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CLASSES=none rsyncdconf EMAIL=solaris-packaging@noc.uoa.gr PSTAMP=atlantic20030718182348 070701000004d0000081a40000006b00000064000000013f1811040000014f0000002000000038000000000000000000000010ff270888UOArsync/pkgmap: 1 854 1 i EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF 167 15482 1058528298 1 d none bin 0755 root bin 1 f none bin/rsync 0555 root bin 413668 35255 1058540262 1 e rsyncdconf etc/rsyncd.conf ? ? ? 952 14068 1058540589 1 i i.rsyncdconf 598 45299 1058541808 1 i pkginfo 249 20723 1058541828 1 i r.rsyncdconf 217 14921 1058541248 1 i request 434 30623 1058541275 070701000004dd000081a40000006b00000064000000013f181093000000ee0000002000000038000000000000000000000012ff270889UOArsyncd/pkginfoPKG=UOArsyncd NAME=Samba Team Rsync Documentation BASEDIR=/usr/local ARCH=sparc VERSION=2.5.6-1.1 CATEGORY=application DESC=Documentation for the Rsync program CLASSES=none EMAIL=solaris-packaging@noc.uoa.gr PSTAMP=atlantic20030718182155 070701000004dc000081a40000006b00000064000000013f181093000001080000002000000038000000000000000000000011ff270889UOArsyncd/pkgmap: 1 160 1 d none man 0755 root bin 1 d none man/man1 0755 root bin 1 f none man/man1/rsync.1 0444 root bin 52219 29959 1058540263 1 d none man/man5 0755 root bin 1 f none man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5 0444 root bin 21508 53697 1058540263 1 i pkginfo 238 19870 1058541715 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!070701000004d3000081a40000006b00000064000000013f181104000000f9000000200000003800000000000000000000000800000000pkginfoPKG=UOArsync NAME=Samba Team Rsync BASEDIR=/usr/local ARCH=sparc VERSION=2.5.6-1.1 CATEGORY=application DESC=A replacement for rcp that has many more features. CLASSES=none rsyncdconf EMAIL=solaris-packaging@noc.uoa.gr PSTAMP=atlantic20030718182348 070701000004d0000081a40000006b00000064000000013f1811040000014f000000200000003800000000000000000000000700000000pkgmap: 1 854 1 i EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF 167 15482 1058528298 1 d none bin 0755 root bin 1 f none bin/rsync 0555 root bin 413668 35255 1058540262 1 e rsyncdconf etc/rsyncd.conf ? ? ? 952 14068 1058540589 1 i i.rsyncdconf 598 45299 1058541808 1 i pkginfo 249 20723 1058541828 1 i r.rsyncdconf 217 14921 1058541248 1 i request 434 30623 1058541275 070701000004d5000041ed0000006b00000064000000023f18110400000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000800000000install070701000004d6000081a40000006b00000064000000013f17dc2a000000a7000000200000003800000000000000000000001aff270887install/EXIST_RSYNCD_CONFkeep Keep, and save new configuration files under /var/sadm/pkg/UOArsync/save overwrite Overwrite, and save old configuration files under /var/sadm/pkg/UOArsync/save 070701000005f4000081a40000006b00000064000000013f1810f0000002560000002000000038000000000000000000000015ff270887install/i.rsyncdconf# install class for UOArsync INSTALLF="/usr/sbin/installf" while read src dest do install=1 if [ -f "$dest" ]; then if [ $EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF = "overwrite" ]; then echo "Moving existing $dest into $PKGSAV" cp "$dest" $PKGSAV || exit 2 elif [ $EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF = "keep" ]; then install=0 touch "$dest" dest="$PKGSAV/rsyncd.conf.dist" fi fi echo "Adjusting $dest" sed -e "s@%%BASEDIR%%@$BASEDIR@g" "$src" > "$dest" || exit 2 if [ $install -eq 1 ]; then $INSTALLF -c "rsyncdconf" $PKGINST "$dest" e 0644 root bin || exit 2 $INSTALLF -f -c "rsyncdconf" $PKGINST fi done exit 0 070701000005f5000081a40000006b00000064000000013f180ec0000000d90000002000000038000000000000000000000015ff270887install/r.rsyncdconf# remove class for UOArsync while read src dest do if pkgchk -p "$src" > /dev/null 2>&1;then rm "$src" else echo "$src : Modified, not removed." fi done exit 0 070701000005f6000081a40000006b00000064000000013f180edb000001b20000002000000038000000000000000000000010ff270887install/request#Request script for UOArsync PATH=/usr/sadm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH trap 'exit 3' 15 ###################################################################################### EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF=`(ckitem -p "Choose action over existent configuration files, if any." -f "$INST_DATADIR/$PKG/install/EXIST_RSYNCD_CONF" -d keep -l "Available actions are:")` cat >$1 <?@BCDEFGJKLPRSTVY]_abdefijkmpqrtwxyz{~    !"#$%)+./0269;<>@ABCFGKNPRSTUXY[\]^_acdeghmnoprtvwxyz{}     !"#%')*  "$)-0478=AHIMNOQUWXZ[\^`cghlnosuv|}  &'(*,-134578:=?DEHIJLMOQVWZ`bfijklqsu|~ $&(+,Y YP 8\ | *FXH 4]$ J( V#$ d&4 l_{4 Yx` _Xh, \ `x\ ]l\  ̤ Yt| _-[4Z8 EL QXd[4 htp xb c| ` 40 ]P  < p Zh`$ex       , 9S@ K| Xdp fXm0H {S P 1$ l \T[x, Xx 8T |,  TD   P  (x 3Đ F\WNYlV f\ L p[wc   |X ͘ `]DZt@ Yh_[V$( P [p!@t\ 0 HZPW WX aZDj,(  \Y$`` y v$ `4Z\`,p Z [4|< `Fl  D _)H 1] A]0 XY_f@ mXpt\ }`th@!`$X [_`YƠH `tp ]t`8t0 $\  @ `h/vP\ :\`? 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O . O O,`@ZcH`> H@Z(㿠㿠| $ 8 L p 0|P}d~x[...]unknownUNKNOWNcompare_addrinfo_sockaddr deflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly 355 5;  ; ;  ; ; ;       inflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Mark Adler  #+3;CScspp !1Aa  0@`        L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}   S S  3 3  s s    K K  + +  k k     [ [  ; ;  { {     G G  ' '  g g     W W  7 7  w w     O O  / /  o o     _ _  ? ?     @ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4tC#c         (08@P`p  0@`  0@`delete_file: unlink(%s) : %s delete_file: rmdir(%s) : %s delete_file: opendir(%s): %s ...%s/%sdeleting %s delete_file: rmdir(%s) : %s stat %s : %s failed to set times on %s : %s chown %s : %s failed to set permissions on %s : %s %s %s is uptodate rsync.ccopy %s -> %s : %s rename %s -> %s : %s %s/%swhole_file == 0 || whole_file == 1generator.ccount=%ld rem=%ld n=%ld flength=%.0f chunk[%d] offset=%.0f len=%d sum1=%08lx recv_generator(%s,%d) not creating new file "%s" rsync: recv_generator: unlink "%s" to make room for directory: %s rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "%s": %s (2) %s/ ignoring unsafe symlink "%s" -> "%s" rsync: symlink "%s" -> "%s": %s %s -> %s mknod(%s,0%o,0x%x) mknod %s : %s %s recv_generator: "%s" is a hard link skipping non-regular file "%s" %s/%slink %s => %s : %s rsync: recv_generator failed to open "%s": %s %s exists %s is newer rsync: failed to open "%s", continuing : %s gen mapped %s of size %.0f generating and sending sums for %d generator starting pid=%d count=%d generate_files phase=%d generate_files phase=%d added %s to delete list delete_one: unlink %s: %s deleting %s delete_one: rmdir %s: %s deleting directory %s IO error encountered - skipping file deletion deleting in %s filename too long %s/.%s.XXXXXXfilename too long %s/.%s.XXXXXX.%s.XXXXXXdata recv %d at %.0f write failed on %s : %s receiver.cchunk[%d] of size %d at %.0f offset=%.0f write failed on %s : %s receiver.cwrite failed on %s : %s receiver.cgot file_sum recv_files(%d) starting recv_files phase=%d Invalid file index %d in recv_files (count=%d) receiver.crecv_files(%s) %s/%sfstat %s : %s %s : not a regular file (recv_files) recv mapped %s of size %.0f mkstemp %s failed: %s renaming %s to %s ERROR: file corruption in %s. File changed during transfer? redoing %s(%d) recv_files finished _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): entered _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): about to call exit(%d) count=%ld n=%ld rem=%ld chunk[%d] len=%d offset=%.0f sum1=%08x send_files starting send_files phase=%d Invalid file index %d (count=%d) sender.csend_files failed on long-named directory %s /send_files(%d,%s) receive_sums failed send_files failed to open %s: %s fstat failed : %s send_files mapped %s of size %.0f calling match_sums %s index mismatch in send_files read index = %d flist ndx = %d sender.creadbatch & checksums don't match filename=%s is being skipped sender finished %s send files finished - + *[?**a/b/*a/b/c/dWARNING: fnmatch FNM_PATHNAME is broken on your system %s %s %s because of pattern %s%s !clearing exclude list add_exclude(%s,%s) -rrfailed to open %s file %sexclude.c/*/*/remote rsync does not support include syntax - aborting exclude.cHOME%s/.cvsignoreCVSIGNOREopening connection using abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789,.-_=+@/"%s" %s ERROR: out of memory in %s util.cERROR: buffer overflow in %s util.cset modtime of %s to (%ld) %s././open %s: %s unlink %s: %s open %s: %s write %s: %s read %s: %s .rsync%03drenaming %s to %s because of text busy %s//.///.//.././...././..%Y/%m/%d %Tmain.c Cannot show stats as receiver because remote protocol version is less than 20 Use --stats -v to show stats Number of files: %d Number of files transferred: %d Total file size: %.0f bytes Total transferred file size: %.0f bytes Literal data: %.0f bytes Matched data: %.0f bytes File list size: %d Total bytes written: %.0f Total bytes read: %.0f wrote %.0f bytes read %.0f bytes %.2f bytes/sec total size is %.0f speedup is %.2f RSYNC_RSH -lsshcmd=%s get_local_name count=%d %s push_dir %s : %s (1) main.cERROR: destination must be a directory when copying more than 1 file main.crsync: mkdir %s: %s main.ccreated directory %s rsync: push_dir %s: %s main.cserver_sender starting pid=%d push_dir %s: %s (3) main.c./main.cmain.cpipe failed in do_recv main.cerror pipe failed in do_recv main.cserver_recv(%d) starting pid=%d ERROR: module is read only main.cpush_dir %s : %s (4) main.cserver_recv: recv_file_list error main.c.main.cmain.cfile list sent client_run waiting on %d main.cclient: nothing to do: perhaps you need to specify some filenames or the --recursive option? main.cclient_run2 waiting on %d out of memory at %s(%d) rsync://rsync://rsync://main.crsync://rsync://rsync://main.ccmd=%s machine=%s user=%s path=%s main.cmain.cmain.cmain.cmain.cmain.cmain.cmatch at %.0f last_match=%.0f j=%d len=%d n=%.0f hash search b=%ld len=%.0f sum=%.8x k=%d hash search s->n=%ld len=%.0f count=%ld offset=%.0f sum=%08x potential match at %.0f target=%d %d sum=%08x built hash table done hash search sending file_sum false_alarms=%d tag_hits=%d matches=%d total: matches=%d tag_hits=%d false_alarms=%d data=%.0f syntax or usage errorprotocol incompatibilityerrors selecting input/output files, dirsrequested action not supportederror starting client-server protocolerror in socket IOerror in file IOerror in rsync protocol data streamerrors with program diagnosticserror in IPC codereceived SIGUSR1 or SIGINTsome error returned by waitpid()error allocating core memory bufferssome files could not be transferredtimeout in data send/receiveremote shell failedremote shell killedremote command could not be runremote command not foundlog.clog.c%s [%d] %s%srsyncdalog.clog.clog.clog.clog.c: log.c%.0f%d%s/%s%.0f%.0fbuffer overflow expanding %%%c - exiting log.c%s wrote %.0f bytes read %.0f bytes total size %.0f unexplained errorrsync error: %s (code %d) at %s(%d) %s backup filename too long %s%srename %s to backup %sbacked up %s to %s ././%s/%smake_bak_dir stat %s : %s make_bak_dir chown %s : %s make_bak_dir failed to set permissions on %s : %s robust_move failed: %s(%d) backup_dir is %s keep_backup filename too long %s/%s%s%s/%smknod %s : %s make_backup : DEVICE %s successful. make_backup : RMDIR %s returns %i ignoring unsafe symlink %s -> %s link %s -> %s : %s %s is a hard link make_bak: skipping non-regular file %s keep_backup failed %s -> %s : %s keep_backup %s -> %s no no no no %s version %s protocol version %d Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Andrew Tridgell and others Capabilities: %d-bit files, %ssocketpairs, %shard links, %ssymlinks, batchfiles, %sIPv6, %d-bit system inums, %d-bit internal inums rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the GNU General Public Licence for details. rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update via a fast differencing algorithm. Usage: rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST::SRC [DEST] or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST::DEST or rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST] or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST SRC on single-colon remote HOST will be expanded by remote shell SRC on server remote HOST may contain shell wildcards or multiple sources separated by space as long as they have same top-level Options -v, --verbose increase verbosity -q, --quiet decrease verbosity -c, --checksum always checksum -a, --archive archive mode, equivalent to -rlptgoD -r, --recursive recurse into directories -R, --relative use relative path names -b, --backup make backups (default %s suffix) --backup-dir make backups into this directory --suffix=SUFFIX override backup suffix -u, --update update only (don't overwrite newer files) -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks -L, --copy-links copy the referent of symlinks --copy-unsafe-links copy links outside the source tree --safe-links ignore links outside the destination tree -H, --hard-links preserve hard links -p, --perms preserve permissions -o, --owner preserve owner (root only) -g, --group preserve group -D, --devices preserve devices (root only) -t, --times preserve times -S, --sparse handle sparse files efficiently -n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred -W, --whole-file copy whole files, no incremental checks --no-whole-file turn off --whole-file -x, --one-file-system don't cross filesystem boundaries -B, --block-size=SIZE checksum blocking size (default %d) -e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell --rsync-path=PATH specify path to rsync on the remote machine -C, --cvs-exclude auto ignore files in the same way CVS does --existing only update files that already exist --ignore-existing ignore files that already exist on the receiving side --delete delete files that don't exist on the sending side --delete-excluded also delete excluded files on the receiving side --delete-after delete after transferring, not before --ignore-errors delete even if there are IO errors --max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files --partial keep partially transferred files --force force deletion of directories even if not empty --numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name --timeout=TIME set IO timeout in seconds -I, --ignore-times don't exclude files that match length and time --size-only only use file size when determining if a file should be transferred --modify-window=NUM Timestamp window (seconds) for file match (default=%d) -T --temp-dir=DIR create temporary files in directory DIR --compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR -P equivalent to --partial --progress -z, --compress compress file data --exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN --exclude-from=FILE exclude patterns listed in FILE --include=PATTERN don't exclude files matching PATTERN --include-from=FILE don't exclude patterns listed in FILE --version print version number --daemon run as a rsync daemon --no-detach do not detach from the parent --address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address --config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd.conf file --port=PORT specify alternate rsyncd port number --blocking-io use blocking IO for the remote shell --no-blocking-io turn off --blocking-io --stats give some file transfer stats --progress show progress during transfer --log-format=FORMAT log file transfers using specified format --password-file=FILE get password from FILE --bwlimit=KBPS limit I/O bandwidth, KBytes per second --write-batch=PREFIX write batch fileset starting with PREFIX --read-batch=PREFIX read batch fileset starting with PREFIX -h, --help show this help screen Please see the rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) man pages for full documentation See http://rsync.samba.org/ for updates, bug reports, and answers versionsuffixrsync-pathpassword-fileignore-timessize-onlymodify-windowone-file-systemdeleteexistingignore-existingdelete-afterdelete-excludedforcenumeric-idsexcludeincludeexclude-frominclude-fromsafe-linkshelpbackupdry-runsparsecvs-excludeupdatelinkscopy-linkswhole-fileno-whole-filecopy-unsafe-linkspermsownergroupdevicestimeschecksumverbosequietarchiveserversenderrecursiverelativershblock-sizemax-deletetimeouttemp-dircompare-destlink-destcompressdaemonno-detachstatsprogresspartialignore-errorsblocking-iono-blocking-ioconfigportlog-formatbwlimitaddressbackup-dirhard-linksread-batchwrite-batch%s%s: %sError parsing options: option may be supported on client but not on server? rsync: Error parsing options: option may be supported on client but not on server? The '%s' option is not supported by this server rsyncoptions.coptions.coptions.c%s%s: %s write-batch and read-batch can not be used together ERROR: write-batch and read-batch can not be used together compress can not be used with write-batch or read-batch ERROR: compress can not be used with write-batch or read-batch whole_file == 0 || whole_file == 1options.c-B%d--max-delete=%d--timeout=%d--bwlimit=%d~--modify-window=%d%s ... %d files... %d file%sto consider done %s %11.0f %s %s -> %s %s %11.0f %s %s copying unsafe symlink "%s" -> "%s" expand file_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move send_file_entryunknownoverflow: flags=0x%x l1=%d l2=%d lastname=%s overflow: l=%d readlink %s: %s skipping directory %s make_file(%d,%s) opendir(%s): %s skipping long-named directory %s /.cvsignore.cvsignorecannot cvs-exclude in long-named directory %s ...!.link_stat %s : %s skipping directory %s push_dir %s : %s pop_dir %s : %s flist.csend_file_list done recv_file_name(%s) received %d names recv_file_list done removing duplicate name %s from file list %d [%d] i=%d %s %s mode=0%o len=%.0f /io timeout after %d seconds - exiting io.cio.c%s: connection unexpectedly closed (%.0f bytes read so far) io.c%s: read error: %s io.cio.cunexpected tag %d io.cmultiplexing overflow %d io.c%sbytes_written > 0io.cbwlimit > 0io.cio.crsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write %ld bytes: phase "%s": %s io.cio.cprotocol version mismatch - is your shell clean? (see the rsync man page for an explanation) compat.ccheck_hard_link: "%s" is a hard link to file %d, "%s" link %s => %s : %s link %s => %s : %s %s => %s 1.1.4compression init failed token.cdeflate returned %d token.cdeflate on token returned %d (%d bytes left) token.c1.1.4inflate init failed token.cinflate flush returned %d (%d bytes) token.cdecompressor lost sync! token.cinflate returned %d (%d bytes) token.cinflate (token) returned %d token.cCONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0 failed to write to proxy: %s failed to read from proxy: %s HTTP/bad response from proxy - %s bad response from proxy - %s failed to read from proxy: %s rsync: getaddrinfo %s: %s RSYNC_PROXYinvalid proxy specification: should be HOST:PORT connection via http proxy %s port %s %drsync: getaddrinfo: %s %s: %s rsync: failed to connect to %s: %s RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG%drsync: getaddrinfo: bind address %s: %s rsync: open inbound socket on port %d failed: %s socket.csocket.crsync: could not create child server process: %s ,Unknown socket option %s syntax error - %s does not take a value failed to set socket option %s: %s ,/dev/nullrsync: socketpair_tcp failed (%s) rsync: execute socket program "%s" Warning: unexpected read size of %d in map_ptr lseek failed in map_ptr fileio.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s write error: %s batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.c--write-batch--write-batch--read-batch=${1:-%s} Batch file %s write error: %s batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s read error: %s batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s write error: %s batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s read error: %s batch.cfile_flist_entry (%d) != flist_entry (%d) batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s write error: %s batch.cBatch file %s open error: %s batch.cBatch file %s read error: %s batch.cflist->flags=%#x flist->modtime=%#lx flist->length=%.0f flist->mode=%#o flist->basename=%s flist->dirname=%s flist->basedir=%s BATCH.C:show_argvs,argc=%d i=%d,argv[i]=%s getpeername on fd%d failed: %s clientname.crsync: name lookup failed for %s: %s %s: response family %d != %d rsync: forward name lookup for %s failed: %s rsync: no known address for "%s": spoofed address? rsync: %s is not a known address for "%s": spoofed address? GB/sMB/skB/s%12.0f %3d%% %7.2f%s %4d:%02d:%02d%spipe: %s pipe.cfork: %s pipe.cFailed to dup/close : %s pipe.cFailed to exec %s : %s pipe.cFailed to close : %s pipe.cpipe: %s pipe.cfork: %s pipe.cFailed to dup/close : %s pipe.cFailed to close : %s pipe.c%s Memory re-allocation failure.%s Empty section name in configuration file. %s Badly formed line in configuration file: %s %s Unexpected EOF in the configuration file: %s %s Memory re-allocation failure.%s Invalid parameter name in config. file. %s Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: %s %s Unexpected end-of-file at: %s %s Memory re-allocation failure.%s No configuration filename specified. rrsync: unable to open configuration file "%s": %s %s memory allocation failure. %s Failed. Error returned from params.c:parse(). loadparm.cUnknown Parameter encountered: "%s" Badly formed boolean in configuration file: "%s". IGNORING unknown parameter "%s" Global parameter %s found in service section! %oFailed to add a new service rsyncd.conf/etc/rsyncd.confERROR: The remote path must start with a module name not a / opening tcp connection to %s port %d clientserver.cERROR: The remote path must start with a module name USERLOGNAME@RSYNCD: %d rsync: did not see server greeting @RSYNCD: %drsync: server sent "%s" rather than greeting %s rsync: didn't get server startup line @RSYNCD: AUTHREQD @RSYNCD: OK@RSYNCD: EXIT@ERROR%s %s %s rsync denied on module %s from %s (%s) @ERROR: access denied to %s from %s (%s) rsync allowed access on module %s from %s (%s) failed to open lock file %s : %s @ERROR: failed to open lock file %s : %s max connections (%d) reached @ERROR: max connections (%d) reached - try again later auth failed on module %s from %s (%s) @ERROR: auth failed on module %s Invalid uid %s @ERROR: invalid uid %s Invalid gid %s @ERROR: invalid gid %s chroot %s failed@ERROR: chroot failed chdir %s failed @ERROR: chdir failed chdir %s failed @ERROR: chdir failed setgroups failed@ERROR: setgroups failed setgid %d failed@ERROR: setgid failed setuid %d failed@ERROR: setuid failed @RSYNCD: OK .rsync %s %s from %s@%s (%s) rsync %s %s from %s (%s) clientserver.c%-15s %s @RSYNCD: EXIT clientserver.c@RSYNCD: %d r%s @RSYNCD: %d@ERROR: protocol startup error #list@ERROR: Unknown command '%s' @ERROR: Unknown module '%s' /dev/nullclientserver.crsyncd version %s starting, listening on port %d failed to create pid file %sclientserver.c%d malformed address %s unknown family %u malformed mask in %s malformed mask in %s , , stat(%s)secrets file must not be other-accessible (see strict modes option) secrets file must be owned by root when running as root (see strict modes) continuing without secrets file RSYNC_PASSWORDcould not open password file "%s"falling back to RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable. stat(%s)password file must not be other-accessible password file must be owned by root when running as root continuing without password file using RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable. RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable ignored %s%s %99s %29s , , RSYNC_PASSWORDPassword: %s %s rwxrwxrwx----------1.1.4need dictionarystream endfile errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible version1.1.4PATH%s/%sPOSIXLY_CORRECTPOSIX_ME_HARDER--%s-%c%s/%soption type (%d) not implemented in popt %s%s-%cmissing argumentunknown optionmutually exclusive logical operations requestedopt->arg should not be NULLaliases nested too deeplyerror in parameter quotinginvalid numeric valuenumber too large or too smallmemory allocation failedunknown error--POPTdesc=--POPTargs=aliasexec/etc/poptHOME/.popthelpShow this help messageusageDisplay brief usage messageNONEVALINTLONGSTRINGFLOATDOUBLEARGdefault%ld%ld%g%gnull...-%c, %s%s-%c%s%s %-*s %s %%.%ds %%%ds%s %s Usage: %s %s %s [-%s%s%s%s] [-%s] %s ]00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 0<09$06003<00H0-T0*`0'l0$x0!0000000 0 00000 0,080D0P0\0h0t000000000000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|000000000000 0|0y  5( X o 4oN(oNN$ ooW]X`hpx$,i2p2x`|2`2`2I_2`D2``2x_2_2`P2`T23 3`3$`30383@3P3``83lhh3tb_3|n_3S_3C_3u_3l_3L_3W 3 3`<3p_3o_3g_3D_4t_4 c`4vv4 qq4(aa40`484@r` 4LR_4Xe`4\B`@4h`X4t`4|T`4`44z_4`$4`l4`,4`04`44`\4`d4 PP5 `5`5`5(`H50L58`5DH_5P`5\`NN8HX ht.rsync_flist.rsync_csums.rsync_delta.rsync_argvs x$,40<@8H P(\d@lt|j$jj ii i,i4i@iHiTjhilipi|iiiiiiiiiiij$jTT( `PTsRp0 P ` @ PX S;x8 Qh( H PTUS+t4 Q d$ D P\ TS|< Rl,  L PRUS#r2 Q b" B PZ TCz: Rj*  J PVS3v6 Qf& F P ^ Tc~> Rn. 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[\4 <? ]\4 <? _[4 <? `[4 <? a\4 <? c[4 <? dY4 <? gY4 <? h[4 <? iZ4<? iX4<? m^4 <? n\4 <? o]4cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)strings.h 1.3 96/03/12 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stddef.h 1.16 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stddef_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)param.h 1.77 02/01/22 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)socket.h 1.57 01/09/28 SMI@(#)uio.h 1.30 01/03/19 SMI@(#)netconfig.h 1.20 99/04/27 SMI@(#)in.h 1.36 02/10/02 SMI@(#)stream.h 1.91 01/08/08 SMI@(#)vnode.h 1.96 03/03/11 SMI@(#)t_lock.h 1.45 98/02/01 SMI@(#)machlock.h 1.22 01/10/31 SMI@(#)privregs.h 1.5 99/06/05 SMI@(#)psr.h 1.3 96/09/12 SMI@(#)fsr.h 1.3 97/02/11 SMI@(#)mutex.h 1.20 98/02/01 SMI@(#)rwlock.h 1.9 98/02/18 SMI@(#)semaphore.h 1.5 98/02/01 SMI@(#)condvar.h 1.13 01/01/29 SMI@(#)rwstlock.h 1.2 03/03/11 SMI@(#)ksynch.h 1.6 97/10/22 SMI@(#)cred.h 1.21 97/01/09 SMI@(#)resource.h 1.27 01/04/05 SMI@(#)seg_enum.h 1.7 00/05/22 SMI@(#)poll.h 1.28 98/11/23 SMI@(#)strmdep.h 1.10 98/01/06 SMI@(#)model.h 1.21 01/08/31 SMI@(#)strft.h 1.2 00/03/17 SMI@(#)byteorder.h 1.14 98/04/19 SMI@(#)un.h 1.9 96/07/12 SMI@(#)if_dl.h 1.7 98/01/06 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)malloc.h 1.11 97/08/23 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)stat.h 1.3 01/07/29 SMI@(#)stat_impl.h 1.2 01/07/29 SMI@(#)ioctl.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)filio.h 1.29 00/05/22 SMI@(#)ioccom.h 1.14 97/10/22 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.39 01/11/07 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)signal_iso.h 1.2 01/04/05 SMI@(#)signal.h 1.56 01/05/28 SMI@(#)siginfo.h 1.55 01/04/05 SMI@(#)machsig.h 1.15 99/08/15 SMI@(#)procset.h 1.20 00/01/11 SMI@(#)wait.h 1.21 97/04/08 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)grp.h 1.18 96/03/12 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)utime.h 1.9 97/08/12 SMI@(#)fnmatch.h 1.3 94/10/11 SMI@(#)glob.h 1.4 95/03/08 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.19 96/03/12 SMI@(#)stdarg.h 1.45 99/08/10 SMI@(#)stdarg_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)inet.h 1.18 01/01/04 SMI@(#)netdb.h 1.25 01/04/03 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.11 96/05/17 SMI@(#)syslog.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)file.h 1.63 01/12/17 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.31 01/07/29 SMI@(#)dirent.h 1.32 99/05/04 SMI@(#)assert.