* * Based on Address book backend template by Tomas Kuliavas * * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Daniel Marczisovszky * * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING that came * with the Squirrelmail distribution. * * Version: 0.2.2 */ if (!defined("SM_PATH")) { define("SM_PATH", "../../"); } include_once(SM_PATH . "functions/addressbook.php"); include_once(SM_PATH . "functions/i18n.php"); include_once(SM_PATH . "functions/display_messages.php"); if (file_exists(SM_PATH . "plugins/ldap_abook_backend/config.php")) { require_once(SM_PATH . "plugins/ldap_abook_backend/config.php"); } else { error_box("Configuration file for LDAP Personal Address Book Plugin is missing!"); } if (file_exists(SM_PATH . "plugins/ldap_common/ldap_common.php")) { include_once(SM_PATH . "plugins/ldap_common/ldap_common.php"); } else { error_box("LDAP Common Plugin is missing! Please download and install it!"); } class abook_LdapBackend extends addressbook_backend { var $btype = 'local'; var $bname = 'LdapBackend'; var $writeable = true; var $ldap; var $host; var $options; var $useTls; var $useSelfAuth; var $bindDn; var $bindPassword; var $base; var $filter; // attribute names var $squirrelAttrs; var $ldapAttrs; var $requiredAttrs; var $requiredMsgs; var $attrNickname; var $attrRDN; var $objectClass; var $containerObjectClass; var $containerDnAttr; var $missingField; function abook_LdapBackend($param) { global $ldapAbookHost, $ldapAbookOptions, $ldapAbookUseTls, $ldapAbookUseSelfAuth, $ldapAbookBindDn, $ldapAbookBindPassword, $ldapAbookBase, $ldapAbookFilter, $ldapAbookObjectClass, $ldapAbookRequiredNickname, $ldapAboobRequiredFirstname, $ldapAbookRequiredLastname, $ldapAbookRequiredEmail, $ldapAbookRequiredLabel, $ldapAbookAttrNickname, $ldapAbookAttrRDN, $ldapAbookAttrFirstname, $ldapAbookAttrLastname, $ldapAbookAttrEmail,$ldapAbookAttrLabel, $ldapAbookContainerObjectClass, $ldapAbookContainerDnAttr, $username, $default_charset, $languages, $squirrelmail_language; if (!is_array($param)) { return $this->set_error('Invalid argument to constructor'); } if (!empty($param['name'])) { $this->sname = $param['name']; } $charset = $default_charset; if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language])) { $charset = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]["CHARSET"]; } $this->ldap = new LdapClient($charset); $this->host = $ldapAbookHost; $this->options = $ldapAbookOptions; $this->useTls = $ldapAbookUseTls; $this->base = $ldapAbookBase; $this->filter = $ldapAbookFilter; $this->useSelfAuth = $ldapAbookUseSelfAuth; if (!$this->useSelfAuth) { // Avel $this->bindDn = $dn = "uid=".$username.",".$this->base; $this->bindPassword = sqauth_read_password(); // $this->bindDn = $ldapAbookBindDn; // $this->bindPassword = $ldapAbookBindPassword; // Bind only if not in self auth mode } if (!$this->connect(!$this->useSelfAuth)) { $this->disconnect($this->_("Can't connect to LDAP server!")); } $query = str_replace("%username", $this->ldap->escapeQuery($username), $this->filter); /* $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::abook_LdapBackend - search user DN: $this->base QUERY: $query"); $dn = $this->ldap->searchDn($this->base, $query, true, true); if (!$dn) { $this->disconnect($this->_("Can't search in LDAP server!")); } $this->ldap->disconnect(); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::abook_LdapBackend - found user DN: $dn"); */ // In self auth mode, the found DN will be used both for binding and as the base DN for the // personal address book. if ($this->useSelfAuth) { // Fix by Patrick Scharrenberg sqgetGlobalVar("key", $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar("onetimepad", $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION); $this->bindDn = $dn; $this->bindPassword = OneTimePadDecrypt($key, $onetimepad); } // $this->base = $dn; $this->objectClass = $ldapAbookObjectClass; $this->containerDnAttr = $ldapAbookContainerDnAttr; $this->containerObjectClass = $ldapAbookContainerObjectClass; $this->attrNickname = $ldapAbookAttrNickname; $this->attrRDN = $ldapAbookAttrRDN; $this->ldapAttrs = array( $ldapAbookAttrNickname, $ldapAbookAttrFirstname, $ldapAbookAttrLastname, $ldapAbookAttrEmail, $ldapAbookAttrLabel); $this->requiredAttrs = array( $ldapAbookRequiredNickname, $ldapAboobRequiredFirstname, $ldapAbookRequiredLastname, $ldapAbookRequiredEmail, $ldapAbookRequiredLabel); $this->squirrelAttrs = array( "nickname", "firstname", "lastname", "email", "label"); $this->requiredMsgs = array( $this->_("Nickname is missing"), $this->_("First name is missing"), $this->_("Last name is missing"), $this->_("Email is missing"), $this->_("Additional info is missing")); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::abook_LdapBackend - address book base: $this->base"); } function _($s) { sq_bindtextdomain("ldap_abook_backend", SM_PATH . "plugins/ldap_abook_backend/locale"); textdomain("ldap_abook_backend"); $s = _($s); sq_bindtextdomain("squirrelmail", SM_PATH . "locale"); textdomain("squirrelmail"); return $s; } function debug($s) { global $ldapAbookDebug; if ($ldapAbookDebug) $this->ldap->writeLog($s); } function _generateUUID() { return 'sm' . md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); } function connect($doBind = true) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::connect - HOST: $this->host"); if (!$this->ldap->connect($this->host, $this->options, $this->useTls)) { $this->disconnect($this->_("Can't connect to LDAP server!")); } if ($doBind) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::connect - bind as USER: $this->bindDn PASSWORD: ********* SELFAUTH: $this->useSelfAuth"); if (!$this->ldap->bind($this->bindDn, $this->bindPassword)) { $this->disconnect($this->_("Can't login to LDAP server!")); } } return true; } function disconnect($errorText = "") { $this->ldap->disconnect(); if ($errorText != "" || $this->ldap->failed) { return $this->set_error($errorText); } return true; } function getBase() { $base = $this->base; if (!empty($this->containerDnAttr)) { $base = $this->containerDnAttr . "," . $base; } return $base; } /** * private * * @return string Full name string */ function _calculateFullName_object(&$object) { $fname = (!empty($object['givenname'][0]) ? $object['givenname'][0] : ''); $lname = (!empty($object['sn'][0]) ? $object['sn'][0] : ''); return $this->_calculateFullName($fname, $lname); } /** * private * * @return string Full name string */ function _calculateFullName_userdata(&$userdata) { $fname = (!empty($userdata['firstname']) ? $userdata['firstname'] : ''); $lname = (!empty($userdata['lastname']) ? $userdata['lastname'] : ''); return $this->_calculateFullName($fname, $lname); } /** * This plugin was configured to have as an "$ldapAbbokAttrNickname" * something other than 'cn'. In the end, 'cn' was not calculated. * We *have* to provide a 'cn' out of the first name & last name, * because it is a MUST in the relevant objectclasses, and also * because it is used as the RDN. * private */ function _calculateFullName($fname, $lname) { global $ldapAbookFullnameTemplate; $cn = $ldapAbookFullnameTemplate; $cn = str_replace("%firstname", $fname, $cn ); $cn = str_replace("%lastname", $lname, $cn ); $cn = trim($cn); // In case e.g. firstname was empty. return $cn; /* TODO / FIXME - if both are empty, provide a sane & unique RDN */ } function convertToLdap($userdata, $modification) { global $ldapAbookValidateEmail, $ldapAbookFullnameTemplate; if ($ldapAbookValidateEmail) { $s = $userdata["email"]; $len = strlen($s); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if (ord($s[$i]) > 127) { $this->missingField = $this->_("Invalid character in email!"); return false; } } } $object = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->ldapAttrs); $i++) { $s = $userdata[$this->squirrelAttrs[$i]]; if ($s != "") { $object[$this->ldapAttrs[$i]] = $s; } else if ($this->requiredAttrs[$i]) { $this->missingField = $this->requiredMsgs[$i]; return false; } else if ($modification) { $object[$this->ldapAttrs[$i]] = array(); } } if(!isset($object['cn'])) { $object['cn'] = $this->_calculateFullName_userdata($userdata); } return $object; } /** * @return void */ function validateObject(&$object) { if(!isset($object['cn'])) { $object['cn'] = $this->_calculateFullName_object($object); } } /** * Search