* @copyright 2004-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team, Alexandros Vellis
* @package plugins
* @subpackage avelsieve
/** Include Configuration */
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/config/config.php');
* Register Plugin
* @return void
function squirrelmail_plugin_init_avelsieve() {
global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_register_block']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_optpage_register_block';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['menuline']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_menuline';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['read_body_header']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_commands_menu';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['search_after_form']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_search_integration';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['configtest']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_configtest';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['right_main_after_header']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_right_main';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['javascript_libs_register']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_register_jslibs';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['generic_header']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_generic_header';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['special_mailbox']['avelsieve'] = 'junkmail_markspecial';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['folders_bottom']['avelsieve'] = 'junkmail_folders';
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['template_construct_page_header.tpl']['avelsieve'] = 'avelsieve_menuline_devel';
* Register options block page
* @return void
function avelsieve_optpage_register_block() {
global $optpage_blocks, $avelsieve_enable_rules;
sq_bindtextdomain ('avelsieve', SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/locale');
textdomain ('avelsieve');
$optpage_blocks[] = array(
'name' => _("Message Filters"),
'url' => '../plugins/avelsieve/table.php',
'desc' => _("Server-Side mail filtering enables you to add criteria in order to automatically forward, delete or place a given message into a folder."),
'js' => false
if(in_array(11, $avelsieve_enable_rules)) {
$optpage_blocks[] = array(
'name' => _("Junk Mail Options"),
'url' => '../plugins/avelsieve/edit.php?type=11',
'desc' => _("The Junk Mail Filter gathers all unwanted SPAM / Junk messages in your Junk folder."),
'js' => false
* Display menuline link (Squirrelmail DEVEL 1.5 version)
* @return void
function avelsieve_menuline_devel() {
global $avelsieveheaderlink;
if($avelsieveheaderlink) {
global $oTemplate, $nbsp;
sq_bindtextdomain('avelsieve', SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/locale');
textdomain ('avelsieve');
$output = makeInternalLink('plugins/avelsieve/table.php', _("Filters")) . ' ';
textdomain ('squirrelmail');
return array('menuline' => $output);
* Display menuline link
* @return void
function avelsieve_menuline() {
global $avelsieveheaderlink;
if($avelsieveheaderlink) {
sq_bindtextdomain('avelsieve', SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/locale');
textdomain ('avelsieve');
echo " \n";
textdomain ('squirrelmail');
* While showing a message, display filter commands.
* @return void
* @see avelsieve_commands_menu_do()
function avelsieve_commands_menu() {
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/include/message_commands.inc.php');
* Integration with Advanced Search.
* @return void
* @see avelsieve_search_integration_do()
function avelsieve_search_integration() {
global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks, $SQM_INTERNAL_VERSION, $version;
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/include/search_integration.inc.php');
* Function to insert stuff in HTML head section, mainly javascripts.
* Used at the moment in avelsieve's edit.php.
function avelsieve_generic_header() {
global $PHP_SELF, $base_uri, $javascript_on;
if(!$javascript_on) return;
if(stristr(basename($PHP_SELF), 'edit.php')) {
// Edit page (edit.php)
$js = array('avelsieve_common.js', 'avelsieve_edit.js', 'prototype-base-extensions.js', 'prototype-date-extensions.js', 'datepicker.js');
echo "\n".'' . "\n";
} elseif(stristr(basename($PHP_SELF), 'table.php')) {
// Table Page (table.php)
$js = array('avelsieve_common.js', 'avelsieve_table.js');
echo '';
if(isset($js)) {
foreach($js as $j) {
echo "\n".'';
* Junk Mail functionality: This marks a junk folder as "special" to Squirrelmail.
* @param string $box
* @return mixed Return true if this is the special Junk folder.
function junkmail_markspecial($box) {
global $avelsieve_enable_rules, $delimiter;
if(!in_array(11,$avelsieve_enable_rules)) return;
if($box == 'Junk' || $box == 'INBOX.Junk') {
return true;
$parts = preg_split('/'.str_replace('.', '\.',$delimiter).'/', $box);
if(sizeof($parts) > 1 && ($parts[0] == 'Junk' || $parts[1] == 'Junk')) {
return true;
* Call functions that can be called in Message listing (src/right_main.php).
* 1) Junk Mail functionality: Link to options from Junk folder.
* 2) Vacation Rule reminder, from INBOX folder.
* @see avelsieve_right_main_do()
function avelsieve_right_main() {
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/include/right_main.inc.php');
* Junk Mail functionality: Link to options, from Folders Page (folders.php).
function junkmail_folders() {
global $avelsieve_enable_rules, $mailbox;
if(!in_array(11,$avelsieve_enable_rules)) return;
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/include/junkmail.inc.php');
* Configuration Test
* @return boolean
function avelsieve_configtest() {
include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/include/configtest.inc.php');
return avelsieve_configtest_do();
* Register the main avelsieve scripts with the javascript_libs plugin.
function avelsieve_register_jslibs() {
global $plugins;
if(in_array('javascript_libs', $plugins)) {
javascript_libs_register('plugins/avelsieve/table.php', array('prototype-', 'scriptaculous-1.8.1/effects.js'));
javascript_libs_register('plugins/avelsieve/edit.php', array('prototype-', 'scriptaculous-1.8.1/effects.js'));
* Return information about plugin.
* @return array
function avelsieve_info() {
return array(
'english_name' => 'Avelsieve - Sieve Mail Filters',
'version' => '1.9.10svn',
'summary' => 'An easy user interface for creating Sieve scripts on a Sieve-compliant (RFC 5028) server.',
'details' => 'Avelsieve - Sieve Mail Filters for Squirrelmail - allows editing of Sieve mail filtering scripts on a Sieve-compliant (RFC 5028) server.'
* Return plugin version.
* @return string
function avelsieve_version() {
$info = avelsieve_info();
return $info['version'];