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19acomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.52 02/01/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.52 02/01/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMI@(#)float.h 1.18 99/05/04 SMI@(#)math.h 2.11 00/09/07 SMI@(#)math_iso.h 1.3 03/04/08 SMI@(#)floatingpoint.h 2.5 99/06/22 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 2.8 99/10/29acomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.52 02/01/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.52 02/01/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19cg: Forte Developer 7 Compiler Common 7.0 Patch 111704-09 2003/06/19@(#)ctype.h 1.33 99/08/10 SMI@(#)ctype_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)feature_tests.h 1.18 99/07/26 SMI@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20 99/05/04 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.16 99/07/26 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.20 00/01/12 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.15 01/07/29 SMI@(#)types.h 1.73 02/10/10 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.13 99/05/04 SMI@(#)int_types.h 1.6 97/08/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.17 01/08/15 SMI@(#)time.h 2.70 02/01/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.39 99/08/10 SMI@(#)time_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)time_impl.h 1.7 01/09/06 SMI@(#)fcntl.h 1.48 01/12/17 SMI@(#)limits.h 1.52 02/01/08 SMI@(#)limits_iso.h 1.1 99/08/09 SMI@(#)int_limits.h 1.6 99/08/06 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.79 01/04/16 SMI@(#)stdio_iso.h 1.2 99/10/25 SMI@(#)va_list.h 1.13 01/02/08 SMI@(#)stdio_tag.h 1.3 98/04/20 SMI@(#)stdio_impl.h 1.13 01/11/16 SMI@(#)stdlib.h 1.48 00/04/13 SMI@(#)stdlib_iso.h 1.3 01/03/09 SMI@(#)string.h 1.24 99/08/10 SMI@(#)string_iso.h 1.2 99/11/09 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.60 01/07/29 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.39 01/07/29 SMI@(#)alloca.h 1.15 99/03/11 SMIacomp: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.9-1.373.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.SUNW_version.rela.data.rela.bss.rela.plt.text.init.fini.rodata.rodata1.got.dynamic.data1.symtab.strtab.stab.index.comment.shstrtab.stab.indexstrrsync.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o rsync.o rsync.cgenerator.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o generator.o generator.creceiver.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o receiver.o receiver.ccleanup.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o cleanup.o cleanup.csender.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o sender.o sender.cexclude.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o exclude.o exclude.cutil.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o util.o util.cmain.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o main.o main.cmainchecksum.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o checksum.o checksum.cmatch.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o match.o match.csyscall.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o syscall.o syscall.clog.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o log.o log.cbackup.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o backup.o backup.coptions.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o options.o options.cflist.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o flist.o flist.cio.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o io.o io.ccompat.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o compat.o compat.chlink.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o hlink.o hlink.ctoken.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o token.o token.cuidlist.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o uidlist.o uidlist.csocket.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o socket.o socket.cfileio.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o fileio.o fileio.cbatch.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o batch.o batch.cclientname.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o clientname.o clientname.cprogress.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o progress.o progress.cpipe.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o pipe.o pipe.cparams.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o params.o params.cloadparm.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o loadparm.o loadparm.cclientserver.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o clientserver.o clientserver.caccess.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o access.o access.cconnection.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o connection.o connection.cauthenticate.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o authenticate.o authenticate.cfnmatch.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o lib/fnmatch.o lib/fnmatch.ccompat.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o lib/compat.o lib/compat.csnprintf.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o lib/snprintf.o lib/snprintf.cmdfour.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o lib/mdfour.o lib/mdfour.cpermstring.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o lib/permstring.o lib/permstring.cdeflate.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/deflate.o zlib/deflate.cinfblock.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/infblock.o zlib/infblock.cinfcodes.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/infcodes.o zlib/infcodes.cinffast.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/inffast.o zlib/inffast.cinflate.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/inflate.o zlib/inflate.cinftrees.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/inftrees.o zlib/inftrees.cinfutil.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/infutil.o zlib/infutil.ctrees.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/trees.o zlib/trees.czutil.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/zutil.o zlib/zutil.cadler32.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o zlib/adler32.o zlib/adler32.cfindme.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o popt/findme.o popt/findme.cpopt.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o popt/popt.o popt/popt.cpoptconfig.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o popt/poptconfig.o popt/poptconfig.cpopthelp.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o popt/popthelp.o popt/popthelp.cpoptparse.cV=8.0;DBG_GEN=4.0.145;Xa;O;R=Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 Patch 111708-07 2003/06/19/DEVEL/rsync/UOArsync.sources/rsync-2.5.6; /opt/SUNWspro/bin/../prod/bin/cc -I. -I. -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v8plusa -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./popt -c -o popt/poptparse.o popt/poptparse.c p XX""5(5(oN(N(p-BNN  8BNN$ BBNN LTTR X ^fUoWWGWW( t]]2^^!H}a=ppBlIs \+\  T  l.5070701000005f2000041ed0000006b00000064000000023f18110400000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000aff270889reloc/etc070701000005f3000081a40000006b00000064000000013f180c2d000003b80000002000000038000000000000000000000016ff270889reloc/etc/rsyncd.conf# sample rsyncd.conf configuration file # GLOBAL OPTIONS #motd file=/etc/motd #log file=/var/log/rsyncd pid file=/var/run/rsyncd.pid #syslog facility=daemon #socket options= # MODULE OPTIONS [ftp] comment = public archive path = /SCRATCH/pub use chroot = yes # max connections=10 lock file = /var/run/rsyncd read only = yes list = yes uid = nobody gid = nogroup # exclude = #specify any file in path not to be accessed # exclude from = # include = # include from = # auth users = #allow specific users to connect (besides anonymous) # secrets file = %%BASEDIR%%/etc/rsyncd.secrets strict modes = yes #makes sure the secrets file has proper permissions # hosts allow = # hosts deny = ignore errors = no ignore nonreadable = yes transfer logging = no # log format = %t: host %h (%a) %o %f (%l bytes). Total %b bytes. timeout = 600 refuse options = checksum, dry-run dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!070701000004dd000081a40000006b00000064000000013f181093000000ee000000200000003800000000000000000000000800000000pkginfoPKG=UOArsyncd NAME=Samba Team Rsync Documentation BASEDIR=/usr/local ARCH=sparc VERSION=2.5.6-1.1 CATEGORY=application DESC=Documentation for the Rsync program CLASSES=none EMAIL=solaris-packaging@noc.uoa.gr PSTAMP=atlantic20030718182155 070701000004dc000081a40000006b00000064000000013f18109300000108000000200000003800000000000000000000000700000000pkgmap: 1 160 1 d none man 0755 root bin 1 d none man/man1 0755 root bin 1 f none man/man1/rsync.1 0444 root bin 52219 29959 1058540263 1 d none man/man5 0755 root bin 1 f none man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5 0444 root bin 21508 53697 1058540263 1 i pkginfo 238 19870 1058541715 070701000004de000041ed0000006b00000064000000033f18109300000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000600000000reloc070701000004df000041ed0000006b00000064000000043f18109300000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000a00000000reloc/man070701000004e0000041ed0000006b00000064000000023f18109300000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000f00000000reloc/man/man1070701000004e1000081a40000006b00000064000000013f180ae70000cbfb0000002000000038000000000000000000000017ff27088ereloc/man/man1/rsync.1.TH "rsync" "1" "26 Jan 2003" "" "" .SH "NAME" rsync \- faster, flexible replacement for rcp .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. SRC [SRC]\&.\&.\&. [USER@]HOST:DEST .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. [USER@]HOST:SRC DEST .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. SRC [SRC]\&.\&.\&. DEST .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. [USER@]HOST::SRC [DEST] .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. SRC [SRC]\&.\&.\&. [USER@]HOST::DEST .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST] .PP rsync [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. SRC [SRC]\&.\&.\&. rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that rcp does, but has many more options and uses the rsync remote-update protocol to greatly speed up file transfers when the destination file already exists\&. .PP The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the differences between two sets of files across the network link, using an efficient checksum-search algorithm described in the technical report that accompanies this package\&. .PP Some of the additional features of rsync are: .PP .IP o support for copying links, devices, owners, groups and permissions .IP o exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar .IP o a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that CVS would ignore .IP o can use any transparent remote shell, including rsh or ssh .IP o does not require root privileges .IP o pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs .IP o support for anonymous or authenticated rsync servers (ideal for mirroring) .PP .SH "GENERAL" .PP There are eight different ways of using rsync\&. They are: .PP .IP o for copying local files\&. This is invoked when neither source nor destination path contains a : separator .IP .IP o for copying from the local machine to a remote machine using a remote shell program as the transport (such as rsh or ssh)\&. This is invoked when the destination path contains a single : separator\&. .IP .IP o for copying from a remote machine to the local machine using a remote shell program\&. This is invoked when the source contains a : separator\&. .IP .IP o for copying from a remote rsync server to the local machine\&. This is invoked when the source path contains a :: separator or a rsync:// URL\&. .IP .IP o for copying from the local machine to a remote rsync server\&. This is invoked when the destination path contains a :: separator or a rsync:// URL\&. .IP .IP o for copying from a remote machine using a remote shell program as the transport, using rsync server on the remote machine\&. This is invoked when the source path contains a :: separator and the --rsh=COMMAND (aka "-e COMMAND") option is also provided\&. .IP .IP o for copying from the local machine to a remote machine using a remote shell program as the transport, using rsync server on the remote machine\&. This is invoked when the destination path contains a :: separator and the --rsh=COMMMAND option is also provided\&. .IP .IP o for listing files on a remote machine\&. This is done the same way as rsync transfers except that you leave off the local destination\&. .PP Note that in all cases (other than listing) at least one of the source and destination paths must be local\&. .PP .SH "SETUP" .PP See the file README for installation instructions\&. .PP Once installed, you can use rsync to any machine that you can access via a remote shell (as well as some that you can access using the rsync daemon-mode protocol)\&. For remote transfers, rsync typically uses rsh for its communications, but it may have been configured to use a different remote shell by default, such as ssh\&. .PP You can also specify any remote shell you like, either by using the -e command line option, or by setting the RSYNC_RSH environment variable\&. .PP One common substitute is to use ssh, which offers a high degree of security\&. .PP Note that rsync must be installed on both the source and destination machines\&. .PP .SH "USAGE" .PP You use rsync in the same way you use rcp\&. You must specify a source and a destination, one of which may be remote\&. .PP Perhaps the best way to