address function * @param expr string search expression * @param boolean $exactSearch * @param boolean $narrowmatch If this is set to true, then the search * filter will only be related to the "attrNickname" attribute. This * will make sure that e.g. the "Edit Addressbook entry" function * in Squirrelmail will have only one entry to edit and will not * match any other entries by accident. * @return mixed */ function search($expr, $exactSearch = false, $narrowmatch = false) { global $ldapAbookFullnameTemplate, $default_charset; /* To be replaced by advanded search expression parsing */ if(is_array($expr)) { return false; } if ($expr != "*") { $expr = $this->ldap->escapeQuery($expr); } /* Encode the expression */ if (!$exactSearch) { if(strstr($expr, '*') === false) { $expr = "*$expr*"; } } if(strtolower($this->attrNickname) == 'cn' || $narrowmatch) { $query = $this->attrNickname . '=' . $expr; } else { $query = '(|('.$this->attrNickname.'='.$expr.')(cn='.$expr.'))'; } // Make sure connection is there if(!$this->connect()) { return false; } $base = $this->getBase(); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::search - search entries in DN: $base QUERY: $query"); /* Here we add the cn in the attributes to retrieve, in case a third * party client uses only that to put the full name, instead of putting * it in sn + givenName. */ if(!in_array('cn', $this->ldapAttrs)) { $searchAttrs = array_merge($this->ldapAttrs, array('cn')); } else { $searchAttrs = $this->ldapAttrs; } $objects = $this->ldap->searchObjects($base, $query, $searchAttrs, 'ONELEVEL'); $cnt = $objects["count"]; $ret = array(); if ($cnt == 0) { $this->disconnect(); return $ret; } // Convert LDAP result objects into SquirrelMail Address Book objects for($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i++) { $object = array(); $object['dn'] = $objects[$i]['dn']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->ldapAttrs); $j++) { $key = $this->ldapAttrs[$j]; if (isset($objects[$i][$key][0])) { $s = $objects[$i][$key][0]; } else { $s = ''; } $object[$this->squirrelAttrs[$j]] = (!empty($s) ? $s : ""); } $s = $ldapAbookFullnameTemplate; $s = str_replace("%firstname", $object["firstname"], $s); $s = str_replace("%lastname", $object["lastname"], $s); /* This check is a special hack for users of third party addressbok * UAs. Some UAs (example: Evolution v2.8) might write an addressbook * entry that consists of 'cn' and 'sn', but not 'givenName'. As a * result, the full name can only be extracted from the 'cn' attribute. * So, we use that in here in order to display it properly in * Squirrelmail contacts list. */ if(!empty($objects[$i]['cn'][0]) && strlen($objects[$i]['cn'][0]) > strlen($s)) { $object["name"] = $objects[$i]['cn'][0]; /* the firstname must also be deducted from cn, in case it * is missing, in order to enable sane editing. */ if(empty($object['firstname'])) { switch($ldapAbookFullnameTemplate) { case "%lastname %firstname": // cn: "firstname lastname" // sn: "lastname" // givenName: "firstname" <- deduct $object['firstname'] = trim(substr($object['name'], 0, strpos($object['name'], $object['lastname']))); break; case "%firstname %lastname": default: // cn: "firstname lastname" // sn: "lastname" // givenName: "firstname" <- deduct $object['firstname'] = trim(substr($object['name'], 0, strpos($object['name'], $object['lastname']))); break; } } } else { $object["name"] = $s; } $object["backend"] = $this->bnum; $object["source"] = &$this->sname; /* Special case for entries created by other (third-party) addressbook * UAs, which have not provided a nickname. * When $this->attrNickname != 'cn' and the $this->attrNickname value * does not exist in an entry, we must create one or else Squirrelmail * will not be able to handle this entry. * * We also use this hack later in order to refer to this entry. */ // !!!!!!!!! XXX XXX XXX // if(empty($object['nickname'])) { $object['nickname'] = 'dn:::'.$object['dn']; // } // $object['friendly_nickname'] = $this->_human_readable_nickname($object['nickname']); // // if(!empty($object['nickname'])) { $object['friendly_nickname'] = $object['nickname']; } else { $object['friendly_nickname'] = $this->_human_readable_nickname($object['nickname']); } array_push($ret, $object); } /* print '
