Installing for the first time ----------------------------- 1) Untar the plugin under the squirrelmail/plugins directory. You probably have already done this. :) 2) Copy config/config_sample.php to config/config.php. Edit config.php to your preferences. The file is self-documented with comments. The defaults are OK for most installations. 3) Install Javascript Libraries plugin (Highly Recommended) For the development release 1.9.8, at the moment you will also need the javascript_libs squirrelmail "library" plugin. Just grab the following file: Untar it under your squirrelmail/plugins/ directory and enable the plugin in Squirrelmail. Signature: Upgrading versions ------------------ 1) Move the old avelsieve directory aside: mv avelsieve avelsieve-prev 2) Untar the new version. 3) Check the documentation (doc/NEWS.html) if there are any new configuration options. 4) Copy your previous configuration file, e.g: cp ../avelsieve-prev/config/config.php ./config/ 5) You can also try a diff with the sample configuration file, if there are any changes: vim -d config_sample.php config.php Or even better, if you have the "meld" tool (, you can bring your configuration file up to date with just a few clicks: meld config_sample.php config.php If and only if you are positive that things work as before (or, even, better), then delete the old directory!