explain the syntax is some examples: .PP .RS rsync *\&.c foo:src/ .RE .PP this would transfer all files matching the pattern *\&.c from the current directory to the directory src on the machine foo\&. If any of the files already exist on the remote system then the rsync remote-update protocol is used to update the file by sending only the differences\&. See the tech report for details\&. .PP .RS rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp .RE .PP this would recursively transfer all files from the directory src/bar on the machine foo into the /data/tmp/bar directory on the local machine\&. The files are transferred in "archive" mode, which ensures that symbolic links, devices, attributes, permissions, ownerships etc are preserved in the transfer\&. Additionally, compression will be used to reduce the size of data portions of the transfer\&. .PP .RS rsync -avz foo:src/bar/ /data/tmp .RE .PP a trailing slash on the source changes this behavior to transfer all files from the directory src/bar on the machine foo into the /data/tmp/\&. A trailing / on a source name means "copy the contents of this directory"\&. Without a trailing slash it means "copy the directory"\&. This difference becomes particularly important when using the --delete option\&. .PP You can also use rsync in local-only mode, where both the source and destination don\'t have a \':\' in the name\&. In this case it behaves like an improved copy command\&. .PP .RS rsync somehost\&.mydomain\&.com:: .RE .PP this would list all the anonymous rsync modules available on the host somehost\&.mydomain\&.com\&. (See the following section for more details\&.) .PP .SH "CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC SERVER" .PP It is also possible to use rsync without a remote shell as the transport\&. In this case you will connect to a remote rsync server running on TCP port 873\&. .PP You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy\&. Note that your web proxy\'s configuration must allow proxying to port 873\&. .PP Using rsync in this way is the same as using it with a remote shell except that: .PP .IP o you use a double colon :: instead of a single colon to separate the hostname from the path or a rsync:// URL\&. .IP .IP o the remote server may print a message of the day when you connect\&. .IP .IP o if you specify no path name on the remote server then the list of accessible paths on the server will be shown\&. .IP .IP o if you specify no local destination then a listing of the specified files on the remote server is provided\&. .PP Some paths on the remote server may require authentication\&. If so then you will receive a password prompt when you connect\&. You can avoid the password prompt by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password you want to use or using the --password-file option\&. This may be useful when scripting rsync\&. .PP WARNING: On some systems environment variables are visible to all users\&. On those systems using --password-file is recommended\&. .PP .SH "CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC SERVER OVER A REMOTE SHELL PROGRAM" .PP It is sometimes useful to be able to set up file transfers using rsync server capabilities on the remote machine, while still using rsh or ssh for transport\&. This is especially useful when you want to connect to a remote machine via ssh (for encryption or to get through a firewall), but you still want to have access to the rsync server features (see RUNNING AN RSYNC SERVER OVER A REMOTE SHELL PROGRAM, below)\&. .PP From the user\'s perspective, using rsync in this way is the same as using it to connect to an rsync server, except that you must explicitly set the remote shell program on the command line with --rsh=COMMAND\&. (Setting RSYNC_RSH in the environment will not turn on this functionality\&.) .PP In order to distinguish between the remote-shell user and the rsync server user, you can use \'-l user\' on your remote-shell command: .PP .RS rsync -av --rsh="ssh -l ssh-user" rsync-user@host::module[/path] local-path .RE .PP The "ssh-user" will be used at the ssh level; the "rsync-user" will be used to check against the rsyncd\&.conf on the remote host\&. .PP .SH "RUNNING AN RSYNC SERVER" .PP An rsync server is configured using a config file\&. Please see the rsyncd\&.conf(5) man page for more information\&. By default the configuration file is called /etc/rsyncd\&.conf, unless rsync is running over a remote shell program and is not running as root; in that case, the default name is rsyncd\&.conf in the current directory on the remote computer (typically $HOME)\&. .PP .SH "RUNNING AN RSYNC SERVER OVER A REMOTE SHELL PROGRAM" .PP See the rsyncd\&.conf(5) man page for full information on the rsync server configuration file\&. .PP Several configuration options will not be available unless the remote user is root (e\&.g\&. chroot, setuid/setgid, etc\&.)\&. There is no need to configure inetd or the services map to include the rsync server port if you run an rsync server only via a remote shell program\&. .PP To run an rsync server out of a single-use ssh key, use the "command=\fICOMMAND\fP" syntax in the remote user\'s authorized_keys entry, where command would be .PP .RS rsync --server --daemon \&. .RE .PP NOTE: rsync\'s argument parsing expects the trailing "\&.", so make sure that it\'s there\&. If you want to use a rsyncd\&.conf(5)-style configuration file other than the default, you can added a --config option to the \fIcommand\fP: .PP .RS rsync --server --daemon --config=\fIfile\fP \&. .RE .PP .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP Here are some examples of how I use rsync\&. .PP To backup my wife\'s home directory, which consists of large MS Word files and mail folders, I use a cron job that runs .PP .RS rsync -Cavz \&. arvidsjaur:backup .RE .PP each night over a PPP link to a duplicate directory on my machine "arvidsjaur"\&. .PP To synchronize my samba source trees I use the following Makefile targets: .PP .RS get: .br rsync -avuzb --exclude \'*~\' samba:samba/ \&. .PP put: .br rsync -Cavuzb \&. samba:samba/ .PP sync: get put .RE .PP this allows me to sync with a CVS directory at the other end of the link\&. I then do cvs operations on the remote machine, which saves a lot of time as the remote cvs protocol isn\'t very efficient\&. .PP I mirror a directory between my "old" and "new" ftp sites with the command .PP .RS rsync -az -e ssh --delete ~ftp/pub/samba/ nimbus:"~ftp/pub/tridge/samba" .RE .PP this is launched from cron every few hours\&. .PP .SH "OPTIONS SUMMARY" .PP Here is a short summary of the options available in rsync\&. Please refer to the detailed description below for a complete description\&. .PP .nf -v, --verbose increase verbosity -q, --quiet decrease verbosity -c, --checksum always checksum -a, --archive archive mode, equivalent to -rlptgoD -r, --recursive recurse into directories -R, --relative use relative path names -b, --backup make backups (default ~ suffix) --backup-dir make backups into this directory --suffix=SUFFIX define backup suffix -u, --update update only (don\'t overwrite newer files) -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks -L, --copy-links copy the referent of symlinks --copy-unsafe-links copy links outside the source tree --safe-links ignore links outside the destination tree -H, --hard-links preserve hard links -p, --perms preserve permissions -o, --owner preserve owner (root only) -g, --group preserve group -D, --devices preserve devices (root only) -t, --times preserve times -S, --sparse handle sparse files efficiently -n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred -W, --whole-file copy whole files, no incremental checks --no-whole-file turn off --whole-file -x, --one-file-system don\'t cross filesystem boundaries -B, --block-size=SIZE checksum blocking size (default 700) -e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use --rsync-path=PATH specify path to rsync on the remote machine -C, --cvs-exclude auto ignore files in the same way CVS does --existing only update files that already exist --ignore-existing ignore files that already exist on the receiving side --delete delete files that don\'t exist on the sending side --delete-excluded also delete excluded files on the receiving side --delete-after delete after transferring, not before --ignore-errors delete even if there are IO errors --max-delete=NUM don\'t delete more than NUM files --partial keep partially transferred files --force force deletion of directories even if not empty --numeric-ids don\'t map uid/gid values by user/group name --timeout=TIME set IO timeout in seconds -I, --ignore-times don\'t exclude files that match length and time --size-only only use file size when determining if a file should be transferred --modify-window=NUM Timestamp window (seconds) for file match (default=0) -T --temp-dir=DIR create temporary files in directory DIR --compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR --link-dest=DIR create hardlinks to DIR for unchanged files -P equivalent to --partial --progress -z, --compress compress file data --exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN --exclude-from=FILE exclude patterns listed in FILE --include=PATTERN don\'t exclude files matching PATTERN --include-from=FILE don\'t exclude patterns listed in FILE --version print version number --daemon run as a rsync daemon --no-detach do not detach from the parent --address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address --config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd\&.conf file --port=PORT specify alternate rsyncd port number --blocking-io use blocking IO for the remote shell --no-blocking-io turn off --blocking-io --stats give some file transfer stats --progress show progress during transfer --log-format=FORMAT log file transfers using specified format --password-file=FILE get password from FILE --bwlimit=KBPS limit I/O bandwidth, KBytes per second --read-batch=PREFIX read batch fileset starting with PREFIX --write-batch=PREFIX write batch fileset starting with PREFIX -h, --help show this help screen .fi .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP rsync uses the GNU long options package\&. Many of the command line options have two variants, one short and one long\&. These are shown below, separated by commas\&. Some options only have a long variant\&. The \'=\' for options that take a parameter is optional; whitespace can be used instead\&. .PP .IP "\fB-h, --help\fP" Print a short help page describing the options available in rsync .IP .IP "\fB--version\fP" print the rsync version number and exit .IP .IP "\fB-v, --verbose\fP" This option increases the amount of information you are given during the transfer\&. By default, rsync works silently\&. A single -v will give you information about what files are being transferred and a brief summary at the end\&. Two -v flags will give you information on what files are being skipped and slightly more information at the end\&. More than two -v flags should only be used if you are debugging rsync\&. .IP .IP "\fB-q, --quiet\fP" This option decreases the amount of information you are given during the transfer, notably suppressing information messages from the remote server\&. This flag is useful when invoking rsync from cron\&. .IP .IP "\fB-I, --ignore-times\fP" Normally rsync will skip any files that are already the same length and have the same time-stamp\&. This option turns off this behavior\&. .IP .IP "\fB--size-only\fP" Normally rsync will skip any files that are already the same length and have the same time-stamp\&. With the --size-only option files will be skipped if they have the same size, regardless of timestamp\&. This is useful when starting to use rsync after using another mirroring system which may not preserve timestamps exactly\&. .IP .IP "\fB--modify-window\fP" When comparing two timestamps rsync treats the timestamps as being equal if they are within the value of modify_window\&. This is normally zero, but you may find it useful to set this to a larger value in some situations\&. In particular, when transferring to Windows FAT filesystems which cannot represent times with a 1 second resolution --modify-window=1 is useful\&. .IP .IP "\fB-c, --checksum\fP" This forces the sender to checksum all files using a 128-bit MD4 checksum before transfer\&. The checksum is then explicitly checked on the receiver and any files of the same name which already exist and have the same checksum and size on the receiver are skipped\&. This option can be quite slow\&. .IP .IP "\fB-a, --archive\fP" This is equivalent to -rlptgoD\&. It is a quick way of saying you want recursion and want to preserve almost everything\&. .IP Note however that \fB-a\fP \fBdoes not preserve hardlinks\fP, because finding multiply-linked files is expensive\&. You must separately specify \fB-H\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB-r, --recursive\fP" This tells rsync to copy directories recursively\&. If you don\'t specify this then rsync won\'t copy directories at all\&. .IP .IP "\fB-R, --relative\fP" Use relative paths\&. This means that the full path names specified on the command line are sent to the server rather than just the last parts of the filenames\&. This is particularly useful when you want to send several different directories at the same time\&. For example, if you used the command .IP .nf rsync foo/bar/foo\&.c remote:/tmp/ .fi .IP then this would create a file called foo\&.c in /tmp/ on the remote machine\&. If instead you used .IP .nf rsync -R foo/bar/foo\&.c remote:/tmp/ .fi .IP then a file called /tmp/foo/bar/foo\&.c would be created on the remote machine\&. The full path name is preserved\&. .IP .IP "\fB-b, --backup\fP" With