        print '
'; exit; */ $this->disconnect(); return $ret; } /** * Decode our special "alias" to LDAP dn. */ function _encoded_alias_to_dn($enc_alias) { return substr($enc_alias, 5); } /** * Decode our special "alias" to something usable to lookup that entry. * e.g. * dn:::cn=Firstname Lastname,ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=org * will be transformed to * array('cn' => 'Firstname Lastname') */ function _encoded_alias_to_rdn_part($enc_alias) { $dn = $this->_encoded_alias_to_dn($enc_alias); return $this->_dn_to_rdn($dn); } function _dn_to_rdn($dn, $type = 'array') { $parts = split(',', $dn); $parts2 = split('=', $parts[0], 2); if($type == 'array') { return array($parts2[0] => $parts2[1]); } else { return $parts2[0] . '=' .$parts2[1]; } return $ret; } function _rdn_part_to_human_readable($rdn_part) { $tmp = array_values($rdn_part); return $tmp[0]; } function _human_readable_nickname($nickname) { if(empty($nickname)) { return $this->_("None specified"); } if(strpos($nickname, 'dn:::') === 0) { $rdn_part = $this->_encoded_alias_to_rdn_part($nickname); $rdn_part_keys = array_keys($rdn_part); if($rdn_part_keys[0] == 'uid') { // Not exactly human readable return '** '. $this->_("No nickname specified") . ' **'; } // For other RDNs such as 'cn', 'displayname' or whatever: return htmlspecialchars($this->_rdn_part_to_human_readable($rdn_part)); return '' . htmlspecialchars($this->_rdn_part_to_human_readable($rdn_part)) . ''; } return $nickname; } /** * Convert expression array('cn' => 'Firstname Lastname') to * search query 'cn:dn:=Firstname Lastname */ function _rdn_part_to_search_query($rdn_part) { foreach($rdn_part as $attr=>$val) { return '('.$attr.':dn:='.$this->ldap->escapeQuery($val).')'; } } /** * Lookup alias * @param alias string */ function lookup($alias) { if (empty($alias)) { return array(); } $narrowmatch = true; if(strpos($alias, 'dn:::') === 0) { $narrowmatch = false; $rdn_part = $this->_encoded_alias_to_rdn_part($alias); } $objects = $this->search($alias, true, $narrowmatch); return !empty($objects) ? $objects[0] : array(); } /** * This will do a lookup as per function lookup(), but will return an LDAP object * rather than squirrelmail-formatted data. * * @param string $alias * @return $array * @author Alexandros Vellis */ function lookup_extended($alias) { if (empty($alias)) { return array(); } if(strpos($alias, 'dn:::') === 0) { $rdn_part = $this->_encoded_alias_to_rdn_part($alias); } if(isset($rdn_part)) { $query = $this->_rdn_part_to_search_query($rdn_part); } elseif(strtolower($this->attrNickname) == 'cn') { // ??? $query = $this->attrNickname.'='.$this->ldap->escapeQuery($alias); } else { $query = '(|('.$this->attrNickname.'='.$this->ldap->escapeQuery($alias).')(cn='.$this->ldap->escapeQuery($alias).'))'; } // Make sure connection is there if(!$this->connect()) { return false; } $base = $this->getBase(); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::lookup_extended - extended lookup of $alias in DN: $base QUERY: $query"); $entries = $this->ldap->searchObjects($base, $query, array(),'ONELEVEL'); if($entries['count'] == 1) { $ret = $entries[0]; } else { $ret = array(); } $this->disconnect(); return $ret; } /** * List all addresses * @return array */ function list_addr() { return $this->search("*"); } /** * Add address * @param userdata * @return boolean */ function add($userdata) { global $ldapAbookObjectClass; // See if user exist already $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::add - check if alias exists: " . $userdata["nickname"]); $dn = $this->ldap->searchDn($base, $this->attrNickname . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeQuery($userdata["nickname"]), false, false); if (!empty($dn)) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::add - already exists"); return $this->set_error(sprintf($this->_("User '%s' already exist"), $userdata["nickname"])); } // If container object is used, check if it should be created first if (!empty($this->containerDnAttr)) { if (!