* * Based on Dan Ellis' test scripts that came with sieve-php.lib * * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING that came * with the Squirrelmail distribution. * */ /* edit.php: Editing existing rules. */ define('AVELSIEVE_DEBUG',0); define('SM_PATH','../../'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/load_prefs.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); include "config.php"; require_once "avelsieve_support.inc.php"; require_once "table_html.php"; require_once "addrule_html.php"; require_once "buildrule.php"; require_once "process_input.php"; require_once "sieve.php"; sqsession_is_active(); if(isset($_GET['edit'])) { $edit = $_GET['edit']; } elseif(isset($_POST['edit'])) { $edit = $_POST['edit']; } /* Have this handy: type of current rule */ $type = $_SESSION['rules'][$edit]['type']; /* and the rule itself */ $rule = $_SESSION['rules'][$edit]; sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); /* Can (& should) replace above with this: */ //sqgetGlobalVar('edit', $edit, SQ_GET&SQ_POST); sqgetGlobalVar('sieve_capabilities', $sieve_capabilities, SQ_SESSION); global $mailboxlist, $delimiter; /* --------------- Start processing of variables ------------------- */ if(isset($_POST['append'])) { $items = $_POST['items'] + 1; } elseif(isset($_POST['less'])) { $items = $_POST['items'] - 1; } elseif(isset($_POST['cancel'])) { header("Location: table.php"); exit; } elseif(isset($_POST['changetype'])) { // eeer.... hmmmm.... o:-) } elseif(isset($_POST['apply'])) { $no = $_POST['edit']; $_SESSION['rules'][$no] = process_input($type); /* Communication: */ $_SESSION['comm']['edited'] = $no; header('Location: table.php'); exit; } elseif(isset($_POST['addnew'])) { $no = $_POST['edit']; $_SESSION['rules'][] = process_input($type); /* Communication: */ $_SESSION['comm']['edited'] = $no; $_SESSION['comm']['new'] = true; header('Location: table.php'); exit; } if(isset($_SESSION['delimiter'])) { $delimiter = $_SESSION['delimiter']; } else { /* These aren't likely to be executed.. just in case... */ $delimiter = sqimap_get_delimiter($imapConnection); $_SESSION['delimiter'] = $delimiter; } /* Grab the list of my IMAP folders */ // $folder_prefix = "INBOX"; $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); /* ---------------------- Start main ----------------------- */ displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); $prev = bindtextdomain ('avelsieve', SM_PATH . 'plugins/avelsieve/locale'); textdomain ('avelsieve'); require_once "constants.php"; /* N.B. Compatibility code removed. */ //print "
EDIT: "; print_r($_SESSION['rules'][$edit]); print "
"; //print "
session: "; print_r($_SESSION); print "
"; print '
'; print ''; $titlestring = _("Editing Mail Filtering Rule"); $titlestring .= ' #'. ($edit+1); printheader2( $titlestring); print_all_sections_start(); /* --------------------- 'if' ----------------------- */ print_section_start( _("Condition") ); /* this is for the drop-down box */ /* print '

' . _("Rule Type") . ': '; print '

'; */ switch ($type) { case 1: print "not implemented yet. :)"; break; case 2: /* header */ if(!isset($items)) { $items = sizeof($rule['header']) + 1; print ''; } print_2_2_headermatch($items); break; case 3: /* size */ print_2_3_sizematch(); break; case 4: /* All messages */ print_2_4_allmessages(); break; } print_section_end(); /* --------------------- 'then' ----------------------- */ print_section_start( _("Action") ); if(isset($rule['folder'])) { $selectedmailbox = $rule['folder']; } /* TODO - Remove this and add new folder creation in edit.php as well. */ $createnewfolder = false; print_3_action(); /* End main */ print_section_end(); print '
'; if( isset($_GET['dup']) || isset($_POST['dup']) ) { print ''; print ''; } else { print ''; } print ''; print '
'; print_all_sections_end(); printfooter2(); ?>