this option preexisting destination files are renamed with a ~ extension as each file is transferred\&. You can control the backup suffix using the --suffix option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--backup-dir=DIR\fP" In combination with the --backup option, this tells rsync to store all backups in the specified directory\&. This is very useful for incremental backups\&. You can additionally specify a backup suffix using the --suffix option (otherwise the files backed up in the specified directory will keep their original filenames)\&. .IP .IP "\fB--suffix=SUFFIX\fP" This option allows you to override the default backup suffix used with the -b option\&. The default is a ~\&. If --backup-dir and --suffix are both specified, the SUFFIX is appended to the filename even in the backup directory\&. .IP .IP "\fB-u, --update\fP" This forces rsync to skip any files for which the destination file already exists and has a date later than the source file\&. .IP .IP "\fB-l, --links\fP" When symlinks are encountered, recreate the symlink on the destination\&. .IP .IP "\fB-L, --copy-links\fP" When symlinks are encountered, the file that they point to is copied, rather than the symlink\&. .IP .IP "\fB--copy-unsafe-links\fP" This tells rsync to copy the referent of symbolic links that point outside the source tree\&. Absolute symlinks are also treated like ordinary files, and so are any symlinks in the source path itself when --relative is used\&. .IP .IP "\fB--safe-links\fP" This tells rsync to ignore any symbolic links which point outside the destination tree\&. All absolute symlinks are also ignored\&. Using this option in conjunction with --relative may give unexpected results\&. .IP .IP "\fB-H, --hard-links\fP" This tells rsync to recreate hard links on the remote system to be the same as the local system\&. Without this option hard links are treated like regular files\&. .IP Note that rsync can only detect hard links if both parts of the link are in the list of files being sent\&. .IP This option can be quite slow, so only use it if you need it\&. .IP .IP "\fB-W, --whole-file\fP" With this option the incremental rsync algorithm is not used and the whole file is sent as-is instead\&. The transfer may be faster if this option is used when the bandwidth between the source and target machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the "disk" is actually a networked file system)\&. This is the default when both the source and target are on the local machine\&. .IP .IP "\fB--no-whole-file\fP" Turn off --whole-file, for use when it is the default\&. .IP .IP "\fB-p, --perms\fP" This option causes rsync to update the remote permissions to be the same as the local permissions\&. .IP .IP "\fB-o, --owner\fP" This option causes rsync to set the owner of the destination file to be the same as the source file\&. On most systems, only the super-user can set file ownership\&. Note that if the remote system is a daemon using chroot, the --numeric-ids option is implied because the remote system cannot get access to the usernames from /etc/passwd\&. .IP .IP "\fB-g, --group\fP" This option causes rsync to set the group of the destination file to be the same as the source file\&. If the receiving program is not running as the super-user, only groups that the receiver is a member of will be preserved (by group name, not group id number)\&. .IP .IP "\fB-D, --devices\fP" This option causes rsync to transfer character and block device information to the remote system to recreate these devices\&. This option is only available to the super-user\&. .IP .IP "\fB-t, --times\fP" This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and update them on the remote system\&. Note that if this option is not used, the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be effective; in other words, a missing -t or -a will cause the next transfer to behave as if it used -I, and all files will have their checksums compared and show up in log messages even if they haven\'t changed\&. .IP .IP "\fB-n, --dry-run\fP" This tells rsync to not do any file transfers, instead it will just report the actions it would have taken\&. .IP .IP "\fB-S, --sparse\fP" Try to handle sparse files efficiently so they take up less space on the destination\&. .IP NOTE: Don\'t use this option when the destination is a Solaris "tmpfs" filesystem\&. It doesn\'t seem to handle seeks over null regions correctly and ends up corrupting the files\&. .IP .IP "\fB-x, --one-file-system\fP" This tells rsync not to cross filesystem boundaries when recursing\&. This is useful for transferring the contents of only one filesystem\&. .IP .IP "\fB--existing\fP" This tells rsync not to create any new files - only update files that already exist on the destination\&. .IP .IP "\fB--ignore-existing\fP" This tells rsync not to update files that already exist on the destination\&. .IP .IP "\fB--max-delete=NUM\fP" This tells rsync not to delete more than NUM files or directories\&. This is useful when mirroring very large trees to prevent disasters\&. .IP .IP "\fB--delete\fP" This tells rsync to delete any files on the receiving side that aren\'t on the sending side\&. Files that are excluded from transfer are excluded from being deleted unless you use --delete-excluded\&. .IP This option has no effect if directory recursion is not selected\&. .IP This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly! It is a very good idea to run first using the dry run option (-n) to see what files would be deleted to make sure important files aren\'t listed\&. .IP If the sending side detects any IO errors then the deletion of any files at the destination will be automatically disabled\&. This is to prevent temporary filesystem failures (such as NFS errors) on the sending side causing a massive deletion of files on the destination\&. You can override this with the --ignore-errors option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--delete-excluded\fP" In addition to deleting the files on the receiving side that are not on the sending side, this tells rsync to also delete any files on the receiving side that are excluded (see --exclude)\&. Implies --delete\&. .IP .IP "\fB--delete-after\fP" By default rsync does file deletions before transferring files to try to ensure that there is sufficient space on the receiving filesystem\&. If you want to delete after transferring then use the --delete-after switch\&. Implies --delete\&. .IP .IP "\fB--ignore-errors\fP" Tells --delete to go ahead and delete files even when there are IO errors\&. .IP .IP "\fB--force\fP" This options tells rsync to delete directories even if they are not empty when they are to be replaced by non-directories\&. This is only relevant without --delete because deletions are now done depth-first\&. Requires the --recursive option (which is implied by -a) to have any effect\&. .IP .IP "\fB-B , --block-size=BLOCKSIZE\fP" This controls the block size used in the rsync algorithm\&. See the technical report for details\&. .IP .IP "\fB-e, --rsh=COMMAND\fP" This option allows you to choose an alternative remote shell program to use for communication between the local and remote copies of rsync\&. Typically, rsync is configured to use rsh by default, but you may prefer to use ssh because of its high security\&. .IP If this option is used with \fB[user@]host::module/path\fP, then the remote shell \fICOMMMAND\fP will be used to run an rsync server on the remote host, and all data will be transmitted through that remote shell connection, rather than through a direct socket connection to a running rsync server on the remote host\&. See the section "CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC SERVER OVER A REMOTE SHELL PROGRAM" above\&. .IP Command-line arguments are permitted in COMMAND provided that COMMAND is presented to rsync as a single argument\&. For example: .IP .RS -e "ssh -p 2234" .RE .IP (Note that ssh users can alternately customize site-specific connect options in their \&.ssh/config file\&.) .IP You can also choose the remote shell program using the RSYNC_RSH environment variable, which accepts the same range of values as -e\&. .IP See also the --blocking-io option which is affected by this option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--rsync-path=PATH\fP" Use this to specify the path to the copy of rsync on the remote machine\&. Useful when it\'s not in your path\&. Note that this is the full path to the binary, not just the directory that the binary is in\&. .IP .IP "\fB--exclude=PATTERN\fP" This option allows you to selectively exclude certain files from the list of files to be transferred\&. This is most useful in combination with a recursive transfer\&. .IP You may use as many --exclude options on the command line as you like to build up the list of files to exclude\&. .IP See the section on exclude patterns for information on the syntax of this option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--exclude-from=FILE\fP" This option is similar to the --exclude option, but instead it adds all exclude patterns listed in the file FILE to the exclude list\&. Blank lines in FILE and lines starting with \';\' or \'#\' are ignored\&. If \fIFILE\fP is \fB-\fP the list will be read from standard input\&. .IP .IP "\fB--include=PATTERN\fP" This option tells rsync to not exclude the specified pattern of filenames\&. This is useful as it allows you to build up quite complex exclude/include rules\&. .IP See the section of exclude patterns for information on the syntax of this option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--include-from=FILE\fP" This specifies a list of include patterns from a file\&. If \fIFILE\fP is \fB-\fP the list will be read from standard input\&. .IP .IP "\fB-C, --cvs-exclude\fP" This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files that you often don\'t want to transfer between systems\&. It uses the same algorithm that CVS uses to determine if a file should be ignored\&. .IP The exclude list is initialized to: .IP .RS RCS/ SCCS/ CVS/ \&.svn/ CVS\&.adm RCSLOG cvslog\&.* tags TAGS \&.make\&.state \&.nse_depinfo *~ #* \&.#* ,* *\&.old *\&.bak *\&.BAK *\&.orig *\&.rej \&.del-* *\&.a *\&.o *\&.obj *\&.so *\&.Z *\&.elc *\&.ln core .RE .IP then files listed in a $HOME/\&.cvsignore are added to the list and any files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (space delimited)\&. .IP Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a \&.cvsignore file and matches one of the patterns listed therein\&. See the \fBcvs(1)\fP manual for more information\&. .IP .IP "\fB--csum-length=LENGTH\fP" By default the primary checksum used in rsync is a very strong 16 byte MD4 checksum\&. In most cases you will find that a truncated version of this checksum is quite efficient, and this will decrease the size of the checksum data sent over the link, making things faster\&. .IP You can choose the number of bytes in the truncated checksum using the --csum-length option\&. Any value less than or equal to 16 is valid\&. .IP Note that if you use this option then you run the risk of ending up with an incorrect target file\&. The risk with a value of 16 is microscopic and can be safely ignored (the universe will probably end before it fails) but with smaller values the risk is higher\&. .IP Current versions of rsync actually use an adaptive algorithm for the checksum length by default, using a 16 byte file checksum to determine if a 2nd pass is required with a longer block checksum\&. Only use this option if you have read the source code and know what you are doing\&. .IP .IP "\fB-T, --temp-dir=DIR\fP" This option instructs rsync to use DIR as a scratch directory when creating temporary copies of the files transferred on the receiving side\&. The default behavior is to create the temporary files in the receiving directory\&. .IP .IP "\fB--compare-dest=DIR\fP" This option instructs rsync to use DIR on the destination machine as an additional directory to compare destination files against when doing transfers if the files are missing in the destination directory\&. This is useful for doing transfers to a new destination while leaving existing files intact, and then doing a flash-cutover when all files have been successfully transferred (for example by moving directories around and removing the old directory, although this skips files that haven\'t changed; see also --link-dest)\&. This option increases the usefulness of --partial because partially transferred files will remain in the new temporary destination until they have a chance to be completed\&. If DIR is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory\&. .IP .IP "\fB--link-dest=DIR\fP" This option behaves like \fB--compare-dest\fP but also will create hard links from \fIDIR\fP to the destination directory for unchanged files\&. Files with changed ownership or permissions will not be linked\&. .IP .IP "\fB-z, --compress\fP" With this option, rsync compresses any data from the files that it sends to the destination machine\&. This option is useful on slow links\&. The compression method used is the same method that gzip uses\&. .IP Note this this option typically achieves better compression ratios that can be achieved by using a compressing remote shell, or a compressing transport, as it takes advantage of the implicit information sent for matching data blocks\&. .IP .IP "\fB--numeric-ids\fP" With this option rsync will transfer numeric group and user ids rather than using user and group names and mapping them at both ends\&. .IP By default rsync will use the user name and group name to determine what ownership to give files\&. The special uid 0 and the special group 0 are never mapped via user/group names