$this->ldap->existsDn($base)) { $containerAttr = explode("=", $this->containerDnAttr); $object = array(); $object["objectClass"] = $this->containerObjectClass; $object[$containerAttr[0]] = $containerAttr[1]; if (!$this->ldap->addObject($base, $object)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address add operation failed")); } } } $this->debug("convert"); $object = $this->convertToLdap($userdata, false); if (!$object) { return $this->disconnect($this->missingField); } $object["objectClass"] = $this->objectClass; $dn = $this->attrRDN . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeDn( $this->_generateUUID() ) . "," . $base; $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::add - DN: $dn"); if (!$this->ldap->addObject($dn, $object)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address add operation failed")); } return $this->disconnect(); } /** * Modify address * @param alias * @param userdata * @return boolean */ function modify($alias, $userdata) { global $ldapAbookObjectClass; $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); $olddn = $dn = $this->get_entry_dn($alias); $rename = false; if ($alias != $userdata["nickname"]) { // If nickname has changed, the object must always be recreated. // FIXME //$dn = $this->attrNickname . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeDn($userdata["nickname"]) . "," . $base; //$rename = true; } if( ($newdn = $this->_rename_to_new_rdn_if_needed($olddn) ) != false) { $dn = $newdn; } // Afterwards we will do the actual modification of attributes on the new dn, if // it was renamed. $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::modify - DN: $dn"); if ($rename == false) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::modify - simple modification, ldap_modify()"); $object = $this->convertToLdap($userdata, true); if (!$object) { return $this->disconnect($this->missingField); } // Remove the nickname attribute, it should not be modified. unset($object[$this->attrNickname]); if (!$this->ldap->modifyObject($dn, $object)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address modify operation failed")); } } else { /* -- obsolete -- */ $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::modify - renaming of entry"); $object = $this->convertToLdap($userdata, true); if (!$object) { return $this->disconnect($this->missingField); } $current = $this->ldap->readObject($olddn); $current = $this->ldap->convertOutputObjectToInputObject($current); foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 0) { unset($current[$key]); } else { $current[$key] = $value; } } // Create the new one if (!$this->ldap->addObject($dn, $current)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address modify operation failed")); } // Delete the old one if (!$this->ldap->deleteObject($olddn)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address modify operation failed")); } } return $this->disconnect(); } /** * Add a new address book entry: Extended version, which takes as an argument * an LDAP $info array, rather than Squirrelmail's constructed data. * * @param array $info * @return boolean */ function add_extended($info) { global $ldapAbookObjectClass, $ldapAbookAttrNickname; $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); // Set up object to add: objectclass, dn $info['objectClass'] = $this->objectClass; $rdn = $this->attrRDN . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeDn( $this->_generateUUID() ); $dn = $rdn . ',' . $this->base; $this->validateObject($info); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::addExtended - DN: $dn"); // Check for uniqueness of nickname if(isset($info[ strtolower($ldapAbookAttrNickname) ] )) { $newnickname = $info[ strtolower($ldapAbookAttrNickname) ][0]; if($this->_nickname_exists($newnickname) === true) { $this->set_error(sprintf($this->_("User '%s' already exists"), $newnickname)); return false; } } if (!