Addressbook Import-Export ChangeLog $Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.30 2007/06/09 08:38:42 tokul Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Todo for 1.2: * Own implementation of fgetcsv in order to solve multiple delimiter issues. PHP allows to use only one character for delimiter. * Add options that force data import by adding custom data to empty required fields. 1.1 * Fixed uploaded file locking issues on Windows OSes. * Handle attachment directory configuration without trailing delimiter. * Added UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION handling. 1.0: * Fixed notice about missing label field in some csv imports. 1.0rc1: * Address book object is checked for errors after addressbook_init(). * Address book export uses text/comma-separated-values MIME type instead of application/CSV. * Fixed detection of LDIF import. * Removed empty columns from the end of imported CSV array. 1.0pre1: * Fixed translation of address book backend name. * Added input character set and delimiter selection options. Minimal SquirrelMail version increased to 1.4.4. Older versions don't support required character set conversion functions. * Reduced minimal data requirements to two fields. * Check if file uploads are enabled before creating address book import form. * Added php 4.2+ upload error processing. * Uploaded address books are moved to attachment directory before processing. Fixes issues with open_basedir limits. * Added bind_textdomain_codeset support. * Address book backend selection is limited to backends that allow writing (for import) and listing (for export). * Added backend selection to export form. * Export form sends file headers with standard SquirrelMail SendDownloadHeaders() function. * Added string delimiter option to exported data. * Started using own functions for error messages. * Added SquirrelMail 1.5.2+ init support. * Disabled comment sections that were broken in html standards compliance rendering mode. * Added header to csv export. * Reduced number of writes to session. Session data is accessed with standard SquirrelMail sqsession_* and sqGetGlobalVar functions. * Added failsafe dgettext() function for setups that don't support it. 0.9: * Use sqGetGlobalVar() to check $_POST vars in scripts. 0.9rc1: * Removed import size limit from import form and made it configurable. v.0.8 changelog contains incorrect information and size limit is still present in v.0.8 import form. * Code cleanup. * Use 'aie_' prefix in function names. * Internationalization fixes. Use abook_import_export gettext domain and convert strings to gettext. * Added site configuration options. See INSTALL * Fixed php errors for csv with small number of fields. * Added visible column numbers to imported data in order to identify failed imports. * Retrieve user agent string with sqGetGlobalVar from server vars instead of $_ENV. * Moved import button to bottom of the page in order to load entire form before displaying it. 0.8: * Fixed import to remove 5k import limit. * Added ability to select different addressbook backends. 0.7: * Major changes to the import function. Can now import from Outlook as long as it has a "First Name", "Last Name", and "E-mail Address" field specified somewhere in the first row. Also changed reordering functionality after the file has been uploaded and before the changes to the address book 0.6: * Fixes a bug with the export feature. The username variable was not being exported to that procedure and the download stream was not opening correctly.