even if the --numeric-ids option is not specified\&. .IP If the source system is a daemon using chroot, or if a user or group name does not exist on the destination system, then the numeric id from the source system is used instead\&. .IP .IP "\fB--timeout=TIMEOUT\fP" This option allows you to set a maximum IO timeout in seconds\&. If no data is transferred for the specified time then rsync will exit\&. The default is 0, which means no timeout\&. .IP .IP "\fB--daemon\fP" This tells rsync that it is to run as a daemon\&. The daemon may be accessed using the \fBhost::module\fP or \fBrsync://host/module/\fP syntax\&. .IP If standard input is a socket then rsync will assume that it is being run via inetd, otherwise it will detach from the current terminal and become a background daemon\&. The daemon will read the config file (rsyncd\&.conf) on each connect made by a client and respond to requests accordingly\&. See the rsyncd\&.conf(5) man page for more details\&. .IP .IP "\fB--no-detach\fP" When running as a daemon, this option instructs rsync to not detach itself and become a background process\&. This option is required when running as a service on Cygwin, and may also be useful when rsync is supervised by a program such as \fBdaemontools\fP or AIX\'s \fBSystem Resource Controller\fP\&. \fB--no-detach\fP is also recommended when rsync is run under a debugger\&. This option has no effect if rsync is run from inetd or sshd\&. .IP .IP "\fB--address\fP" By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when run as a daemon with the --daemon option or when connecting to a rsync server\&. The --address option allows you to specify a specific IP address (or hostname) to bind to\&. This makes virtual hosting possible in conjunction with the --config option\&. .IP .IP "\fB--config=FILE\fP" This specifies an alternate config file than the default\&. This is only relevant when --daemon is specified\&. The default is /etc/rsyncd\&.conf unless the daemon is running over a remote shell program and the remote user is not root; in that case the default is rsyncd\&.conf in the current directory (typically $HOME)\&. .IP .IP "\fB--port=PORT\fP" This specifies an alternate TCP port number to use rather than the default port 873\&. .IP .IP "\fB--blocking-io\fP" This tells rsync to use blocking IO when launching a remote shell transport\&. If -e or --rsh are not specified or are set to the default "rsh", this defaults to blocking IO, otherwise it defaults to non-blocking IO\&. You may find the --blocking-io option is needed for some remote shells that can\'t handle non-blocking IO\&. (Note that ssh prefers non-blocking IO\&.) .IP .IP "\fB--no-blocking-io\fP" Turn off --blocking-io, for use when it is the default\&. .IP .IP "\fB--log-format=FORMAT\fP" This allows you to specify exactly what the rsync client logs to stdout on a per-file basis\&. The log format is specified using the same format conventions as the log format option in rsyncd\&.conf\&. .IP .IP "\fB--stats\fP" This tells rsync to print a verbose set of statistics on the file transfer, allowing you to tell how effective the rsync algorithm is for your data\&. .IP .IP "\fB--partial\fP" By default, rsync will delete any partially transferred file if the transfer is interrupted\&. In some circumstances it is more desirable to keep partially transferred files\&. Using the --partial option tells rsync to keep the partial file which should make a subsequent transfer of the rest of the file much faster\&. .IP .IP "\fB--progress\fP" This option tells rsync to print information showing the progress of the transfer\&. This gives a bored user something to watch\&. .IP This option is normally combined with -v\&. Using this option without the -v option will produce weird results on your display\&. .IP .IP "\fB-P\fP" The -P option is equivalent to --partial --progress\&. I found myself typing that combination quite often so I created an option to make it easier\&. .IP .IP "\fB--password-file\fP" This option allows you to provide a password in a file for accessing a remote rsync server\&. Note that this option is only useful when accessing a rsync server using the built in transport, not when using a remote shell as the transport\&. The file must not be world readable\&. It should contain just the password as a single line\&. .IP .IP "\fB--bwlimit=KBPS\fP" This option allows you to specify a maximum transfer rate in kilobytes per second\&. This option is most effective when using rsync with large files (several megabytes and up)\&. Due to the nature of rsync transfers, blocks of data are sent, then if rsync determines the transfer was too fast, it will wait before sending the next data block\&. The result is an average transfer rate equalling the specified limit\&. A value of zero specifies no limit\&. .IP .IP "\fB--write-batch=PREFIX\fP" Generate a set of files that can be transferred as a batch update\&. Each filename in the set starts with PREFIX\&. See the "BATCH MODE" section for details\&. .IP .IP "\fB--read-batch=PREFIX\fP" Apply a previously generated change batch, using the fileset whose filenames start with PREFIX\&. See the "BATCH MODE" section for details\&. .IP .PP .SH "EXCLUDE PATTERNS" .PP The exclude and include patterns specified to rsync allow for flexible selection of which files to transfer and which files to skip\&. .PP rsync builds an ordered list of include/exclude options as specified on the command line\&. When a filename is encountered, rsync checks the name against each exclude/include pattern in turn\&. The first matching pattern is acted on\&. If it is an exclude pattern, then that file is skipped\&. If it is an include pattern then that filename is not skipped\&. If no matching include/exclude pattern is found then the filename is not skipped\&. .PP Note that when used with -r (which is implied by -a), every subcomponent of every path is visited from top down, so include/exclude patterns get applied recursively to each subcomponent\&. .PP Note also that the --include and --exclude options take one pattern each\&. To add multiple patterns use the --include-from and --exclude-from options or multiple --include and --exclude options\&. .PP The patterns can take several forms\&. The rules are: .PP .IP o if the pattern starts with a / then it is matched against the start of the filename, otherwise it is matched against the end of the filename\&. Thus "/foo" would match a file called "foo" at the base of the tree\&. On the other hand, "foo" would match any file called "foo" anywhere in the tree because the algorithm is applied recursively from top down; it behaves as if each path component gets a turn at being the end of the file name\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern ends with a / then it will only match a directory, not a file, link or device\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern contains a wildcard character from the set *?[ then expression matching is applied using the shell filename matching rules\&. Otherwise a simple string match is used\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern includes a double asterisk "**" then all wildcards in the pattern will match slashes, otherwise they will stop at slashes\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern contains a / (not counting a trailing /) then it is matched against the full filename, including any leading directory\&. If the pattern doesn\'t contain a / then it is matched only against the final component of the filename\&. Again, remember that the algorithm is applied recursively so "full filename" can actually be any portion of a path\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern starts with "+ " (a plus followed by a space) then it is always considered an include pattern, even if specified as part of an exclude option\&. The "+ " part is discarded before matching\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern starts with "- " (a minus followed by a space) then it is always considered an exclude pattern, even if specified as part of an include option\&. The "- " part is discarded before matching\&. .IP .IP o if the pattern is a single exclamation mark ! then the current include/exclude list is reset, removing all previously defined patterns\&. .PP The +/- rules are most useful in exclude lists, allowing you to have a single exclude list that contains both include and exclude options\&. .PP If you end an exclude list with --exclude \'*\', note that since the algorithm is applied recursively that unless you explicitly include parent directories of files you want to include then the algorithm will stop at the parent directories and never see the files below them\&. To include all directories, use --include \'*/\' before the --exclude \'*\'\&. .PP Here are some exclude/include examples: .PP .IP o --exclude "*\&.o" would exclude all filenames matching *\&.o .IP o --exclude "/foo" would exclude a file in the base directory called foo .IP o --exclude "foo/" would exclude any directory called foo .IP o --exclude "/foo/*/bar" would exclude any file called bar two levels below a base directory called foo .IP o --exclude "/foo/**/bar" would exclude any file called bar two or more levels below a base directory called foo .IP o --include "*/" --include "*\&.c" --exclude "*" would include all directories and C source files .IP o --include "foo/" --include "foo/bar\&.c" --exclude "*" would include only foo/bar\&.c (the foo/ directory must be explicitly included or it would be excluded by the "*") .PP .SH "BATCH MODE" .PP \fBNote:\fP Batch mode should be considered experimental in this version of rsync\&. The interface or behaviour may change before it stabilizes\&. .PP Batch mode can be used to apply the same set of updates to many identical systems\&. Suppose one has a tree which is replicated on a number of hosts\&. Now suppose some changes have been made to this source tree and those changes need to be propagated to the other hosts\&. In order to do this using batch mode, rsync is run with the write-batch option to apply the changes made to the source tree to one of the destination trees\&. The write-batch option causes the rsync client to store the information needed to repeat this operation against other destination trees in a batch update fileset (see below)\&. The filename of each file in the fileset starts with a prefix specified by the user as an argument to the write-batch option\&. This fileset is then copied to each remote host, where rsync is run with the read-batch option, again specifying the same prefix, and the destination tree\&. Rsync updates the destination tree using the information stored in the batch update fileset\&. .PP The fileset consists of 4 files: .PP .IP o \fB\&.rsync_argvs\fP command-line arguments .IP o \fB\&.rsync_flist\fP rsync internal file metadata .IP o \fB\&.rsync_csums\fP rsync checksums .IP o \fB\&.rsync_delta\fP data blocks for file update & change .PP The \&.rsync_argvs file contains a command-line suitable for updating a destination tree using that batch update fileset\&. It can be executed using a Bourne(-like) shell, optionally passing in an alternate destination tree pathname which is then used instead of the original path\&. This is useful when the destination tree path differs from the original destination tree path\&. .PP Generating the batch update fileset once saves having to perform the file status, checksum and data block generation more than once when updating multiple destination trees\&. Multicast transport protocols can be used to transfer the batch update files in parallel to many hosts at once, instead of sending the same data to every host individually\&. .PP Example: .PP .nf $ rsync --write_batch=pfx -a /source/dir/ /adest/dir/ $ rcp pfx\&.rsync_* remote: $ rsh remote rsync --read_batch=pfx -a /bdest/dir/ # or alternatively $ rsh remote \&./pfx\&.rsync_argvs /bdest/dir/ .fi .PP In this example, rsync is used to update /adest/dir/ with /source/dir/ and the information to repeat this operation is stored in the files pfx\&.rsync_*\&. These files are then copied to the machine named "remote"\&. Rsync is then invoked on "remote" to update /bdest/dir/ the same way as /adest/dir/\&. The last line shows the rsync_argvs file being used to invoke rsync\&. .PP Caveats: .PP The read-batch option expects the destination tree it is meant to update to be identical to the destination tree that was used to create the batch update fileset\&. When a difference between the destination trees is encountered the update will fail at that point, leaving the destination tree in a partially updated state\&. In that case, rsync can be used in its regular (non-batch) mode of operation to fix up the destination tree\&. .PP The rsync version used on all destinations should be identical to the one used on the original destination\&. .PP The -z/--compress option does not work in batch mode and yields a usage error\&. A separate compression tool can be used instead to reduce the size of the batch update files for transport to the destination\&. .PP The -n/--dryrun option does not work in batch mode and yields a runtime error\&. .PP See \fBhttp://www\&.ils\&.unc\&.edu/i2dsi/unc_rsync+\&.html\fP for papers and technical reports\&. .PP .SH "SYMBOLIC LINKS" .PP Three basic behaviours are possible when rsync encounters a symbolic link in the source directory\&. .PP By default, symbolic links are not transferred at all\&. A message "skipping non-regular" file is emitted for any symlinks that exist\&. .PP If \fB--links\fP is specified, then symlinks are recreated with the same target on the destination\&. Note that \fB--archive\fP implies \fB--links\fP\&. .PP If \fB--copy-links\fP is specified, then symlinks are "collapsed" by copying their referent, rather than the symlink\&. .PP rsync also distinguishes "safe" and "unsafe" symbolic links\&. An example where this might be used is a web site mirror that wishes ensure the rsync module they copy does not include symbolic links to \fB/etc/passwd\fP in the public section of the site\&. Using \fB--copy-unsafe-links\fP will cause any links to be copied as the file they point to on the destination\&. Using \fB--safe-links\fP will cause unsafe links to be ommitted altogether\&. .PP Symbolic links are considered unsafe if they are absolute symlinks (start with \fB/\fP), empty, or if they contain enough \fB"\&.