* * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING that came * with the Squirrelmail distribution. * * $Id: constants.php,v 2004/12/22 13:12:03 avel Exp $ */ $types = array(); $types[1]= array( 'order' => 0, 'disabled' => true, 'name' => _("Address Match"), 'description' => _("Perform an action depending on email addresses appearing in message headers.") ); $types[2]= array( 'order' => 1, 'name' => _("Header Match"), 'description' => _("Perform an action on messages matching a specified header (From, To etc.).") ); $types[3] = array( 'order' => 2, 'name' => _("Size"), 'description' => _("Perform an action on messages depending on their size.") ); $types[4] = array( 'order' => 3, 'name' => _("All Messages"), 'description' => _("Perform an action on all incoming messages.") ); $types[5] = array( 'disabled' => true, 'order' => 4, 'name' => _("Body Match"), 'description' => _("Perform an action on messages depending on their content (body text)."), 'dependencies' => array("body") ); $actions[1] = array( 'name' => _("Keep (Default action)") ); $actions[2] = array( 'name' => _("Discard Silently") ); $actions[3] = array( 'name' => _("Reject, sending this excuse to the sender:") ); $actions[4] = array( 'name' => _("Redirect to the following email address:") ); $actions[5] = array( 'name' => _("Move message into") ); $matchtypes = array( "contains" => _("contains"), "does not contain" => _("does not contain"), "is" => _("is"), "is not" => _("is not"), "matches" => _("matches") . " " . _("wildcard"), "does not match" => _("does not match") . " " . _("wildcard") ); $matchregex = array( "regex" => _("matches") . " " . _("regexp"), "not regex" => _("does not match") . " " . _("regexp") ); $comparators = array( 'gt' => "> " . _("is greater than"), 'ge' => "=> " . _("is greater or equal to"), 'lt' => "< " . _("is lower than"), 'le' => "<= " . _("is lower or equal to"), 'eq' => "= " . _("is equal to"), 'ne' => "!= " . _("is not equal to") ) ; // gt" / "ge" / "lt""le" / "eq" / "ne" $displaymodes = array( 'verbose' => _("verbose"), 'terse' => _("terse") ); $implemented_capabilities = array("fileinto", "reject", "vacation", "imapflags", "relational", "regex", "notify"); $cap_dependencies['relational'] = array("comparator-i;ascii-numeric"); $notifystrings = array( 'sms' => _("Mobile Phone Message (SMS)") , 'mailto' => _("Email notification") , 'zephyr' => _("Notification via Zephyr") , 'icq' => _("Notification via ICQ") ); $prioritystrings = array( 'low' => _("Low"), 'normal' => _("Normal"), 'high' => _("High") ); /* Tools (Icons in table.php) */ $fmt = 'gif'; $avelsievetools = array( 'rm' => array( 'desc' => _("Delete"), 'img' => "del.$fmt" ), 'edit' => array( 'desc' => _("Edit"), 'img' => "edit.$fmt" ), 'dup' => array( 'desc' => _("Duplicate"), 'img' => "dup.$fmt" ), 'mvup' => array( 'desc' => _("Move Up"), 'img' => "up.$fmt" ), 'mvtop' => array( 'desc' => _("Move to Top"), 'img' => "top.$fmt" ), 'mvdn' => array( 'desc' => _("Move Down"), 'img' => "down.$fmt" ), 'mvbottom' => array( 'desc' => _("Move to Bottom"), 'img' => "bottom.$fmt" ) ); if($spamrule_enable==true) { if(in_array('junkfolder', $plugins)) { include SM_PATH . 'plugins/junkfolder/config.php'; if(in_array('ldapuserdata', $plugins)) { $jd = getpref($data_dir, $username, 'junkprune'); if(isset($jd) && $jd > 0) { $junkfolder_days = $jd; } else { $junkprune_saveme = true; } } } else { $junkfolder_days = 7; /* Dummy default for E_ALL */ } $spamrule_actions = array( 'junk' => array( 'short' => _("Junk Folder"), 'desc' => sprintf( _("Store SPAM message in your Junk Folder. Messages older than %s days will be deleted automatically."), $junkfolder_days) . ' ' . _("Note that you can set the number of days in Folder Preferences.") ), 'trash' => array( 'short' => _("Trash Folder"), 'desc' => _("Store SPAM message in your Trash Folder. You will have to purge the folder yourself.") ), 'discard' => array( 'short' => _("Discard"), 'desc' => _("Discard SPAM message. You will get no indication that the message ever arrived.") ) ); } /* Version Info for SIEVE scripts */ $avelsieve_version = array( 'major' => 1, 'minor' => 0, 'release' => 1, 'string' => "1.0.1" ); global $implemented_capabilities, $cap_dependencies; ?>