$this->ldap->addObject($dn, $info)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address add operation failed")); } return true; } /** * Modify address book entry: Extended version, which takes as an argument * an LDAP $info array, rather than Squirrelmail's constructed data. * * @param alias * @param array $info * @return boolean * @todo honor $ldapAbookAlwaysUseConfiguredRdn */ function modify_extended($alias, $info) { global $ldapAbookObjectClass, $ldapAbookAlwaysUseConfiguredRdn, $ldapAbookAttrNickname; $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); $olddn = $dn = $this->get_entry_dn($alias); if( ($newdn = $this->_rename_to_new_rdn_if_needed($olddn) ) != false) { $dn = $newdn; } $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::modifyExtended - DN: $dn"); if(isset($info[ strtolower($ldapAbookAttrNickname) ] )) { // user wants to rename the nickname, so we need to do some checking $newnickname = $info[ strtolower($ldapAbookAttrNickname) ][0]; if($this->_nickname_exists($newnickname) === true) { $this->set_error(sprintf($this->_("User '%s' already exists"), $newnickname)); return false; } } if (!$this->ldap->modifyObject($dn, $info)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address modify operation failed")); } return true; } /** * Check if a nickname already exists * * @param string $newnickname * @return boolean true if $newnickname alias already exists */ function _nickname_exists($newnickname) { $dn = $this->ldap->searchDn($this->base, $this->attrNickname . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeQuery($newnickname), false, false); if (!empty($dn)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Renames an ldap entry to the RDN schema that we use * * @param string $olddn * @return mixed false if no rename was needed, or a string with the new entry * dn if the rename was needed and was successful. */ function _rename_to_new_rdn_if_needed($olddn) { global $ldapAbookAlwaysUseConfiguredRdn; $ldap_rename = false; // This is the flag for enabling the rename function if($ldapAbookAlwaysUseConfiguredRdn) { $oldrdn_array = $this->_dn_to_rdn($olddn); $oldrdn_array_keys = array_keys($oldrdn_array); if($oldrdn_array_keys[0] != $this->attrRDN) { $ldap_rename = true; } } if($ldap_rename === false) return false; $new_rdn = $this->attrRDN . "=" . $this->ldap->escapeDn( $this->_generateUUID() ); $new_dn = $new_rdn . ',' . $this->base; if(ldap_rename($this->ldap->conn, $olddn, $new_rdn, null, false) == true) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::rename - Old DN: $olddn, New DN: $new_dn"); return $new_dn; } else { // Rename failed.. How to handle this? // ldap_error($this->ldap->conn); } } /** * Delete addressbook entries * * @param string alias * @return boolean */ function delete_extended($alias) { global $ldapAbookObjectClass; $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); $olddn = $this->get_entry_dn($alias); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::deleteExtended - DN: $olddn"); if (!$this->ldap->deleteObject($olddn)) { return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address modify operation failed")); } return true; } /** * Return the dn for a specific Squirrelmail "nickname". * @param string $alias * @return string */ function get_entry_dn($alias) { $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); /* See if user exists */ if(strpos($alias, 'dn:::') === 0) { $dn = $this->_encoded_alias_to_dn($alias); return $dn; // --- // We could also continue to see if the user exists! $rdn_part = $this->_encoded_alias_to_rdn_part($alias); $query = $this->_rdn_part_to_search_query($rdn_part); } else { $query = $this->attrNickname.'='.$this->ldap->escapeQuery($alias); } $dn = $this->ldap->searchDn($base, $query, false, true); if(empty($dn)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf($this->_("User '%s' does not exist"), $alias)); } return $dn; } /** * Delete address * @param array aliases * @return boolean */ function remove($aliases) { $this->connect(); $base = $this->getBase(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aliases); $i++) { $dn = $this->get_entry_dn($aliases[$i]); $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::remove - alias: $dn"); if ($dn == "" || !$this->ldap->deleteObject($dn)) { $this->debug("abook_LdapBackend::remove - failure"); return $this->disconnect($this->_("Address delete operation failed")); } } return $this->disconnect(); } }