\&."\fP components to ascend from the directory being copied\&. .PP .SH "DIAGNOSTICS" .PP rsync occasionally produces error messages that may seem a little cryptic\&. The one that seems to cause the most confusion is "protocol version mismatch - is your shell clean?"\&. .PP This message is usually caused by your startup scripts or remote shell facility producing unwanted garbage on the stream that rsync is using for its transport\&. The way to diagnose this problem is to run your remote shell like this: .PP .nf rsh remotehost /bin/true > out\&.dat .fi .PP then look at out\&.dat\&. If everything is working correctly then out\&.dat should be a zero length file\&. If you are getting the above error from rsync then you will probably find that out\&.dat contains some text or data\&. Look at the contents and try to work out what is producing it\&. The most common cause is incorrectly configured shell startup scripts (such as \&.cshrc or \&.profile) that contain output statements for non-interactive logins\&. .PP If you are having trouble debugging include and exclude patterns, then try specifying the -vv option\&. At this level of verbosity rsync will show why each individual file is included or excluded\&. .PP .SH "EXIT VALUES" .PP .IP "\fBRERR_SYNTAX 1\fP" Syntax or usage error .IP "\fBRERR_PROTOCOL 2\fP" Protocol incompatibility .IP "\fBRERR_FILESELECT 3\fP" Errors selecting input/output files, dirs .IP .IP "\fBRERR_UNSUPPORTED 4\fP" Requested action not supported: an attempt was made to manipulate 64-bit files on a platform that cannot support them; or an option was speciifed that is supported by the client and not by the server\&. .IP .IP "\fBRERR_SOCKETIO 10\fP" Error in socket IO .IP "\fBRERR_FILEIO 11\fP" Error in file IO .IP "\fBRERR_STREAMIO 12\fP" Error in rsync protocol data stream .IP "\fBRERR_MESSAGEIO 13\fP" Errors with program diagnostics .IP "\fBRERR_IPC 14\fP" Error in IPC code .IP "\fBRERR_SIGNAL 20\fP" Received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT .IP "\fBRERR_WAITCHILD 21\fP" Some error returned by waitpid() .IP "\fBRERR_MALLOC 22\fP" Error allocating core memory buffers .IP "\fBRERR_TIMEOUT 30\fP" Timeout in data send/receive .PP .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" .PP .IP .IP "\fBCVSIGNORE\fP" The CVSIGNORE environment variable supplements any ignore patterns in \&.cvsignore files\&. See the --cvs-exclude option for more details\&. .IP .IP "\fBRSYNC_RSH\fP" The RSYNC_RSH environment variable allows you to override the default shell used as the transport for rsync\&. Command line options are permitted after the command name, just as in the -e option\&. .IP .IP "\fBRSYNC_PROXY\fP" The RSYNC_PROXY environment variable allows you to redirect your rsync client to use a web proxy when connecting to a rsync daemon\&. You should set RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair\&. .IP .IP "\fBRSYNC_PASSWORD\fP" Setting RSYNC_PASSWORD to the required password allows you to run authenticated rsync connections to a rsync daemon without user intervention\&. Note that this does not supply a password to a shell transport such as ssh\&. .IP .IP "\fBUSER\fP or \fBLOGNAME\fP" The USER or LOGNAME environment variables are used to determine the default username sent to a rsync server\&. .IP .IP "\fBHOME\fP" The HOME environment variable is used to find the user\'s default \&.cvsignore file\&. .IP .PP .SH "FILES" .PP /etc/rsyncd\&.conf or rsyncd\&.conf .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP rsyncd\&.conf(5) .PP .SH "DIAGNOSTICS" .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP times are transferred as unix time_t values .PP When transferring to FAT filesystmes rsync may resync unmodified files\&. See the comments on the --modify-window option\&. .PP file permissions, devices etc are transferred as native numerical values .PP see also the comments on the --delete option .PP Please report bugs! See the website at http://rsync\&.samba\&.org/ .PP .SH "CREDITS" .PP rsync is distributed under the GNU public license\&. See the file COPYING for details\&. .PP A WEB site is available at http://rsync\&.samba\&.org/\&. The site includes an FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual page\&. .PP The primary ftp site for rsync is ftp://rsync\&.samba\&.org/pub/rsync\&. .PP We would be delighted to hear from you if you like this program\&. .PP This program uses the excellent zlib compression library written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\&. .PP .SH "THANKS" .PP Thanks to Richard Brent, Brendan Mackay, Bill Waite, Stephen Rothwell and David Bell for helpful suggestions, patches and testing of rsync\&. I\'ve probably missed some people, my apologies if I have\&. .PP Especial thanks also to: David Dykstra, Jos Backus, Sebastian Krahmer\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP rsync was written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras\&. .PP rsync is now maintained by Martin Pool \&. .PP Mailing lists for support and development are available at http://lists\&.samba\&.org .PP If you suspect you have found a security vulnerability in rsync, please send it directly to Martin Pool and Andrew Tridgell\&. For other enquiries, please use the mailing list\&. 070701000005ef000041ed0000006b00000064000000023f18109300000000000000200000003800000000000000000000000fff27088ereloc/man/man5070701000005f0000081a40000006b00000064000000013f180ae700005404000000200000003800000000000000000000001dff27088ereloc/man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5.TH "rsyncd\&.conf" "5" "26 Jan 2003" "" "" .SH "NAME" rsyncd\&.conf \- configuration file for rsync server .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP rsyncd\&.conf .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The rsyncd\&.conf file is the runtime configuration file for rsync when run as an rsync server\&. .PP The rsyncd\&.conf file controls authentication, access, logging and available modules\&. .PP .SH "FILE FORMAT" .PP The file consists of modules and parameters\&. A module begins with the name of the module in square brackets and continues until the next module begins\&. Modules contain parameters of the form \'name = value\'\&. .PP The file is line-based - that is, each newline-terminated line represents either a comment, a module name or a parameter\&. .PP Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant\&. Whitespace before or after the first equals sign is discarded\&. Leading, trailing and internal whitespace in module and parameter names is irrelevant\&. Leading and trailing whitespace in a parameter value is discarded\&. Internal whitespace within a parameter value is retained verbatim\&. .PP Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace\&. .PP Any line ending in a \e is "continued" on the next line in the customary UNIX fashion\&. .PP The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either a string (no quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given as yes/no, 0/1 or true/false\&. Case is not significant in boolean values, but is preserved in string values\&. .PP .SH "LAUNCHING THE RSYNC DAEMON" .PP The rsync daemon is launched by specifying the --daemon option to rsync\&. .PP The daemon must run with root privileges if you wish to use chroot, to bind to a port numbered under 1024 (as is the default 873), or to set file ownership\&. Otherwise, it must just have permission to read and write the appropriate data, log, and lock files\&. .PP You can launch it either via inetd, as a stand-alone daemon, or from an rsync client via a remote shell\&. If run as a stand-alone daemon then just run the command "rsync --daemon" from a suitable startup script\&. If run from an rsync client via a remote shell (by specifying both the "-e/--rsh" option and server mode with "::" or "rsync://"), the --daemon option is automatically passed to the remote side\&. .PP When run via inetd you should add a line like this to /etc/services: .PP .RS rsync 873/tcp .RE .PP and a single line something like this to /etc/inetd\&.conf: .PP .RS rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon .RE .PP Replace "/usr/bin/rsync" with the path to where you have rsync installed on your system\&. You will then need to send inetd a HUP signal to tell it to reread its config file\&. .PP Note that you should not send the rsync server a HUP signal to force it to reread the \f(CWrsyncd\&.conf\fP file\&. The file is re-read on each client connection\&. .PP .SH "GLOBAL OPTIONS" .PP The first parameters in the file (before a [module] header) are the global parameters\&. .PP You may also include any module parameters in the global part of the config file in which case the supplied value will override the default for that parameter\&. .PP .IP "\fBmotd file\fP" The "motd file" option allows you to specify a "message of the day" to display to clients on each connect\&. This usually contains site information and any legal notices\&. The default is no motd file\&. .IP .IP "\fBlog file\fP" The "log file" option tells the rsync daemon to log messages to that file rather than using syslog\&. This is particularly useful on systems (such as AIX) where syslog() doesn\'t work for chrooted programs\&. .IP .IP "\fBpid file\fP" The "pid file" option tells the rsync daemon to write its process id to that file\&. .IP .IP "\fBsyslog facility\fP" The "syslog facility" option allows you to specify the syslog facility name to use when logging messages from the rsync server\&. You may use any standard syslog facility name which is defined on your system\&. Common names are auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7\&. The default is daemon\&. .IP .IP "\fBsocket options\fP" This option can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their systems to the utmost degree\&. You can set all sorts of socket options which may make transfers faster (or slower!)\&. Read the man page for the setsockopt() system call for details on some of the options you may be able to set\&. By default no special socket options are set\&. .IP .PP .SH "MODULE OPTIONS" .PP After the global options you should define a number of modules, each module exports a directory tree as a symbolic name\&. Modules are exported by specifying a module name in square brackets [module] followed by the options for that module\&. .PP .IP .IP "\fBcomment\fP" The "comment" option specifies a description string that is displayed next to the module name when clients obtain a list of available modules\&. The default is no comment\&. .IP .IP "\fBpath\fP" The "path" option specifies the directory in the servers filesystem to make available in this module\&. You must specify this option for each module in \f(CWrsyncd\&.conf\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fBuse chroot\fP" If "use chroot" is true, the rsync server will chroot to the "path" before starting the file transfer with the client\&. This has the advantage of extra protection against possible implementation security holes, but it has the disadvantages of requiring super-user privileges, of not being able to follow symbolic links outside of the new root path when reading, and of implying the --numeric-ids option because /etc/passwd becomes inaccessible\&. When "use chroot" is false, for security reasons symlinks may only be relative paths pointing to other files within the root path, and leading slashes are removed from absolute paths\&. The default for "use chroot" is true\&. .IP .IP "\fBmax connections\fP" The "max connections" option allows you to specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections you will allow\&. Any clients connecting when the maximum has been reached will receive a message telling them to try later\&. The default is 0 which means no limit\&. See also the "lock file" option\&. .IP .IP "\fBlock file\fP" The "lock file" option specifies the file to use to support the "max connections" option\&. The rsync server uses record locking on this file to ensure that the max connections limit is not exceeded for the modules sharing the lock file\&. The default is \f(CW/var/run/rsyncd\&.lock\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fBread only\fP" The "read only" option determines whether clients will be able to upload files or not\&. If "read only" is true then any attempted uploads will fail\&. If "read only" is false then uploads will be possible if file permissions on the server allow them\&. The default is for all modules to be read only\&. .IP .IP "\fBlist\fP" The "list" option determines if this module should be listed when the client asks for a listing of available modules\&. By setting this to false you can create hidden modules\&. The default is for modules to be listable\&. .IP .IP "\fBuid\fP" The "uid" option specifies the user name or user id that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root\&. In combination with the "gid" option this determines what file permissions are available\&. The default is uid -2, which is normally the user "nobody"\&. .IP .IP "\fBgid\fP" The "gid" option specifies the group name or group id