expand) ) {
//print "directory_print_browse_tree(".$info['sub'].", $level+1, $stop_at, $current)\n
directory_print_browse_tree($info['sub'], $level+1, $stop_at, $current, $expand);
} elseif(isset($info['sub'])) {
directory_print_browse_tree($info['sub'], $level+1, $stop_at-1, $current, $expand);
function directory_find_inferior($restrict, &$inferior_final) {
global $orgs;
$inferior = array();
foreach($restrict as $no=>$restrictdn) {
foreach ($orgs as $orgdn => $data) {
if(isset($data['superior']['dn']) && $data['superior']['dn'] == $restrictdn) {
// print "Hit. $orgdn
$inferior_final[] = $orgdn;
$inferior[] = $orgdn;
} else {
if(!empty($inferior)) {
// print "
calling directory_find_inferior("; print_r($inferior); print_r($inferior_final);
directory_find_inferior($inferior, $inferior_final);