Eduroam, is a federated authentication solution used by the international research and education community, that allows users from participating institutions to gain secure access to wireless network using the same credentials (for instance, username and password) the users would use if they were at their home institution.
UoA eduroam Coverage
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as a member of eduroam, provides internet access to visiting eduroam users via wireless access points, which are available in the following areas:
- Faculty of Physics, Meeting room
- Faculty of Physics, Central corridor
- Faculty of Physics, Canteen
- Faculty of Mathematics, Reading room
- Faculty of Mathematics, Central corridor
- Faculty of Mathematics, Classrooms (third floor)
- Faculty of Geology and Geoenvirnment, AMF13 Amphitheater
- Faculty of Geology and Geoenvirnment, Drakopoulos Amphitheater
- Faculty of Geology and Geoenvirnment, Canteen
- Faculty of Geology and Geoenvirnment, Secretariat area
- Faculty of Biology, ΞΞΞ Amphitheater
- Faculty of Biology, Main entrance area
- Faculty of Pharmacy, Event room
- Faculty of Pharmacy, Central corridor
- Faculty of Chemistry, A15 Amphitheater
- Faculty of Chemistry, Canteen
- School of Sciences, Aristotelis Amphitheater (interior)
- School of Sciences, Aristotelis Amphitheater (exterior)
- School of Sciences, Reading room
- School of Sciences, Central library (third floor)
- School of Sciences, Central library (forth floor)
- Faculty of Medicine, Papoulakeio reeding room
- Faculty of Medicine, Presidency meeting room
- Faculty of Medicine, ΞΞΞΞ Amphitheater
- Kostis Palamas Building
According to eduroam policy, users visiting the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens should contact the helpdesk of their home institution for any questions or technical support.