GENERAL USE =========== Plugin allows adding addresses from CSV (comma separated values) file to available local SquirrelMail address books. It also allows exporting SquirrelMail address book entries to CSV file. Authors ======= v.0.3-0.5 Lewis Bergman v.0.6 Dustin Anders v.0.7-0.8 Christian Sauer Andy Brook From v.0.9 plugin is maintained by SM-Plugins project developers. See Bugs ==== Use tracker on to report plugin bugs. Check CHANGELOG file before reporting known issues. Error messages ============== Some plugin error messages direct end user to system administrator. If end user selects different interface language, error messages can be translated to selected language. Here goes explanation of error messages and ways to solve them. * "Imported CSV file is too big." * "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML." Plugin defaults to 5 KB upload limit. It can be increased in site configuration file, $aie_csv_maxsize variable. See INSTALL documentation and plugins/abook_import_export/config_default.php file. 5KB limit is historical. Older plugin versions used this value. Imported address books usually exceed it. Variable makes sure that you read plugin install documentation. Don't set it to very high value. If limit is too high, users might hit session data storage or PHP memory limits. Please note that plugin uses html MAX_FILE_SIZE attribute in upload form, but it does not trust submitted value when uploaded data is processed. Uploaded data size is always compared with $aie_csv_maxsize configuration variable. 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' error is standard PHP error message. It can be displayed only when uploaded address book size is very close to address book upload limits set by $aie_csv_maxsize. * "Can't move uploaded file to attachment directory." Plugin stores processed data in SquirrelMail attachment directory. SquirrelMail can look functional, when attachment directory is not writable, but all uploads will fail. Please check your config. Directory specified in $attachment_dir settings must be writable. If relative paths are used, they must use SM_PATH constant. * "Address book uploads are disabled." You have file uploads disabled in PHP configuration. End users can't import address books. Enable file uploads or set $aie_hide_upload_error configuration variable to true. If you have set this PHP configuration variable with php_value or php_admin_value, fix your configuration. file_uploads variable is boolean and should be set with php_flag or php_admin_flag. * "Unable to access uploaded data." Plugin should save uploaded data in session during first import stage and retrieve it in second stage. Error message is displayed when data retrieval fails in second stage. This is a simple safety check. It is unlikely to happen. If you see it, error might be caused by some limitations in your session handler. Maybe by session data size limits. * "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini." * "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." * "No file was uploaded." * "Missing a temporary folder." * "Failed to write file to disk." Standand PHP upload error messages. Something is wrong with file uploads. See * "Please select a file for uploading." End user forgot to select file that must be uploaded or selected data is unreadable. * "Unknown upload error." PHP upload error handler returned unknown error code. Maybe your PHP version introduced some new error code variable and plugin can't handle it. Please inform plugin developers about this error and provide information about used PHP version.