that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root\&. This complements the "uid" option\&. The default is gid -2, which is normally the group "nobody"\&. .IP .IP "\fBexclude\fP" The "exclude" option allows you to specify a space separated list of patterns to add to the exclude list\&. This is equivalent to the client specifying these patterns with the --exclude option, except that the exclude list is not passed to the client and thus only applies on the server: that is, it excludes files received by a client when receiving from a server and files deleted on a server when sending to a server, but it doesn\'t exclude files sent from a client when sending to a server or files deleted on a client when receiving from a server\&. Only one "exclude" option may be specified, but you can use "-" and "+" before patterns to specify exclude/include\&. .IP Note that this option is not designed with strong security in mind, it is quite possible that a client may find a way to bypass this exclude list\&. If you want to absolutely ensure that certain files cannot be accessed then use the uid/gid options in combination with file permissions\&. .IP .IP "\fBexclude from\fP" The "exclude from" option specifies a filename on the server that contains exclude patterns, one per line\&. This is equivalent to the client specifying the --exclude-from option with a equivalent file except that it applies only on the server\&. See also the "exclude" option above\&. .IP .IP "\fBinclude\fP" The "include" option allows you to specify a space separated list of patterns which rsync should not exclude\&. This is equivalent to the client specifying these patterns with the --include option except that it applies only on the server\&. This is useful as it allows you to build up quite complex exclude/include rules\&. Only one "include" option may be specified, but you can use "+" and "-" before patterns to switch include/exclude\&. See also the "exclude" option above\&. .IP .IP "\fBinclude from\fP" The "include from" option specifies a filename on the server that contains include patterns, one per line\&. This is equivalent to the client specifying the --include-from option with a equivalent file except that it applies only on the server\&. See also the "exclude" option above\&. .IP .IP "\fBauth users\fP" The "auth users" option specifies a comma and space separated list of usernames that will be allowed to connect to this module\&. The usernames do not need to exist on the local system\&. The usernames may also contain shell wildcard characters\&. If "auth users" is set then the client will be challenged to supply a username and password to connect to the module\&. A challenge response authentication protocol is used for this exchange\&. The plain text usernames are passwords are stored in the file specified by the "secrets file" option\&. The default is for all users to be able to connect without a password (this is called "anonymous rsync")\&. .IP See also the \fBCONNECTING TO AN RSYNC SERVER OVER A REMOTE SHELL PROGRAM\fP section in rsync(1) for information on how handle an rsyncd\&.conf-level username that differs from the remote-shell-level username when using a remote shell to connect to a rsync server\&. .IP .IP "\fBsecrets file\fP" The "secrets file" option specifies the name of a file that contains the username:password pairs used for authenticating this module\&. This file is only consulted if the "auth users" option is specified\&. The file is line based and contains username:password pairs separated by a single colon\&. Any line starting with a hash (#) is considered a comment and is skipped\&. The passwords can contain any characters but be warned that many operating systems limit the length of passwords that can be typed at the client end, so you may find that passwords longer than 8 characters don\'t work\&. .IP There is no default for the "secrets file" option, you must choose a name (such as \f(CW/etc/rsyncd\&.secrets\fP)\&. The file must normally not be readable by "other"; see "strict modes"\&. .IP .IP "\fBstrict modes\fP" The "strict modes" option determines whether or not the permissions on the secrets file will be checked\&. If "strict modes" is true, then the secrets file must not be readable by any user id other than the one that the rsync daemon is running under\&. If "strict modes" is false, the check is not performed\&. The default is true\&. This option was added to accommodate rsync running on the Windows operating system\&. .IP .IP "\fBhosts allow\fP" The "hosts allow" option allows you to specify a list of patterns that are matched against a connecting clients hostname and IP address\&. If none of the patterns match then the connection is rejected\&. .IP Each pattern can be in one of five forms: .IP .IP o a dotted decimal IPv4 address of the form a\&.b\&.c\&.d, or an IPv6 address of the form a:b:c::d:e:f\&. In this case the incoming machine\'s IP address must match exactly\&. .IP .IP o an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and n is the number of one bits in the netmask\&. All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in\&. .IP .IP o an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr where ipaddr is the IP address and maskaddr is the netmask in dotted decimal notation for IPv4, or similar for IPv6, e\&.g\&. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: instead of /64\&. All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in\&. .IP .IP o a hostname\&. The hostname as determined by a reverse lookup will be matched (case insensitive) against the pattern\&. Only an exact match is allowed in\&. .IP .IP o a hostname pattern using wildcards\&. These are matched using the same rules as normal unix filename matching\&. If the pattern matches then the client is allowed in\&. .IP Note IPv6 link-local addresses can have a scope in the address specification: .IP .RS fe80::1%link1 .RE .RS fe80::%link1/64 .RE .RS fe80::%link1/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: .RE .IP You can also combine "hosts allow" with a separate "hosts deny" option\&. If both options are specified then the "hosts allow" option s checked first and a match results in the client being able to connect\&. The "hosts deny" option is then checked and a match means that the host is rejected\&. If the host does not match either the "hosts allow" or the "hosts deny" patterns then it is allowed to connect\&. .IP The default is no "hosts allow" option, which means all hosts can connect\&. .IP .IP "\fBhosts deny\fP" The "hosts deny" option allows you to specify a list of patterns that are matched against a connecting clients hostname and IP address\&. If the pattern matches then the connection is rejected\&. See the "hosts allow" option for more information\&. .IP The default is no "hosts deny" option, which means all hosts can connect\&. .IP .IP "\fBignore errors\fP" The "ignore errors" option tells rsyncd to ignore IO errors on the server when deciding whether to run the delete phase of the transfer\&. Normally rsync skips the --delete step if any IO errors have occurred in order to prevent disasterous deletion due to a temporary resource shortage or other IO error\&. In some cases this test is counter productive so you can use this option to turn off this behaviour\&. .IP .IP "\fBignore nonreadable\fP" This tells the rsync server to completely ignore files that are not readable by the user\&. This is useful for public archives that may have some non-readable files among the directories, and the sysadmin doesn\'t want those files to be seen at all\&. .IP .IP "\fBtransfer logging\fP" The "transfer logging" option enables per-file logging of downloads and uploads in a format somewhat similar to that used by ftp daemons\&. If you want to customize the log formats look at the log format option\&. .IP .IP "\fBlog format\fP" The "log format" option allows you to specify the format used for logging file transfers when transfer logging is enabled\&. The format is a text string containing embedded single character escape sequences prefixed with a percent (%) character\&. .IP The prefixes that are understood are: .IP .IP o %h for the remote host name .IP o %a for the remote IP address .IP o %l for the length of the file in bytes .IP o %p for the process id of this rsync session .IP o %o for the operation, which is either "send" or "recv" .IP o %f for the filename .IP o %P for the module path .IP o %m for the module name .IP o %t for the current date time .IP o %u for the authenticated username (or the null string) .IP o %b for the number of bytes actually transferred .IP o %c when sending files this gives the number of checksum bytes received for this file .IP The default log format is "%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l", and a "%t [%p] " is always added to the beginning when using the "log file" option\&. .IP A perl script called rsyncstats to summarize this format is included in the rsync source code distribution\&. .IP .IP "\fBtimeout\fP" The "timeout" option allows you to override the clients choice for IO timeout for this module\&. Using this option you can ensure that rsync won\'t wait on a dead client forever\&. The timeout is specified in seconds\&. A value of zero means no timeout and is the default\&. A good choice for anonymous rsync servers may be 600 (giving a 10 minute timeout)\&. .IP .IP "\fBrefuse options\fP" The "refuse options" option allows you to specify a space separated list of rsync command line options that will be refused by your rsync server\&. The full names of the options must be used (i\&.e\&., you must use "checksum" not "c" to disable checksumming)\&. When an option is refused, the server prints an error message and exits\&. To prevent all compression, you can use "dont compress = *" (see below) instead of "refuse options = compress" to avoid returning an error to a client that requests compression\&. .IP .IP "\fBdont compress\fP" The "dont compress" option allows you to select filenames based on wildcard patterns that should not be compressed during transfer\&. Compression is expensive in terms of CPU usage so it is usually good to not try to compress files that won\'t compress well, such as already compressed files\&. .IP The "dont compress" option takes a space separated list of case-insensitive wildcard patterns\&. Any source filename matching one of the patterns will not be compressed during transfer\&. .IP The default setting is .nf *\&.gz *\&.tgz *\&.zip *\&.z *\&.rpm *\&.deb *\&.iso *\&.bz2 *\&.tbz .fi .IP .PP .SH "AUTHENTICATION STRENGTH" .PP The authentication protocol used in rsync is a 128 bit MD4 based challenge response system\&. Although I believe that no one has ever demonstrated a brute-force break of this sort of system you should realize that this is not a "military strength" authentication system\&. It should be good enough for most purposes but if you want really top quality security then I recommend that you run rsync over ssh\&. .PP Also note that the rsync server protocol does not currently provide any encryption of the data that is transferred over the link\&. Only authentication is provided\&. Use ssh as the transport if you want encryption\&. .PP Future versions of rsync may support SSL for better authentication and encryption, but that is still being investigated\&. .PP .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP A simple rsyncd\&.conf file that allow anonymous rsync to a ftp area at \f(CW/home/ftp\fP would be: .PP .nf [ftp] path = /home/ftp comment = ftp export area .fi .PP A more sophisticated example would be: .PP uid = nobody .br gid = nobody .br use chroot = no .br max connections = 4 .br syslog facility = local5 .br pid file = /var/run/rsyncd\&.pid .PP .nf [ftp] path = /var/ftp/pub comment = whole ftp area (approx 6\&.1 GB) [sambaftp] path = /var/ftp/pub/samba comment = Samba ftp area (approx 300 MB) [rsyncftp] path = /var/ftp/pub/rsync comment = rsync ftp area (approx 6 MB) [sambawww] path = /public_html/samba comment = Samba WWW pages (approx 240 MB) [cvs] path = /data/cvs comment = CVS repository (requires authentication) auth users = tridge, susan secrets file = /etc/rsyncd\&.secrets .fi .PP The /etc/rsyncd\&.secrets file would look something like this: .PP tridge:mypass .br susan:herpass .PP .SH "FILES" .PP /etc/rsyncd\&.conf or rsyncd\&.conf .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP rsync(1) .PP .SH "DIAGNOSTICS" .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP The rsync server does not send all types of error messages to the client\&. this means a client may be mystified as to why a transfer failed\&. The error will have been logged by syslog on the server\&. .PP Please report bugs! The rsync bug tracking system is online at http://rsync\&.samba\&.org/ .PP .SH "VERSION" This man page is current for version 2\&.0 of rsync .PP .SH "CREDITS" .PP rsync is distributed under the GNU public license\&. See the file COPYING for details\&. .PP The primary ftp site for rsync is ftp://rsync\&.samba\&.org/pub/rsync\&. .PP A WEB site is available at http://rsync\&.samba\&.org/ .PP We would be delighted to hear from you if you like this program\&. .PP This program uses the zlib compression library written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\&. .PP .SH "THANKS" .PP Thanks to Warren Stanley for his original idea and patch for the rsync server\&. Thanks to Karsten Thygesen for his many suggestions and documentation! .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP rsync was written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras\&. They may be contacted via email at tridge@samba\&.org and Paul\&.Mackerras@cs\&.anu\&.edu\&.au .PP 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!