
Avelsieve or, verbosely, "SIEVE Mail Filters Plugin for Squirrelmail" is a Squirrelmail plugin for creating SIEVE scripts on a Cyrus IMAP server that runs timsieved (Tim's SIEVE daemon).

Avelsieve will also be a part of Cyrusmaster, a web-based Cyrus administration tool. It should provide the same interface of the user's filters to administrators and/or helpdesk staff.

SIEVE is a mail filtering language, intended for server-side filtering of emails. See RFC 3028 and Cyrusoft's page about SIEVE for more details.

Latest Version is 0.9.11 (Released 17-May-2004).

About this implementation

The web interface provides a wizard-like interface that, in the end, creates part of a SIEVE script, a so called rule. It then assembles all the rules to form a SIEVE script.

For the sake of user-friendliness, it provides only a subset of SIEVE's functionality; the main goal was to provide a simple interface for Joe User to create server-side filters without knowing anything about the language itself.

The plugin does not provide a parser; instead, it saves PHP meta-data in the script itself, in order to continue editing and manipulation of the filters. The only thing that is supported is a script called "phpscript" on the Cyrus server. Multiple scripts are not supported yet. I've tried to make it sane enough that it won't break a lot. Some more testing is needed - hence the beta status.


This is beta software. It has been out for a while and is known to work pretty well. You'll have to check for yourselves if it is for a production environment. Features (and bugs) are added every other day. Insert standard GPL_Disclaimer(); here.


This plugin provides:

..but does not provide:


If you'd like to take some quick look before installing, here are some screenshots of avelsieve in action:

Action to take in a rule
Header match definition
The table that lists all the rules


Aside from the screenshots above, you can see the plugin in action, if you wish. Check the Live Demo page for more information.



This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Alexandros Vellis, Network Operations Centre, University of Athens
(Personal home page).